SELECT * FROM customers;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers;
first_name last_name SELECT first_name, last_name, points, (points % 10) AS 'discount factor' FROM customers;
first_name last_name points discount factor Exercise
Return All the Products
- name
- unit price
- new price (unit price * 1.1)
SELECT name, unit_price, (unit_price * 1.1) AS new_price FROM products;
name unit_price new_price
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE points > 3000;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE state = 'va';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE birth_date > '1990-01-01';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date Exercise
Get the orders places this years
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date >= '2022-01-01';
order_id customer_id first_name last_name points status order_date
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE birth_date > '1990-01-01' AND points > 1000;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE birth_date > '1990-01-01' OR points > 1000 AND state = 'va';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE NOT (birth_date > '1990-01-01' OR points > 1000);
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE birth_date <= '1990-01-01' AND points <= 1000;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date Exercise
From the order_items table, get the item
- For order #6
- where the total price is greater than 30
SELECT * FROM order_items WHERE order_id = 6 AND unit_price * quantity > 30;
order_id product_id unit_price quantity order_item
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE state = 'va' OR state = 'ga' OR state = 'fl';
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE state IN ('va', 'ga', 'fl');
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE state NOT IN ('va', 'ga', 'fl');
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date Exercise
Return products with
- quantity in stock equal to 49, 38, 72
SELECT * FROM products WHERE quantity_in_stock IN (49, 38, 72);
order_id product_id unit_price quantity_in_stocks order_item
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE points >= 1000 AND points <= 3000;
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE points BETWEEN 1000 AND 3000;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date Exercise
Return customers born
- between 1/1/1990 AND 1/1/2000
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE birth_date BETWEEN '1990-01-01` AND `2000-01-01`;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
% -----> Any number of characters
_ -----> Single Character
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE 'b%';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE 'brush%';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE '%b%';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE '%y';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE '_y';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE '_______y';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE 'b_______y';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date Exercise
Get the customers whose
- addresses contain TRAIL or AVENUE
- phone number end with 9
addresses contain TRAIL or AVENUE
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE address LIKE '%trail%' OR address LIKE '%avenue%';
customer_id first_name last_name points address phone_no birth_date phone number end with 9
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE phone_no LIKE '%9';
customer_id first_name last_name points address phone_no birth_date
^ -----> beginning
$ -----> end
| -----> logical or
[gim]e -----> ge, ie, me
e[faq] -----> ef, ea, eq
[a-f]g -----> ag, bg, cg, dg, eg, fg
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE '%brush%';
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP '^brush';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush$';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush|mac';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush|mac|field';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP '^brush|mac|field';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush$|mac|field';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP '[gim]e';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'e[abc]';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP '[a-h]e';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date Exercise
Get the customers whose
- first names are ELKA or AMAR
- last names end with EY or ON
- last names start with MY or contains SE
- last names contain B followed by R or U
first names are ELKA or AMAR
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE first_name REGEXP 'elka | amar';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date last names end with EY or ON
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'ey$ | on$';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date last names start with MY or contains SE
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP '^my | se';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date last names contain B followed by R or U
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'b[ru]';
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name REGEXP 'br | bu';
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE phone_no IS NULL;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers WHERE phone_no IS NOT NULL;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date Exercise
Get the orders that are not shipped
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE shipped_date IS NULL;
order_id customer_id first_name last_name points status shipped_date order_date
SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY first_name;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY first_name DESC;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY first_name, state;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY first_name DESC, state DESC;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers ORDER BY birth_date;
first_name last_name SELECT first_name, last_name, 10 AS points FROM customers ORDER BY first_name, points;
SELECT first_name, last_name, 10 AS points FROM customers ORDER BY 1, 3;
first_name last_name points -
LIMIT 6 -----> print first 6 rows(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
LIMIT 6, 3 -----> Skip first 6 rows(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) then print 3 rows(7, 8, 9)
SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 6;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 6, 3;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date Exercise
Get the top three loyal customers
SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 3;
customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
In INNER JOIN keyword, INNER is optional
are same
SELECT * FROM orders INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
SELECT * FROM orders JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
order_id customer_id orderr_date status comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT order_id, first_name, last_name FROM orders JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
order_id first_name last_name SELECT order_id, customer_id, first_name, last_name FROM orders JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
SELECT order_id, orders.customer_id, first_name, last_name FROM orders JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
SELECT order_id, o.customer_id, first_name, last_name FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
order_id customer_id first_name last_name Exercise
JOIN the order_items table with products table
- each order returns all product_id as well as its name follewed by quantity and unit price from order_items table
SELECT * FROM order_items oi JOIN products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
order_id product_id quantity unit_price name quantity_in_stock unit_price SELECT order_id, oi.product_id, quantity, unit_price FROM order_items oi JOIN products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
both unit_price are different
order_id product_id quantity unit_price unit_price SELECT order_id, oi.product_id, quantity, oi.unit_price FROM order_items oi JOIN products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
order_id product_id quantity unit_price
USE sql_store; SELECT * FROM order_items oi JOIN sql_inventory.products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
USE sql_inventory; SELECT * FROM sql_store.order_items oi JOIN products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
order_id product_id quantity unit_price product_id name quantity_in_stock unit_price -
USE sql_hr; SELECT * FROM employees e JOIN employees m ON e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
employee_id first_name last_name job_title salary reports_to office_id employee_id first_name last_name job_title salary reports_to office_id USE sql_hr; SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, m.first_name FROM employees e JOIN employees m ON e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
employee_id first_name first_name USE sql_hr; SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, m.first_name AS manager FROM employees e JOIN employees m ON e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
employee_id first_name manager -
USE sql_store; SELECT * FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id JOIN order_statuses os ON o.status = os.order_status_id;
order_id customer_id order_date status order_status_id comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date USE sql_store; SELECT o.order_id, o.order_date, c.first_name, c.last_name, os.name AS status FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id JOIN order_statuses os ON o.status = os.order_status_id;
order_id order_date first_name last_name status -
SELECT * FROM order_items oi JOIN order_item_notes oin ON oi.order_id = oin.order_id AND oi.product_id = oin.product_id;
order_id product_id order_date status comments product_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date -
Explicit Inner Join Syntax
SELECT * FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
Implicit Inner Join Syntax
SELECT * FROM orders o, customers c WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
order_id customer_id orderr_date status comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date -
OUTER Joins are two types
And here also OUTER keyword is optional
so write syntax as
SELECT * FROM orders o LEFT OUTER JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_id;
SELECT * FROM orders o LEFT JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_id;
order_id customer_id orderr_date status comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT * FROM orders o RIGHT OUTER JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_id;
SELECT * FROM orders o RIGHT JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_id;
order_id customer_id orderr_date status comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date SELECT o.order_id, c.customer_id, c.first_name FROM orders o LEFT JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_id;
order_id customer_id first_name SELECT o.order_id, c.customer_id, c.first_name FROM orders o RIGHT JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_id;
order_id customer_id first_name -
SELECT o.order_id, c.customer_id, c.first_name FROM orders o LEFT JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id JOIN shippers sh ON o.shipper_id = sh.shipper_id ORDER BY c.customer_id;
order_id customer_id first_name SELECT o.order_id, c.customer_id, c.first_name, sh.name AS shipper FROM orders o LEFT JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id LEFT JOIN shippers sh ON o.shipper_id = sh.shipper_id ORDER BY c.customer_id;
order_id customer_id first_name shipper -
USE sql_hr; SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, m.first_name AS manager FROM employees e LEFT JOIN employees m ON e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
employee_id first_name manager -
use USING keyword if same column name in both tables
SELECT o.order_id, c.first_name FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
SELECT o.order_id, c.first_name FROM orders o JOIN customers c USING (customer_id);
order_id first_name SELECT * FROM order_items oi JOIN order_item_notes oin ON oi.order_id = oin.order_id AND oi.product_id = oin.product_id;
SELECT * FROM order_items oi JOIN order_item_notes oin USING (order_id, product_id);
order_id product_id order_date status comments product_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date -
SELECT o.order_id, c.customer_id, c.first_name FROM orders o NATURAL JOIN customers c;
order_id customer_id first_name -
Explicit Inner Join Syntax
SELECT c.first_name AS customer, p.name AS product FROM customers c CROSS JOIN product p ORDER BY c.first_name;
Implicit Inner Join Syntax
SELECT c.first_name AS customer, p.name AS product FROM customers c, product p ORDER BY c.first_name;
customer product -
SELECT customer_id, first_name, points, 'Bronze' AS type FROM customers WHERE points < 2000; UNION SELECT customer_id, first_name, points, 'Silver' AS type FROM customers WHERE points BETWEEN 2000 AND 3000; UNION SELECT customer_id, first_name, points, 'Gold' AS type FROM customers WHERE points > 3000 ORDER BY first_name;
customer_id first_name points type