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Available Functions

AlexIIL edited this page May 31, 2021 · 3 revisions

Functions are only usable in minecraft 1.12.2, for CLS 1.4.x and CLS 1.5.x.

To view a list of all available functions you can replace a function with an invalid function call - something like help_me_sdafkhgsdjkfgasjgdkg(). This will print out a list of every available function to the log file.

CLS's single progress bar

  • status: A variable that holds the current status - which might be "Stitching Textures", "Loading Mods", etc.
  • sub_status: A variable that holds the current sub-status - which might be "minecraft:textures/blocks/oak_planks", "BuildCraft Core", etc.
  • percentage: A variable that holds the current percentage progress, between 0.0 and 1.0 (although due to bugs it can go above 1 occasionally).


  • tip(): A function that returns the first tip.
  • tip_count(): A function that returns the number of tips loaded.
  • has_tips(): A function that returns true if tip_count() is greater than 0, false otherwise.
  • tip(int index): A function that returns the tip with the given index.


  • screen_width: A variable that holds the width of the displayed window (that CLS can render in), in pixels.
  • screen_height: A variable that holds the width of the displayed window (that CLS can render in), in pixels.
  • time: A variable that holds the number of seconds that have passed since CLS started loading, as a double.

Forge's progress bar

In addition to the standard

  • forge_progress_bar_count(): Returns the number of progress bars that forge currently holds.
  • forge_progress_bar_title(int index): Returns the title of the current progress bar, or "Invalid Index" if the given index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to forge_progress_bar_count().
  • forge_progress_bar_message(int index): Returns the message of the current progress bar, or "Invalid Index" if the given index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to forge_progress_bar_count().
  • forge_progress_bar_percent(int index): Returns the percentage of the current progress bar, or 0 if the given index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to forge_progress_bar_count().


  • memory_free(): Returns the amount of memory that is available for use in the future, in MiB (1024*1024).
  • memory_total(): Returns the total amount of memory available for use now and in the future, in MiB. This can vary over time, if -Xms isn't specified to be equal to -Xmx.
  • memory_used(): Returns the amount of memory that is in use at the moment, in MiB. Always equal to memory_total() - memory_free().
  • memory_max(): Returns the maximum possible amount of memory that can be used, in MiB. According to the java documentation this might be a value in excess of petabytes if the JVM hasn't been given a limit.

In addition there are byte-based versions of the ones above:

  • memory_bytes_free(): Returns memory_free(), but in bytes rather than MiB.
  • memory_bytes_total(): Returns memory_total(), but in bytes rather than MiB.
  • memory_bytes_used(): Returns memory_used(), but in bytes rather than MiB.
  • memory_bytes_max(): Returns memory_max(), but in bytes rather than MiB.
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