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Welcome to the App4Auctions README.

This project was copied from its original repository in GitLab App4Auctions.

How-to: install the application for local develop - the cool kid way 😎

  • Disclaimer: Docker needs to be installed in your system.

The application is Dockerized on different containers, you will just need to run from the root folder docker-compose up --build -d

You should now have several routes ready:

Services and architecture

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How-to: install the application for local develop - the old fashioned way 👴


  • Disclaimer: this setup is based on Ubuntu machines. Some commands may vary for different OS installations.
  1. You must have a running PostgreSQL installation for your setup, with valid credentials and a database to use.
  2. Python version: 3.10.x

Install requirements and launch the API, Celery and Flower

Inside the /api folder:

  1. Create a virtual environment for your API python3.10 -m venv /path/to/your/venv.

  2. Activate your local environment source /path/to/your/venv/bin/activate.

  3. Navigate under /conf, create a new .env file from the .env.template and fill in the required values. If these values are not set, the API won't launch.

  4. Upgrade the database tables alembic upgrade head.

  5. Launch the API with python (will enable hot reload)

    You should see an output like:

        INFO:     Will watch for changes in these directories: ['/home/app4auctions/api']
        INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
        INFO:     Started reloader process [4537] using StatReload
        2022-10-04 19:50:35.283 | WARNING  | main:<module>:30 - main - Running under DEBUG mode.
        INFO:     Started server process [4539]
        INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
        INFO:     Application startup complete.

If you run the debug file as python an ingestion process of development data will start against the database. Then, a user with admin role has been created on startup, its credentials are:

Celery is installed and ready to use in the local deploy. To install it, first activate your previously created environment (in a new terminal):

  1. You must have a running Redis installation for your setup to use as broker, with valid credentials and a database to use. Run a redis install inside Docker with docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis --requirepass "app4auctions", do NOT change the requirepass value as it'll be used by the Celery executor.
  2. You will need another console to run this service, as it's independent from the API.
  3. Change the directory where the celery instance is declared cd /api.
  4. Start the celery worker with celery -A executor worker --loglevel=INFO.
  5. Optionally you can add a flower instance with celery -A executor flower --port=5555. Run this command in another console!

Inside a browser, navigate to http://localhost:5000 and access the OpenAPI schema (swagger). You can now use the API endpoints.

Install requirements and launch the APP

  1. Navigate into the /app folder and run npm i & quasar dev.