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Software installation guilines

Nicolas Chotard edited this page May 24, 2017 · 1 revision

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You will need it before the school to install the different tools, and during the school while attending the hands-on.

Recommendation for Python install

You must install Python 3.6 and a few python libraries. The recommended way to do so is to use Anaconda. The procedures described bellow will help you install what is needed for the school.


  • Download the linux Anaconda installer for Python 3.6 (see install instruction here).

  • Run the following command line:


  • Answer no to the following question if you do not want to mess up your previous installs of python.

    Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location to PATH in your /home/chotard/.bashrc ? [yes|no] [no] >>> no

  • If you haven't cloned this repository, first get the script:

  • Run the script to set up the correct PATH and PYTHONPATH enabling the use of your Anaconda install.


You can either run this command each time you need to use Anaconda, or add these lines to your .bashrc (or equivalent) to set it up at the opening of a new terminal.

  • Install the extra python libraries (see next section).


Instruction for Mac can be found here. To set up the PATH and PYTHON, you can do as explained in the previous section for Linux install. (Not tested yet).


Instruction for Windows can be found here. (Not tested yet).

Python library requirements

All the required libraries come with the Anaconda install described above. If you have followed the previous steps to install python, you can skip this section.

If you choose an other way to install Python 3.6 than the one recommended above, you must install manually the Python libraries listed in the requirements.txt file. To do so, we recommand using pip.

  pip install -r requirements.txt

Other requirements

Some other Python related tools that you might consider installing: