This project was created to demonstrate and benchmark one form of Python-Rust FFI for the Colorado Springs Python user group called PySprings.
I have included results from running the benchmark in the
file in this repo.
There are two steps to running the benchmarks. The first is easy but will take a while, simply run the following commands:
$> virtualenv venv --python=python3
$> source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $> pip install -r benchmark.reqs.txt
(venv) $> python
After running those commands the results should be printed for you. However these results do not contain the run for pypy. In order to benchmark pypy some extra steps are required.
First, create a virtualenv with pypy as the interpreter:
$> virtualenv pypy-venv --python=$(which pypy3)
$> source pypy-venv/bin/activate
Now install the dependencies into this new environment. The installation of
may require you to have the libjpeg-dev
headers installed.
(pypy-venv) $> pip install -r bencmarks.reqs.txt
Now run
with the --python-only
flag to get your pypy
(pypy-venv) $> python --pure-python