Example SAML 2.0 IdP written on OpenSAML to test an Okta ACS crash.
Fixed as of Okta 2018.11 in Okta Preview. Good work, Okta Engineering!
- WhiteFang34: How to create a valid SAML 2.0 Assertion with OpenSAML library in Java
- Prateek: XML Document to String
- @chris-whittick for refactoring examples to work with OpenSAML 3.x
It was built to send arbitrary attributes to an ACS in order to identify which attributes cause problems.
In particular, it was built to debug a compatibility issue between Okta and AD FS Device Registration. Okta will not allow assertions with isRegisteredUser attributes due to a bug. It causes a crash and forces AD FS users with this enabled to perform workarounds like using private browsing mode to suppress Device Registration.
This is not suitable for use as an actual Identity Provider, but it has elements you could remix into one.
- Generate a throwaway PKCS#12 keystore:
keytool -genkey -alias 1 -validity 365 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \
-keystore idp-signing.p12 -storetype pkcs12 \
-storepass changeit \
-dname 'CN=opensaml-example-idp Signing'
- Export the public key:
keytool -exportcert -alias 1 \
-keystore idp-signing.p12 -storetype pkcs12 \
-storepass changeit > idp-signing.crt
- Create an Identity Provider in Okta Preview
- Set Name to opensaml-example-idp
- Leave IdP Username as is
- Check Only allow usernames that match
defined RegEx Pattern and set pattern to
- Prevents succesful login with this IdP without preventing logs
- Set If no match is found to Redirect to Okta sign-in page
- Set IdP Issuer URI to
- Set IdP Single Sign-On URL to
- Set IdP Signature Certificate by uploading idp-signing.crt
- Copy/paste idp.properties.template to idp.properties
- Modify idp.properties:
- Set issuer to
- Set audienceRestriction to be the Audience URI from the Identity Provider you created in Okta in step 3
- Set destinationUrl to be the Assertion Consumer Service URL from the Identity Provider you created in Okta in step 3
- Set issuer to
Note: you can adapt the guide above. It's intended as a quick start.
- Delete the expired keystore:
rm idp-signing.p12
- Generate a new throwaway PKCS#12 keystore:
keytool -genkey -alias 1 -validity 365 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \
-keystore idp-signing.p12 -storetype pkcs12 \
-storepass changeit \
-dname 'CN=opensaml-example-idp Signing'
- Export the public key:
keytool -exportcert -alias 1 \
-keystore idp-signing.p12 -storetype pkcs12 \
-storepass changeit > idp-signing.crt
- Edit the opensaml-example-idp Identity Provider in Okta Preview
- Set IdP Signature Certificate by uploading idp-signing.crt
./gradlew run -PappArgs="works-for-okta"
It should fail with GENERAL_NONSUCCESS if you configured Okta with a Filter that rejects all usernames (as directed in the Quick Start).
Get the X-Okta-Request-Id from the program output. In Okta, go to Reports > System Log and search for:
transaction.id eq "{PUT TRANSACTION ID HERE}"
You should see three log events:
- FAILURE : Unable to match transformed username
- This is due to the Filter regex we deliberately set to block logins
- FAILURE : User Denied/Rejected
- This seems to a be a roll-up of the over errors
- FAILURE : Unknown Profile Attribute
Expand Event > System > DebugContext > DebugData: you should see AttributeNames
(that's an XSAny attribute resulting from Object attribute in AttributeExamples.java)Okta normally ignores bad attributes, which it does here.
./gradlew run -PappArgs="crash-okta"
Get the X-Okta-Request-Id and go to Reports > System Log and search for:
transaction.id eq "{PUT TRANSACTION ID HERE}"
If the bug still exists, no events will match.
Ask Okta Support to find the crash log by providing them with the X-Okta-Request-Id.
Arguably, Okta should ignore the isRegisteredUser
attribute, but I
understand that it causes a ClassCastException in the ACS backend
and never gets logged to the System Log we can see as customers.
You can add to AttributeExamples.java pretty easily:
- Copy/paste one of the example attribute methods
- Add a constant with a value you want to pass from the command-line
- Add that constant as a case inthe switch statement