Easily create LiveEngage messaging Bot. This is an initial version which will be extended soon.
npm install agent-sdk --save
- Edit a copy of the example examples/getting_started/echo-bot.js
- Create a LiveEngage account with messaging enabled.
- Set BRANDID with your LiveEngage account id
- Set USERNAME with an agent name associated with your BOT.
- Set PASSWORD as the password of the agent associated with your BOT.
- run echo-bot.js: node echo-bot.js
The agent-sdk is built to wrap the agent subset protocol for our UMS service.
The sdk is divided to asynchronous events and prmoised based API .
let AgentSDK = require('agent-sdk');
brandid: LiveEngage accountid
username: LiveEngage agent's login name
password: LiveEngage agent's password
timestamp: The time stamp from which LiveEngage events should be fetched
let as = new AgentSDK(brandid, username, password, timestamp);
Consumer is requesting for a conversation
Sample Data:
"ringId": "1f306a8d-bc48-4d3d-8e74-f778c5588de9_9b9d4251-b748-3475-bcc0-26a18cfd834d",
"ringState": "646f0078-bb1f-4faf-8353-15be257e4f8f",
"convId": "684fdcb0-bbf5-44ad-a39d-fcae7919d959",
"consumerId: "98097e05-f4ab-48be-b0ee-c116edcb6f69",
"skillId": "736937610"
Consumer message sent before the bot accepted the conversation
Sample Data:
"convId": "684fdcb0-bbf5-44ad-a39d-fcae7919d959",
"consumerId": "98097e05-f4ab-48be-b0ee-c116edcb6f69",
"serverTimestamp": 1438499478874,
"type": "ContentEvent",
"message": "Hi there!!!",
"contentType": "text/plain"
Consumer message
Sample Data:
"convId": "684fdcb0-bbf5-44ad-a39d-fcae7919d959",
"consumerId": "98097e05-f4ab-48be-b0ee-c116edcb6f69",
"serverTimestamp": 1438499478874,
"type": "ContentEvent",
"message": "Hi there!!!",
"contentType": "text/plain"
Consumer has resolved (closed) the conversation
Sample Data:
"convId": "684fdcb0-bbf5-44ad-a39d-fcae7919d959"
Accept a consumer request for a conversation
Return (Promise) Value:
Empty Promise
Get the profile of a consumer
Return (Promise) Value:
"description":"auto description",
Send a compose notification
Return (Promise) Value:
Empty Promise
Send an online notification
Return (Promise) Value:
Empty Promise
Send text message
Return (Promise) Value:
Empty Promise
Resolve (close) conversation
Return (Promise) Value:
Empty Promise
Transfer conversation to a different skill. The target skill is associated with another agent (human or bot). Please read #3 in the 'Important issues' section regarding skillId.
Return (Promise) Value:
Empty Promise
Bot (LiveEngage agent) Login failure
A UMS API or network error
Under the directory examples/luisai_bot, there is more advanced example based on Microsoft's:
- botbuilder framework
- Luis AI
In the file README.md you will find a useful information for running this example.
- It's important to register to the sdk errors.
- A LoginError is triggered in case that the bot failed to login to LiveEngage. In case that the LoginError is due to "password expired", a new password should be set in LiveEngage and used while initiating an agent-sdk instance.
- In order to use transferToSkill method a valid skill id should be used.
The list of skill ids can be obtained by a csv export inside the LiveEngage console (users->skills)