Do It is a serverless to-do list application that manages data using the browser's localStorage.
Functionally, the application:
- Tracks in-progress and completed tasks
- Allows the user to set a due date and priority for a given task
- Provides the option to edit and delete tasks
- Displays and sorts tasks by the following categories:
- Inbox: All in-progress tasks sorted by priority
- Today: Tasks due for the current date
- Upcoming: Tasks due within the current week (7 days)
- Completed: A history of all completed tasks and the date they were completed on
- Projects: A collection of project specific tasks sorted by due date
- Overdue: A collection of tasks past their due date at the top of the page
- Provides a demo button to automatically add tasks to the app for demonstration purposes
- How to sort and manage data using a browser's localStorage and the Web Storage API.
- How to use transitions for visual effects on the page
- Practice structuring and creating app components/ code for reusability and maintainability
- Github issue creation and closure process
- How to link issues and commits
- Practice with Github's project tracker
- Practice with webpack