- Amor Zhao
- Junyu Meng
- Robin Masih
- Vidisha Mistry
above is an image showing the counter waveform with a smaller limit value (0x0A)
- Always use if/else conditions in always_comb with blocking assignments (usually considered as hardware connection with and/or gates in reality)
- Always use nonblocking assignments in always_ff with @ when there's change in signals (if there's no change in signal, always_ff would not be suitable)
- Error message "$readmem file address beyond bounds of array" may be caused by defining too long an array (2**32 is too long, 4GB actually, which could not be simulated by verilator)
- rst signal in testbench: pay more attention in rst conditions at the end of for loop (if not writen properly, it may cause issue that PC=0 executing for more than 1 clk cycle, or resetting at unexpected times)
- Instruction memory has been modified: bne jumping back by 8 address in memory (rather than the original 4 bits) so that a0 changes as a1 counts per cycle
- a0 and a1 refers to x10 and x11 in register file, these signals represents the actual return values in computer achitecture
- Similarly, t1 is a temporiry which stores the upper limit of counter