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How to release

Mathias Rangel Wulff edited this page Jan 21, 2020 · 21 revisions

#!/bin/sh : '

How to release a new version of AlaSQL

AlaSQL uses git flow to manage development and Semantic Versioning to manage versioning. In practice the result is that the master branch is never updated without updating the version number. That includes changes like corrections to documentation files such as

The formatting of this document is a bit funny because it works both as a markdown document and a sh script. Running the command

> npm run release

will curl the content of this wiki page to sh.

' go(){

#Please update the following checklist where you see a better way...

# Get latest version of master and develop

run "Make sure you have the last version of both master and develop" "git checkout master && git pull && git checkout develop && git pull"

# Install node modules

run "Install node modules" "yarn install"

# Check for node modules to be updated

run "Make sure all node modules are up to date" "yarn uptodate"

# Verify that yarn test does not give any errors

echo "For the checklist to continue build+test must be OK" && hitkey
yarn test || exit 1
hitkey && br

# What kind of changes are involved in this release



run "Identify next version number.${CR}First, determine if the changes involved are:${CR}Bug fixes, Added functinality or Incompatible API changes" 'open $commitUrl 2>/dev/null || { echo "No browser found to open: $commitUrl" && hitkey ; }'

# Pick the correct version number:

preVersion=`npm list alasql --silent --depth=0 | grep -o "alasql@[^ ]*" | cut -c8-` # Dancing around as npm view .. version will give info about any globally installed package before the local one
while true; do
	echo "\033[0;32mVersion is now $preVersion" 
	echo "For the format X.Y.Z select part to bump:" 
	echo "  X) MAJOR - incompatible API changes" 
	echo "  Y) MINOR - added functionality in a backwards-compatible manner"
	echo "  Z) PATCH - backwards-compatible bug fixes\033[0m"
	echo "  Q)         Do not bump the version"
	read -p ": " v
	case $v in
		[Xx]* ) ./node_modules/.bin/mversion major ; break ;;
		[Yy]* ) ./node_modules/.bin/mversion minor ; break ;;
		[Zz]* ) ./node_modules/.bin/mversion patch ; break ;;
		[Qq]* ) echo "No changes made" ; break ;;
		* ) echo "Please answer X, Y, Z or Q" && echo ;;
# identify new version
thisVersion=`npm list alasql --silent --depth=0 | grep -o "alasql@[^ ]*" | cut -c8-` # Dancing around as 'npm view .. version' will give info about any globally installed package before the local one
echo "Version was bumped: $preVersion -> $thisVersion"

# Switch to or create a release branch git flow release start x.y.z (in source tree click "git flow" at the top right). Name it exactly as the new version number (for example "0.2.0").

 if grep -m 1 -q 'release/' <<< "`git branch`"  ; then
     git stash --quiet && git checkout -q "release/$thisVersion" 2> /dev/null && git stash pop --quiet || echo "Problem switching to branch release/$thisVersion${CR}but there is a branch named `git branch | grep -m 1 -o 'release/.*'`" && git stash pop --quiet && flee "Please delete the `git branch | grep -m 1 -o 'release/.*'` branch or rerun this checklist ${CR}making sure the version bump matches the existing branch version" ;
     run "Create and switch to a new release branch" "git stash --quiet; git flow release start $thisVersion ; git stash pop --quiet"

# Update with some words to what has changed. Select a city name the flavor of the day as part of the title. You can see the commits and the roadmap for inspiration to what to write

run "Update with some words to what has changed.${CR}${CR}Set title as '$thisVersion \"CITYNAME\" (DD.MM.YYYY)'${CR}For example '$thisVersion \"Athens\" (13.07.2015)'${CR}${CR}Select a city name (flavor of the day) as part of the title." '{ open $commitUrl 2>/dev/null || echo "No browser found to open: $commitUrl" ; } && { open $roadmapUrl 2>/dev/null || echo "No browser found to open: $roadmapUrl" && hitkey ; } && { open || vim ; } && echo "Please edit before continuing"'

# Copy al content from into

run "Update with the one on the wiki" "curl -o"

# Verify that npm test does not give any errors

echo "For the checklist to continue build+test must be OK and a test cover report will be created" && hitkey
yarn test || exit 1
yarn test-cover 

# push package to npm npm publish

run "push package to npm" "npm publish"

# Add and commit changes

run "Add and commit changed files" "git commit -am 'Updated version in files to $thisVersion'"

# Finish release git flow release finish x.y.z (for source tree just clicking "git-flow" at the top right corner)

run "Finish git-flow release" "git flow release finish $thisVersion"

# Push develop, master and tags to github

run "Push develop and master + tags to github" "git checkout master && git push && git checkout develop && git push && git push --tags"

# Create a new github release Same description as and with release title as "CITYNAME" (TODAY) for example "Athens" (19.01.2038) You should be able to find it in the dropdown in "Tag version" - and select master as branch.


run "Create a new github release.${CR}${CR}Same title and description as in but without title version number${CR}${CR}You should be able to find $thisVersion in the dropdown \"Tag version\"${CR}${CR}Please select MASTER as branch(!)${CR}" '{ open || vim ; } & { open $releaseUrl 2>/dev/null || echo "No browser found to open: $releaseUrl" && hitkey ; }'
You are done !


Things to check before you run the checklist

clear && echo
echo "How to release a new version of AlaSQL" && hr 
info "Checking all is OK to start the checklist..." && echo 

# Check npm is installed

node -v > /dev/null 2>&1 || flee "Please install npm before continuing"  

# Check npm is installed

yarn -v > /dev/null 2>&1 || flee "Please install npm before continuing"  

# Check we are in same folder as package.json

  [ -f ./package.json ] || flee "Please cd to package root folder" 

# Check we are in the AlaSQL module

  [ "alasql" = "$(npm view .. name)" ] || flee "This checklist is ment for AlaSQL" 

# Check git is installed

  git version > /dev/null 2>&1 || flee "Please install git before continuing"  

# Check git-flow is installed

  git flow version > /dev/null 2>&1 || flee "Please install git-flow before continuing" 

# Check repo has git-flow config

  grep -q 'gitflow' ./.git/config || run "To run the checklist you must prepare the repo for git-flow${CR}Its recommended to accept the suggested values" "git flow init" || flee "Please 'git flow init' before restarting this checklist"
Now go do the steps in the checklist

Functions to make it all easy

pause() {
 OLDCONFIG=`stty -g`
 stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 0
 dd count=1 2>/dev/null

  echo "$(echo "\033[0;101mManual action:\033[0m \033[0;32m$1\033[0m ")" 
  if [ -n "$2" ]; then
    echo "This might help you: \033[1;36m$2\033[0m"
  info "Hit a key when its done..." 

CR=`echo '\n.'` ###### Get a carriage return into `CR`

hr () {
    echo "‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗" && echo

br () {
  clear && hr

run () { ###### Aks if user wants to execute something
    while true; do
        read -p "$(echo "\033[0;32m$1\033[0m")${CR}Would you like to execute: $CR$(echo "\033[1;30m$2\033[0m")$CR(Yes) " yn
        case ${yn:-Y} in
            [Yy]* ) { { eval $2 && hitkey } || flee "Please solve the problem manually and restart this checklist"; } ; } && br && return;;
            [Nn]* ) echo "$(echo "\033[0;101mThis step was skipped - Please fix manually...\033[0m")" && hitkey && br && return 1;;
            [Qq]* ) echo "Are you a quitter?" && exit;;
            * ) echo "${CR}Please answer $(echo "\033[0;32mY\033[0mes or \033[0;31mN\033[0mo")";;
info () {
    echo "\033[1;30m$1\033[0m"
hitkey () { 
     info "Hit a key to continue..." && pause 
  echo "\033[0;101m$1\033[0m"
  echo && alert "$1" && echo && exit 1
  echo "\033[0;32mAll Done!\033[0m${CR}"
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