The tesseract-ocr AppImage is built on Ubuntu 18.04, using Docker container that provides all the required up-to-date dependencies.
- Download AppImage from releases page
- Open your terminal application, if not already open
- Browse to the location of the AppImage
- Make the AppImage executable:
$ chmod a+x tesseract*.AppImage
- Run it:
./tesseract*.AppImage -l eng page.tif page.txt
- Cloning a Git repository:
git clone
cd tesseract-appimage && git submodule update --init
cd tesseract && git submodule update --init test
cd ..
- Create Docker image:
docker build -t tess_buildenv .
- Run
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/build --device=/dev/fuse --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor:unconfined tess_buildenv bash -l "spa fin por fra rus deu"
- Run AppImage:
./tesseract*.AppImage Apache.tif -