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Customize T_UI

Francesco Andreuzzi edited this page Feb 16, 2019 · 129 revisions

t-ui customization files are located in the t-ui folder (check T_UI Folder to get further information).

That folder contains many files that tell t-ui how to work and decorate itself.

  • behavior.xml        -> define the behavior of t-ui in many situations
  • cmd.xml                -> behavior of some commands
  • suggestions.xml -> color of text and background of suggestions
  • theme.xml            -> color of ui elements (input, bg, output, ...)
  • toolbar.xml           -> options for toolbar
  • ui.xml                     -> enable/disable ui elements, define some behaviors
  • notifications.xml
  • apps.xml
  • rss.xml

Note that colors are defined in the configuration files in hexadecimal format. Refer to Defining Colors if you are not familiar with this format.

How to

There are two ways:

  • using the t-ui command-line
  • editing the file

IMPORTANT: When you change a value you need to restart t-ui in order to get your value applied. To do so use the command restart.

Command-line approach

Use the command
config -set optionName value
The autocompletion will give you a list of available options to change.

For example, this:
config -set input_color #123456
will set input_color to #123456.

Don’t forget to use the command restart in order to apply your changes.

File approach

Use the command
config -open file.xml
The autocompletion will give you a list of available files to open.

Then, look for the line that starts with <optionName (where "optionName" is the option that you want to change) and replace the value of the attribute "value".

For example, let's say that you want to set your output color to green.
Use the command
config -open theme.xml

Then look for the line that begins with <output_color.

When you find it, it should look like that:
<output_color value="#123456"/>

We want output_color to be green (#00ff00).

So, change what's after "value=", and it will look like that:
<output_color value="#00ff00">

Then save, go back to t-ui and use the command restart.

Options Index


Name Type Default Description
default_app_n1 app most_used The first default-suggested app
default_app_n2 app most_used The second default-suggested app
default_app_n3 app The third default-suggested app
default_app_n4 app null The fourth default-suggested app
default_app_n5 app null The fifth default-suggested app
app_groups_sorting int 2 0 = time up->down; 1 = time down->up; 2 = alphabetical up->down; 3 = alphabetical down->up; 4 = most used up->down; 5 = most used down->up


Name Type Default Description
double_tap_lock boolean true If true, t-ui will lock the screen on double tap
double_tap_cmd text The command that will run when you touch two times the screen quickly
random_play boolean true If true, music player will play your tracks in random order
songs_folder text The folder that contains your music files
songs_from_mediastore boolean true If true, t-ui will get tracks from the system mediastore
tui_notification boolean false If true, there will always be a notification in your status bar, telling you that t-ui is running
auto_show_keyboard boolean true If true, your keyboard will be shown everytime you go back to t-ui
auto_scroll boolean true If true, the terminal will be automatically scrolled down when the keyboard is open
show_hints boolean true If true, t-ui will tell you some useful hints sometime
show_alias_content boolean false If true, when you use an alias you'll also be able to know what command has been executed
show_launch_history boolean true If false, t-ui won't show the apps that you launch
clear_after_cmds int -1 Auto-clear after n commands (if -1, this feature will be disabled)
clear_after_seconds int -1 Auto-clear after n seconds (if -1, this feature will be disabled)
max_lines int -1 Set maximum number of lines that will be shown in the terminal (if -1, this feature is be disabled)
time_format Time Format d MMM yyyy HH:
Define the time format (see also Time Format)
time_format_separator text @ This is the separator between your different time formats
battery_medium int 50 The percentage below which the battery level will be considered "medium"
battery_low int 15 The percentage below which the battery level will be considered "low"
device_format Device format %d: %u Define the device format
ram_format RAM format Available RAM: %avgb
GB of %totgb
GB (%av%%)
Define the RAM format
battery_format Battery format %(Charging: /)%v% Define the battery format
storage_format Storage format Internal Storage:
%iavgb GB / %itotgb
GB (%iav%%)
Define the storage format
network_info_format Network info format %(WiFi - %wn/%[Mobile
Data: %d3/No
Internet access])
Define the network format
input_format Input format [%t] %p %i Define the input format
output_format Output format %o Define the output format
session_info_format Session info format %u@%d:%p Define the session info format
enable_app_launch boolean true If false, you won't be able to launch apps from t-ui, unless you use "apps -frc"
app_launch_format App-Launch Format --> %a Define app launch format
alias_param_marker text % Define the marker that will be replaced with a provided param
alias_param_separator text , Define the separator between a group of params
alias_replace_all_markers boolean true If true, if you pass a lower number of parameters to an alias, t-ui will use the first one to replace the others
multiple_cmd_separator text ; The separator between two or more commands in a single input
alias_content_format Alias content format %a --> [%v] Define the format used to show your alias contents
external_storage_path text [Path to external
The path to your external storage (used to evaluate free/total space)
home_path text [Path to internal
The path to your home directory
app_installed_format App installed format App installed: %p The format of the "app installed" message
app_uninstalled_format App uninstalled format App uninstalled: %p The format of the "app uninstalled" message
enable_music boolean false If true, you will be able to use t-ui as a music player. Otherwise, the music command will try to communicate with the music player that your using
max_optional_depth int 2 A value which is used to tell how deep t-ui can go in a nested optional value
network_info_update_ms int 3500 The time between two network info updates
tui_notification_title text T-UI The title of the T-UI notification
tui_notification_subtitle text T-UI is running The subtitle of the T-UI notification
tui_notification_click_cmd text The command ran when the T-UI notification is clicked
tui_notification_click_showhome boolean true If false, the click on the T-UI notification won't bring you to your phone home
tui_notification_lastcmds_size int 5 The number of used commands that will appear inside the T-UI notification (<0 will disable the feature)
tui_notification_lastcmds_updown boolean true If true, the last used command will appear on top
tui_notification_priority int 0 The priority of the T-UI notification (min: -2, max: 2)
long_click_vibration_duration int 100 The duration (in milliseconds) of the vibration when you long click a notification or an RSS item (<0 will disable the feature)
long_click_duration int 700 The minimum duration of the long click on a notification or an RSS item
click_commands boolean true If true, you will be able to use a command again clicking on it
long_click_commands boolean true If true, you will be able to put a used command in the input field long-clicking it
append_quote_before_file boolean false If true, t-ui will automatically append a quote before a file inserted clicking on a suggestion
optional_values_separator text / The separator between two optional values (doesn't affect notification optional values)
notes_sorting int 0 0 = time up->down; 1 = time down->up; 2 = alphabetical up->down; 3 = alphabetical down->up; 4 = locked before; 5 = unlocked before
notes_allow_link boolean true If false, adding links to notes will be disallowed (may slightly increase performance)
orientation int 2 0 = landscape, 1 = portrait, 2 = auto-rotate
htmlextractor_default_format text %t -> %v%n%a(%an
= %av)(%n)
The default format used by htmlextract -use
htmlextractor_notfound_message text Not found The message printed when there are no result inside your htmlextract query
tui_notification_time_color color #03A9F4 The time color inside the t-ui notification
tui_notification_input_color color #ff00ff00 The input color inside the t-ui notification
weather_key text 1f798f99228596c2
The key of your account on OpenWeatherMap. You can keep the default one, or create your custom key (check the wiki)
weather_temperature_measure text metric metric = Celsius; imperial = Fahrenheit; standard = Kelvin
weather_location int null The ID of your country (check the wiki) or your coords separated by a comma (lat,lon)
weather_format text Weather: %main, Temp:
The format used to show the weather
clear_on_lock boolean false If true, t-ui will clear the screen when you lock the phone
unlock_counter_format Unlock counter format Unlocked %c times
n. %i --> %w)3
The format used to show the unlock counter
unlock_time_divider text %n The divider between the last unlock times
unlock_time_order int 1 1 = up-down. 2 = down-up
unlock_counter_cycle_start int 6.00 The starting hour of the unlock counter cycle (
not_available_text text n/a The text shown when a value is not available
back_button_enabled boolean true If true, the back button will put the previous command inside the input area
weather_update_time int 3600 The weather update time in seconds. This can only be used if you're using a custom weather key
location_update_mintime boolean 20 The amount of time between two location updates (in minutes, must be an integer value)
location_update_mindistance int 500 The minimum distance (in meters) to get a location update
show_weather_updates boolean true If false, t-ui won't show information about the weather in the output field


Name Type Default Description
default_search text -gg The param that will be used if you type "search apples" instead of "search -param apples"


Name Type Default Description
show_notifications boolean false If true, t-ui will show every incoming notification
app_notification_enabled_default boolean true If true, t-ui will show notifications from all apps, unless they are explicitly excluded. If false, t-ui won't show a notification from a specific app unless it was explicitly included
default_notification_color color #00FF00 The default color
notification_format text [%t] %pkg: %[100][t
eal]title --- %text
The default format
click_notification boolean true If true, T-UI will perform the operation associated with the original notification when you click it
long_click_notification boolean true If true, you will be able to perform some quick operations long-clicking a notification
notification_popup_exclude_app boolean true If false, the "Exclude app" option won't be shown in the long click popup menu
notification_popup_exclude_notification boolean true If false, the "Exclude notification" option won't be shown in the long click popup menu
notification_popup_reply boolean true If false, the "Reply to the last notification" option won't be shown in the long click popup menu


Name Type Default Description
reply_enabled boolean true If false, notification reply will be disabled


Name Type Default Description
rss_default_color color #f44336 The default color
rss_default_format RSS format %[50][green]title
### %[100][teal]description (%pubDate)
The default format
include_rss_default color true If true, a filter will exclude an item if it matches. If false, a filter will include an item if it matches
rss_hidden_tags text img A list of excluded tags (separated by comma)
rss_time_format text %t0 The time format used by RSS items
show_rss_download color true If true, you will see a message when T-UI downloads a feed
rss_download_format Download message format RSS: %id --- Downloaded
%sb bytes
The message shown when an RSS feed is downloaded
rss_download_message_color color aqua The color of the download message
click_rss color true If true, you will be able to click on an RSS item to open the associated webpage


Name Type Default Description
show_suggestions boolean true If false, suggestions won't be shown
transparent_suggestions boolean false If true, the background will be transparent
default_text_color color #000000 The default text color
default_bg_color color #ffffff The default background color
apps_text_color color Apps suggestions text color
apps_bg_color color #00897B Apps suggestions background color
alias_text_color color Aliases suggestions text color
alias_bg_color color #FF5722 Aliases suggestions background color
cmd_text_color color Commands suggestions text color
cmd_bg_color color #76FF03 Commands suggestions background color
song_text_color color Songs suggestions text color
song_bg_color color #EEFF41 Songs suggestions background color
contact_text_color color Contacts suggestions text color
contact_bg_color color #64FFDA Contacts suggestions background color
file_text_color color Files suggestions text color
file_bg_color color #03A9F4 Files suggestions background color
suggest_alias_default boolean true If true, your alias will be shown when the input field is empty
suggest_appgp_default boolean true If true, your app groups will be shown when the input field is empty
click_to_launch boolean true If true, some suggestions will be executed as soon as you click them
suggestions_size int 12 The text size of the suggestions
double_space_click_first_suggestion boolean true If true, t-ui will simulate a click on the current first suggestion if you double-click the space bar
noinput_suggestions_order text 0(5)1(5)2(2)3(5) The order and the number of suggestions that appears on-screen when the input field is empty. 0=apps, 1=alias, 2=cmds, 3=app groups. Put between round brackets the maximum number of suggestions of the leading type
suggestions_order text 2(2)0(5)1(5)3(3) The order and the number of suggestions that appears on-screen. 0=apps, 1=alias, 2=cmds, 3=app groups. Put between round brackets the maximum number of suggestions of the leading type
noinput_min_command_priority int 5 The minimum priority of a command shown when the input field is empty
file_suggestions_minrate int -1 The minimum rate of a file suggestion
app_suggestions_minrate int -1 The minimum rate of an app suggestion
contact_suggestions_minrate int -1 The minimum rate of a contact suggestion
song_suggestions_minrate int -1 The minimum rate of a song suggestion
hide_suggestions_when_empty text always If "always" the suggestion area will be hidden when there are no suggestions. If "true" it will be hidden only if also the input area is empty. "false" disables the feature
suggestions_spaces text 15,15,25,20 [External horizontal margin],[E. vertical margin],[Internal horizontal margin],[I. vertical margin]
suggestions_per_category int 5 The number of suggestions shown per category. This doesn't affect "noinput_suggestions_order" and "suggestions_order"
suggestions_deadline text 0.45 The min/max rank that a suggestion needs to get in order to be shown. min/max depends on the comparison algorithm
suggestions_algorithm int 13 The algorithm used to compare strings


Name Type Default Description
input_color color #ff00ff00 Input color
output_color color #ffffffff Output color
bg_color color #ff000000 Background color
device_color color #ffff9800 Device label color
battery_color_high color #4CAF50 Battery label color when the battery level is high
battery_color_medium color #FFEB3B Battery label color when the battery level is medium
battery_color_low color #FF5722 Battery label color when the battery level is low
time_color color #03A9F4 Time label color
storage_color color #9C27B0 Storage label color
ram_color color #fff44336 RAM label color
network_info_color color #FFCA28
toolbar_bg color #00000000 Toolbar background color
toolbar_color color #ffff0000 Toolbar icons color
enter_color color #ffffffff Enter icon color
cursor_color color #ffffff
overlay_color color #80000000 The overlay that overlaps to the background (only when system_wallpaper is true)
alias_content_color color #1DE9B6 Alias content color
statusbar_color color #000000 Status Bar color (5.0+)
navigationbar_color color #000000 Navigation Bar color (5.0+)
app_installed_color color #FF7043 App installed message color
app_uninstalled_color color #FF7043 App uninstalled message color
hint_color color #4CAF50 Hint color
mark_color color #CDDC39 The background color that will be used as marker
notes_color color #8BC34A The default color of your notes
notes_locked_color color #3D5AFE The color of your locked notes
link_color color #0000EE The color of the links
restart_message_color color #ffffffff The color of the restart message
weather_color color #fff44336 The color of the weather label
unlock_counter_color color #ffff9800 The color of the unlock counter
session_info_color color #888888 The color of the session info
status_lines_bgrectcolor color #00000000,#00000000
The color of the rect behind the nth status line
input_bgrectcolor color #00000000 The color of the rect behind the input field
output_bgrectcolor color #00000000 The color of the rect behind the output field
toolbar_bgrectcolor color #00000000 The color of the rect behind the toolbar
suggestions_bgrectcolor color #00000000 The color of the rect behind the suggestions area
status_lines_bg color #00000000,#00000000
The bg color of the nth line
input_bg color #00000000 The background color of the input field
output_bg color #00000000 The background color of the output field
suggestions_bg color #00000000 The background color of the suggestions area
status_lines_shadow_color color #00000000,#00000000
The outline color of the nth line
input_shadow_color color #00000000 The outline color of the input field
output_shadow_color color #00000000 The outline color of the output field


Name Type Default Description
show_toolbar boolean true If false, the toolbar is hidden
hide_toolbar_no_input boolean false If true, the toolbar will be hidden when the input field is empty


Name Type Default Description
show_enter_button boolean true Hide/show the enter button
system_font boolean false If false, the default t-ui font ("Lucida Console") will be used for all texts
ram_size int 13 The ram label font size
battery_size int 13 The battery label font size
device_size int 13 The device label font size
time_size int 13 The time label font size
storage_size int 13 The storage label font size
network_size int 13 The network label font size
notes_size int 13 Notes size
input_output_size int 15 The input/output font size
input_bottom boolean true If false, the input field will be placed on top of the screen
show_ram boolean true If false, the RAM label will be hidden
show_device_name boolean true If false, the device label will be hidden
show_battery boolean true If false, the battery label will be hidden
show_network_info boolean true If false, the network info label will be hidden
show_storage_info boolean true If false, the time label will be hidden
show_notes boolean true If false, the notes label will be hidden
enable_battery_status boolean true If true, battery color will change when your battery level reach different percentages battery_color high, battery_color_medium, battery_color_low. If false, only battery_color_high is used
show_time boolean true If false, the time label will be hidden
username text user Your username
deviceName text [Default device name] Your device name
system_wallpaper boolean false If true, your system wallpaper will be used as background
fullscreen boolean false If true, t-ui will run in fullscreen mode
device_index int 0 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
ram_index int 1 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
battery_index int 2 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
time_index int 3 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
storage_index int 4 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
network_index int 5 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
notes_index int 6 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
status_lines_alignment text 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
The alignment of the nth status line (<0 = left, =0 = center, >0 = right)
input_prefix text $ The prefix placed before every input
input_root_prefix text # The prefix placed before a root command ("su ...")
display_margin_mm text 0,0,0,0 [left margin],[top margin],[right margin],[bottom margin]
ignore_bar_color boolean false If true, statusbar_color and navigationbar_color will be ignored
show_app_installed boolean true If true, you will receive a message when you install an app
show_app_uninstalled boolean true If true, you will receive a message when you uninstall an app
show_session_info boolean true If true, when your input field is empty there will be a short line containing some information about the current session
notes_header text %( --- Notes : %c
---%n/No notes)
The header above your notes
notes_footer text %(%n --- ----- ---/) The footer below your notes
notes_divider text %n The divider between two notes
show_restart_message boolean true If false, the restart message won't be shown
notes_max_lines int 10 The max number of lines of notes (-1 to disable)
show_scroll_notes_message boolean true If true, you will get a message when your notes reach the value set in notes_max_lines
show_weather boolean false If true, you will see a label containing the weather in your area
weather_index int 7 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
weather_size int 13 Weather size
show_unlock_counter boolean true If false, the unlock counter feature will be disabled
unlock_index int 8 This is used to order the labels on top of the screen
unlock_size int 13 Unlock size
statusbar_light_icons boolean true If true, your status bar icons will be white. Dark otherwise
bgrect_params text 2,0 [Stroke width],[Rect corner radius]
shadow_params text 2,2,0.2 [Shadow X offset],[Shadow Y offset],[Shadow radius]
text_redraw_times int 1 A greater value will result in a bigger outline
status_lines_margins text 3,3,0,0 [External horizontal margin],[E. vertical margin],[Internal horizontal margin],[I. vertical margin]
output_field_margins text 3,3,0,0 [External horizontal margin],[E. vertical margin],[Internal horizontal margin],[I. vertical margin]
input_field_margins text 3,3,0,0 [External horizontal margin],[E. vertical margin],[Internal horizontal margin],[I. vertical margin]
input_area_margins text 3,3,0,0 [External horizontal margin],[E. vertical margin],[Internal horizontal margin],[I. vertical margin]
toolbar_margins text 3,3,0,0 [External horizontal margin],[E. vertical margin],[Internal horizontal margin],[I. vertical margin]
suggestions_area_margin text 3,3,0,0 [External horizontal margin],[E. vertical margin],[Internal horizontal margin],[I. vertical margin]

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