Curated list of companies in geospatial industry which you can use when looking for a job. The list is sorted by country and with some extent by industry domain. I have compiled it over many years while I was a part of GIS industry. This list is live and new companies are added often.
Each company is documented in format of [company website]: very brief description of what they do
. Obviously quite a few companies work with a variety things so they can be hard to categorize. A company may have jobs for GIS developers, digital mappers, photogrammetry experts, machine learning professionals, and so forth. I suggest exploring their home page to learn more about them. It is also possible that a company did just one thing when this list was published, but then they expanded and now advertize for other job titles, too.
It is also possible that a company is located under a certain country section, but may have offices in other countries, too. However, keep in mind that they may look for geospatial positions only in a particular country/office. Company description is not comprehensive: a company may do many other things apart from geospatial related operations, but I won't mention them as they are irrelevant in this context. Some companies may permit working remotely. Again, please explore the company website to double-check. Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, if the URL is broken, just use a web search engine to find a company's website.
If you know a company in geospatial sector, by all means, please do submit a pull request so we could expand this list. The geospatial industry is fairly small so I thought sharing this list with the community would benefit both the companies looking for talent and peer professionals looking for a job.
- Orexplore: Geological data visualization
- Kapsch TrafficCom: Solutions around live traffic and transportation IT engineering
- Sjöfartsverket: Swedish national marine agency
- SGU: Swedish geological agency
- Lantmäteriet: Swedish national mapping agency
- Carmenta: Geospatial analytics software for mapping, GIS, and real-time fleet management
- Airmee: Urban delivery routing
- DHI Group: Software development in water quality / flood modelling GIS
- SMHI: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
- Qlik: Data visualization / digital mapping
- Decerno: GIS routing / programming
- Datcha: Web development for geospatial analytics in real estate sector
- Geposit: Web geocoding and address management
- Vultus: Satellite imagery processing for farmers
- Mapillary: Map data at scale from street-level imagery
- Fatmap: Outdoor adventure mapping platform
- Sensewhere: Indoor navigation
- Ordnance Survey: British national mapping agency
- Stratumfive: online vessel monitoring and fleet tracking software
- Groundsure: GIS / environmental consultancy
- What3Words: GIS geocoding
- Wrld: 3D mapping
- EoSphere: Satellite imagery
- Enthought: Python geospatial consulting
- SciSYS: Satellite imagery processing
- Geoslam: Indoor 3d mapping
- Astrosat: Satellite imagery processing
- Rezatec: Satellite imagery processing
- Swiftera: Satellite imagery processing and analytics
- Global Surface Intelligence: Satellite imagery processing
- Gamma: Geospatial consulting
- Compass Informatics: Web mapping consulting
- Agspace Agriculture: Satellite images processing for farmers
- Lutra Consulting: Open-source GIS development
- Satavia: Data science + machine learning / GIS, aviation data analysis
- Fuel3D: 3D scanning software
- Petroleum experts: Petroleum engineering
- Critigen: Geospatial integrator
- 1Spatial: GIS consultancy and product development
- Quipup: Online routing for e-commerce
- Deliveroo: Online routing for e-commerce
- Compass Informatics: GIS consulting / services
- 3D laser mapping: 3D laser mapping software development
- Drone explorer: 3D laser mapping and drones
- Drone photography services: 3D laser mapping and drones
- Drone services: Drone services
- Cadcorp: GIS platform software kit
- exeGesIS : Geospatial software development and services
- BioCarbon Engineering: Forestry mapping / restore forest UAV
- Innogy: Energy GIS
- Geospatial insight: Remote sensing added-value analytics
- Centre of Excellence for Innovation and Growth: Scientific and engineering consultancy
- The carto group: GIS for Construction and Real Estate
- Earth-i: Remote sensing added-value analytics and imagery
- Terragotech: Publish GIS maps as GeoPDF
- Rosen group: geotechnical engineering, GIS
- VectorWorks: CAD/BIM
- CodaOctopus: underwater radar sensor hardware
- Inmarsat: Satellite phones networking
- Gigaclear: Fibre network development
- Macleod Simmonds: Geospatial surveying
- Improbable: Game development - mapping engine with geospatial support
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory: GIS development/research
- GetMapping: GIS data products processing
- Deep Planet: Satellite imagery processing into GIS
- Navenio: Indoor navigation
- Argans: Environment / remote sensing consultancy
- Telespazio: Remote sensing / Earth observation
- Tcarta: GIS data sales
- Parkopedia: Parking service provider (data analytics)
- Navico: Marine Electronics (mapping/GPS/data)
- EarthSense Systems: Air quality technologies
- Geospock: Spatial big data platform
- Cervest: AI for climate smart decisions
- BP: Oil & gas industry
- Envitia: Geospatial software and consultancy
- CityFibre: Broadband geospatial engineering
- ThinkWhere: Geographic data sharing
- Oxbotica: Autonomous vehicle software
- Hummingbird Technologies: Satellite imagery analytics for farmers
- Urban Intelligence: Land and Development Consultancy
- Map of Ag: Agriculture data analytics and services
- Agrimetrics: Agriculture data analytics and services
- Schlumberger: Oil and gas services
- Trakm8: Fleet management systems
- Halliburton: Oilfield services
- Open Cosmos: Satellite-based solutions
- Satellite Applications Catapult: Satellite-based solutions
- GMV: Satellite monitoring and control
- CityMapper: City public transportation and planning
- NavMii: Mobile navigation and mapping
- JBA: Environmental consulting and flood modelling
- Space Intelligence: Satellite data analytics
- Ferrovial: Transport infrastructure services
- AgriCompas: Agriculture analytics
- SenSat: Remote sensing and GIS/CAD analytics
- Earth Blox: Remote sensing analytics
- Helyx: Geospatial consulting
- Rock Seven: Satellite tracking services and hardware
- Alchera Technologies: Real-time data infrustructure
- 4site networks: Telecom services
- Landmark: Land and property data services
- Hydro-GIS: Hydrology and GIS services
- James Hutton Institute: Geospatial / environmental research
- Farm hand: Agriculture analytics
- Extensis: Digital images compression tools
- Rovco: Hydrographic survey (GIS, machine learning, Lidar)
- Spottitt: Satellite imagery services
- Balfour Beatty: Infrastructure and construction
- Storm Geomatics: Hydrographic Surveying
- Buro Happold: engineering consulting
- Mapix: LiDAR sensors
- Electricity analytics
- Earthx: Satellite imagery analytics
- TerraLoupe: satellite imagery analytics
- NavVis: indoor navigation
- Komoot: Outdoor hiking navigation
- Cloudeo: geospatial data and services
- GAF: geospatial data and services
- Blickfeld: LIDAR scanning services
- European Space Imaging: satellite imagery analytics
- Up42: geospatial analytics
- CartoDb: geospatial analytics / mapping
- Geographica: GIS with data science
- Xesol Innovation: AI and GIS, Computer Vision
- GeoBlink: geospatial analytics / mapping
- Avuxi: LBS online
- Satellogic: Satellite imagery processing
- Aistech Space: Satellite imagery processing
- SmartMonkey: fleet management and routing planning
- Orbica: Location intelligence.
- Vortexa: Oil & gas market intelligence
- IQGeo: Geospatial products and services
- Cloudeo: Remote sensing analytics
- Cape Analytics: Remote sensing analytics
- Capella Space: Remote sensing analytics
- EKFB: Civil engineering
- Spire: Space-to-Cloud data services provider
- Veolia: Waste Management & Recycling Services
- ExactEarth: Satellite-based fleet tracking
- Planet labs: Remote sensing / commercial imagery
- ALK Technologies: Routing/Geocoding/Mapping part of Trimble
- Bentley: GIS / CAD / BIM
- Apple: Digital mapping
- MapBox: web mapping platform
- Safe: ETL software development
- Eroad: GIS for fleet monitoring
- Spaceknow: Satellite imagery processing
- Elecnor Deimos: GIS development / remote sensing
- GeoCat: Open source GIS
- Trimble NM Group: LIDAR for electricity
- Cyclomedia: Map data at scale from street-level imagery
- CGG: Geophysics
- Fugro: LIDAR, geoengineering, geoscience
- Descartes Labs: Satellite imagery processing
- Digitalglobe: Remote sensing imagery
- Extensis: Imagery compression and imagery management tools (formerly Lizardtech)
- Pitney Bowes: Desktop GIS and spatial analytics tools/services (formerly MapInfo)
- Ricardo: energy & environment consultancy and products
- ANSYS: aerospace and defense and other engineering/consultancy
- HERE: digital mapping, navigation, routing data management
- TomTom: digital mapping, navigation, routing data management
- OpenCage: geocoding service
- Ubisense: Location Data Analytics
- LivingMap: Location Data Analytics
- Ubimo: Location Data Analytics
- AziMap: GIS data services
- TravelTime: Location data analytics
- Geolytix: Location data analytics
- Atkins: Engineering consultancy
- Autodesk: CAD and GIS software products
- Esri: Esri :)