In depth documentation can be found in the folder Docs
- RemoteObjects
- LiveChargingMetricsListener
- RegisterActivity
- Login Feature
- Reset Password Feature
- Ktlint
- Charging process
- Testing strategy
This project works with Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 and targets Android SDK version 33.
Google Maps SDK API key Enter a Google Maps SDK api-key in the file ./app/src/debug/res/values/google_maps_api.xml by replacing
with the actual key -
Klarna testing account Using klarna requires Klarna Playgrond sample data. Use these personal details (You will only need to enter email and zip code once, then it will be remembered inside the app): Personal Details used for Bank Transfer
- Open project in Android Studio
- Let gradle download all required modules
- Compile and run application by clicking "Run"
Want to contribute to this repository? Please follow the following guidelines.
If you want to report a bug or suggest a new feature, please submit an issue and follow the templates down below:
For features:
- Description
- Tasks
- Requirements
- Acceptance Test
For Bugs:
- When did the bug occur?
- How did the bug occur?
- How can another developer reproduce the bug? Be VERY detailed and explain every click and action required
- This step is MANDATORY! The bug must be reproducable with a step-by-step guide.
- When you have work that you want to merge, create a pull request.
- The title of your pull request should be the same as you branch name but without camelCase.
- For example a branch with name "bug/createLoginScreen" translates to "Bug/create login screen".
- Assign yourself as the Assigne.
- Assign 1...* squad members for the review
- Select the appropiate label.
- Tag the related issue in the description and explain the purpose of your pull request.
- After receiving and addressing comments or requested changes, you should re-request a review to notify the reviewers.
Class files are categorized into different packages, depending on their application.
- Example 1: A map helper class is stored in ".../bolt/helper/MapHelper.kt"
- Example 2: A QR scanner activity is stored in ".../bolt/activities/QrActivity.kt"
- Example 1: A map helper class is stored in ".../bolt/helper/MapHelper.kt"
Class names their files should be written in PascalCase
- See the rule below for an example.
Class files should be named after the class name. (enforced by Ktlint)
- Example: A class named TheExampleClass must be located in a file named "TheExampleClass.kt". If this is not the case your build will fail since this is enforced by Ktlint.
Camel casing is used for variable names.
- Example: A list of chargers is named chargerList
ID's in Layout view's are identified by context, type of view and then name, separated by underscores
- Example: A menu button in mainActivity would be named mainActivity_button_menu
- Please commit your code frequently with relevant description for each associated change.
Create an issue on GitHub or contact either:
- Scrum Master [email protected]
- Product Owner [email protected] | [email protected]