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Mathias Rangel Wulff edited this page Feb 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

Keyword SEARCH

AlaSQL SEARCH operator is designed to traverse over JSON objects and graphs and is inspired by the OrientDB graph search


    SEARCH selectors [FROM (table|object)]

You can use it with graphs:

    var res = alasql('SEARCH / "Harry" PATH("Roger") VERTEX name');

or with JSON files:

   var catalog = { 
     Europe: {
       fruits: [
     Asia: {
     Africa: {

    var res = alasql('SEARCH Europe FROM ?',[catalog]);
    // [{fruits: [
    //    {fruit:'Apple'},
    //    {fruit:'Peach'},          
    //  ]}]);

    var res = alasql('SEARCH /fruits/ FROM ?',[catalog]);
    // [{fruit:'Apple'}, {fruit:'Peach'}]

    var res = alasql('SEARCH /fruits/fruit FROM ?',[catalog]);
    // ['Apple','Peach']

    var res = alasql('SEARCH /fruits/WHERE(fruit="Apple") FROM ?',[catalog]);
    // [{fruit:'Apple'}]

    var res = alasql('SEARCH ///WHERE(fruit="Apple") FROM ?',[catalog]);
    // [{fruit:'Apple'}]

Have a look at RETURN to modify the output when wanting to finetune SEARCH outputs

More relevant example:

var alasql = require('alasql');

var data = [
		members: [
				categories: ['JavaScript','C++']
				categories: ['JavaScript','PHP']
		members: [
				categories: ['JavaScript']

var res = alasql('SEARCH / AS @team \
		members / AS @member \
		categories / AS @category  \
		RETURN(@team->teamname AS team, @member->membername AS member, @category AS category) \
		FROM ?',[data]);


[ { team: 'Alpha', member: 'Andrey', category: 'JavaScript' },
  { team: 'Alpha', member: 'Andrey', category: 'C++' },
  { team: 'Alpha', member: 'Mathias', category: 'JavaScript' },
  { team: 'Alpha', member: 'Mathias', category: 'Java' },
  { team: 'Beta', member: 'Ole', category: 'JavaScript' } ]


  • SEARCH - search keyword
  • / - walk over all members of array
  • AS @team - save result into temporary variable team * members - take member property of previous result
  • / - walk over all members of members array
  • AS @member - save result into temporary variable member * categories - take category property of previous result
  • /- walk over categories array
  • RETURN(...) - pseudo-function to create result record
  • RETURN(@team->teamname AS team,...) - take temporary variable 'team', take its teamname property and store it as team property of result object
  • FROM ? - standard source from array clause
  • alasql('...',[data]) - take source data from data array

Other examples of SEARCH operator:

  • [How to parse a Json with array and objects and export the data into Excel file](How to parse a Json with array and objects and export the data into Excel file)

See also: RETURN

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