TransferAccelerator is a proxy utility to connect clients to multiple replicas of the same server. Users can also use TransferAccelerator to setup multiple ssh tunnels via jump-host to a single server.
(c) 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
To build TransferAccelerator you need to first install JDK and maven. You can then build a jar by running:
mvn package
After building, maven stores Jar file in target/ subdirectory.
For testing, please run:
mvn test
Once you build jar file, you can run it using:
java -jar target/TransferAccelerator-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
It will print out supported command line arguments.
##Use Cases:
- Case 1: Connect to replica servers:
If you have replica servers running on server1:port1, server2:port2, and server3:port3 and you wish to load-balance clients using TransferAccelerator you can run:
java -jar target/TransferAccelerator-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p 14000 -s server1:port1 server2:port2 server3:port3
- Case 2: Connect to httpfs-server behind the firewall via jumphost and single ssh tunnel:
java -jar target/TransferAccelerator-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p 14000 -s localhost:15000 -j jumphost-sshd:22 -y httpfs-server:14000
After starting TransferAccelerator, you can use localhost:14000 as your httpfs-server: hdfs dfs -ls webhdfs://localhost:14000/
- Case 3: Connect to httpfs-server behind the firewall via jumphost and multiple ssh tunnels:
java -jar target/TransferAccelerator-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p 14000 -s localhost:15000 localhost:15001 localhost:15002 -j sshd-host:22 -y httpfs-server:14000
Or instead of -s parameters you can use -n and a number.
java -jar target/TransferAccelerator-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p 14000 -n 3 -j sshd-host:22 -y httpfs-server:14000
After starting TransferAccelerator, you can use localhost:14000 as your httpfs-server.
Here's an example if you don't have the Hadoop RPMs installed locally and the local user has an account on the cluster:
curl "localhost:14000/webhdfs/v1/user?user.name=$USER&op=LISTSTATUS"
And one example with local access to Hadoop:
hdfs dfs -ls webhdfs://localhost:14000/
TransferAccelerator publishes status via http interface running by default on port 48138 (can be overriden using -w,--webstatus_port <STATUS_PORT> command line flag).
You can access this interface in your browser at http://localhost:48138/stats
It also prints health status and version on http://localhost:48138/admin