This repository contains the source code for the Prosperity server software as well as the documentation for the underlying STaMP protocol.
Simple Table-based Messaging Protocol.
Propserity is currently in a very early testing stage, and is currently not functional.
A Prosperity network is organized as a tree. Something called "Feeds" replace channels. Unlike channels, feeds can have an arbitrary number of subfeeds. When a message is sent to a feed, it is propagated to every subfeed. Likewise, all the messages sent in subfeeds are present and viewable in the parent feed. Users can subscribe to one or multiple subfeeds at once.
Plaintext connections are pretty bad.
No more NickServ
hacks. Authentication is built-in to the server using the sqlite library.
Messages are sent in a simple CSV format, making them extremely easy to parse. This also means that it's easy to extend the the server for any purpose.