released this
06 May 09:31
477 commits
to branch-3.1.0
since this release
In version 3.1.0, Angel enhances graph learning ability, and adds a variety of improvements, including:
- Features in graph learning with the trend of graph data structure adopted for many applications such as social network analysis and recommendation systems
- Publishing a collection of well implemented graph algorithms such as traditional learning, graph embedding, and graph deep learning - These algorithms can be used directly in the production model by calling with simple configurations
- Providing an operator API for graph manipulations including building graph, and operating the vertices and edges
- Enabling the support of GPU devices within the PyTorch-on-Angel running mode - With this feature it’s possible to leverage the hardwares to speed up the computation intensive algorithms
New Features
Traditional Graph Learning Algorithms
- TriangleCountUndirected is used to determine the number of triangles passing through each node in a undirected graph.
- CC calculate Connected Components over graph.
- LPA can detect communities in networks through label propagation process.
- PageRank is generally used for node importance evaluation.
- K-core algorithm is used to separate and extract closely connected subgraphs in the graph.
- H-index algorithm calculates the h-index value for each node in a undirected graph, it's usually used to represent the importance of a vertex.
- Closeness The Closeness Centrality of a node measures its average farness(inverse diastance) to all other nodes.This algorithm aim to detecting nodes that are able to spread information very efficiently through a graph.
- CommonFriends is used to calculate the common friend number of two users,and can be used to measure the closeness and used in recommendation and security system.
- Louvain algorithm is a classic community discovery algorithm, which optimizes the modularity index to achieve the purpose of community division.
Graph Embedding
Graph Deep Learning
- GraphSage learns vertex embedding by training the function that aggregates the neighbors' info of the vertex, which plays a general role for unknown nodes.
- R-GCN are related to a recent class of neural networks operating on graphs, and are developed specifically to deal with the highly multi-relational data characteristic of realistic knowledge bases.
- DGI is a general approach for learning node representations within graph-structured data in an unsupervised manner.
Basic Graph Operators
- Graph Bulider
- Graph Information
- Sampling Operator
GPU Support in PyTorch-on-Angel
- Enable GPU in PyTorch on Angel to accelerated graph deep learning algorithm.