A web application framework to edit SUSI.AI Skills
Please join our mailing list to discuss questions regarding the project: https://groups.google.com/group/susiai/
Our chat channel is on gitter here: https://gitter.im/fossasia/susi_server
- HTML - Structure of the web page generated.
- CSS - Styling options and details of the web page.
- Javascript(JSON) - Used to store information for deploying the application such as dependencies.
- ReactJS - Structure for deployment of the web page.
- node --version >= 6
- npm --version >= 3
- Step 1: Fork susi_skill_cms repository and clone it to your desktop
- Step 2: Then cd into that cloned folder
- Step 3: Install all the dependencies by running:
$ npm install
- Step 4: Run on http://localhost:3000 by running:
$ npm run start
- Step 5: Build locally by running:
$ npm run build
- Step 6: To deploy at a url use:
$ npm run deploy
For deploying with Surge:
Surge will automatically generate deployment link whenever a pull request passes Travis CI.
- Step 1: Install Surge:
$ npm install -g surge
- Step 2: Then cd into that cloned folder of susi_skill_cms .
- Step 3: Run the App build:
$ npm run build
- Step 4: Switch into the build directory:
cd build
- Step 5: Run surge:
- Step 6: Follow the prompts and provide an email and a password.
- Step 7: Go to URL that appears after the above process and provide this link in PR for testing your changes.
Read SUSI Skill language to learn how to add your own AI skills.