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NOTE: Package is supported. I just haven't found any bugs since the last commit.

Simple state management for Flutter.

This package is built to work with:

Getting Started

  1. Define a ViewModel

    class CounterViewModel extends ViewModel {}
  2. Define state and a method to update it:

    class CounterViewModel extends ViewModel {
      late final counter = state(0);
      void increment() => counter.value++;
  3. Watch value with Observer - it will rebuild the widget when the value changes:

    final vm = CounterViewModel();
    // ...
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Observer(
        builder: (context, watch) => OutlinedButton(
          onPressed: vm.increment,
          child: Text("${watch(vm.counter)}")


ViewModel is used to group Observables. Usually, you want to define ViewModel per piece of UI - it should represent UI state and related business rules.

If we need to develop a screen for searching users, its ViewModel might look like that:

class SearchUsersScreenVm extends ViewModel {
  late final search = state("");
  late final users = state(Loading<List<User>>()); // *

  SearchUsersScreenVm() {
    search.listen((_, current) => refresh());
  Future<void> refresh() async {
    users.value = Loading();
    try {
      final List<User> result = Api.fetchUsers(search: search.value);
      users.value = Data(result);
    } catch (error) {
      users.value = Failure(error);

*Data, Failure and Loading - are helper classes. Read more about them here


Every class extending ViewModel has dispose method. Call it once you don't need ViewModel to release resources:

class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
   const MyWidget({super.key});

   State<MyWidget> createState() => _MyWidgetState();

class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
   final vm = SearchUsersScreenVm();
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      // ...

   void dispose() {



state is a core concept in beholder. It tracks changes to its value and notifies every observer depending on it.

Updating value

late final counter = state(0);
void increment() {
  counter.value = counter.value + 1;
  // or
  counter.update((current) => current + 1);

Listening to value changes

counter.listen((previous, current) {
  // Do something with `current`


Use computed to derive from state:

class User {
  final String name;

class UserProfileVm extends ViewModel {
  late final user = state<User?>(null);
  late final username = computed((watch) => watch(user)?.name ?? 'Guest');


Need a parametrized computed? Use computedFactory:

class UserListVm extends ViewModel {
  late final users = state(<User>[]);
  late final usernameByIndex = computedFactory((watch, int index) {
    return watch(users)[index];


final vm = UserListVm();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return ListView.builder(
     itemBuilder: (context, index) => Observer(
        builder: (context, watch) {
          final username = watch(vm.usernameByIndex(index));
          return Text(username);

Observable as stream

Every Observable could be converted to a stream.

class SearchScreenVm extends ViewModel {
   SearchScreenVm(this.githubApi) {
    final subscription = search.asStream().listen((value) {
      print("Search query changed to $value");


  late final search = state('');



AsyncValue is a default type for handling async data in asyncStates.

It has three subtypes:

  • Data - the future is completed successfully
  • Loading - the future is not completed yet
  • Failure - the future is completed with an error

It's a sealed class, so you can use switch to handle all cases.

Loading also has previousResult field, which is the last Data/Failure value.
It might be useful for showing old data while loading new one:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Observer(
     builder: (context, watch) {
       final posts = watch(vm.posts);
       if (posts case Loading(previousResult: Data(value: var posts))) {
         return Stack(
            children: [
                  itemCount: posts.length,
                  itemBuilder: (context, index) => Text(posts[index].title),
               const CircularProgressIndicator(),
       // ...

Why late?

late allows to call instance method in field initializer. The following:

class CounterViewModel extends ViewModel {
  late final counter = state(0);

is a shorter (but not the same!*) version for:

class CounterViewModel extends ViewModel {
  final ObservableState<int> counter;
  CounterViewModel(): counter = ObservableState(0) {

*late fields are initialized lazily - when they are first accessed.


State Management solution inspired by MobX







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