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Augmint - Stable Digital Tokens - Javascript Library (WIP)

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Decentralised stable cryptocurrency on Ethereum


Decentralized stablecoins targeted to fiat currencies built on Ethereum.

The first Augmint token is AEUR.

1 AEUR ≈ 1 EUR.

  • Buy and sell AEUR for ETH or EUR.
  • Get a loan in AEUR by depositing ETH.
  • Lock AEUR to earn a premium.

Try it:


White Paper

Related repos

augmint-js lib

This lib is heavily under construction. Anything can happen.


yarn add @augmint/js


npm install @augmint/js

Example use

import { Augmint } from "@augmint/js";

let web3;

// Modern dapp browsers...
if (window.ethereum) {
  web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);
  await window.ethereum.enable();
} else if (typeof window.web3 !== "undefined") {
  // Legacy dapp browsers...
  web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider);
} else {
   // no web3... augmint-js still can be used via Infura websocket connection

let connectionConfig;
if (web3) {
  // For connection via injected provider:
  connectionConfig = {
    givenProvider: web3.currentProvider,
    // We assume that injected Metamask/Trustwallet/Metacoin etc. provider takes care of reconnections
} else {
  // For connection via Infura (not passing givenProvider)
  connectionConfig = {
    PROVIDER_URL: "wss://", // or wss:// or  ws://localhost:8545
    PROVIDER_TYPE: "websocket",
    INFURA_PROJECT_ID: "" // this should come from env.local or hosting env setting

const augmint = await Augmint.create(connectionConfig);

// To catch errors you need to use txHash / confirmation / receipt getters:
try {

const tx = augmint.rates.setRate(CCY, rate)
  // optionally you can sign with a privatekey
  // .sign(privatekey, {from: "0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d"} )
  // or send it if provider like MetaMask manages the signature for the given sender address
  .send([{ from: "0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d" }]) // {from: 0x..} only needed if it's not signed
  .onceTxHash( txHash => {.. })
  .onceReceipt( receipt => { ...})
  .onConfirmation( confirmationNumber => {...}
  .onceReceiptConfirmed(5, receipt => {...})
  .onceTxRevert( (error, receipt) => { ....});

  const txHash = await tx.getTxHash();

  // receipt as soon as we got it (even with 0 confirmation):
  const txReceipt = await tx.getReceipt();

  // receipt after x confirmation:
  const confirmedReceipt = await tx.getConfirmedReceipt(12);

} catch (error) {
  // .send / sign throwing or rejecting with sending errors but not when tx reverts!
  // Also, you need to take care of timeouts. E.g. use Augmint.utils.promiseTimeout()

 // receipt you need to check for receipt.status if tx was Reverted or not.
if (confirmedReceipt.status) {
  // all good
} else {
  // this tx was reverted

Specs: test/Transaction.test.js

More examples

Web3.js event style

Deprecated and discouraged but kept for backward compatibility with web3js style events:

tx.on[ce]("transactionHash" | "receipt" | "confirmation" | "error");
// This way it can be easily plugged into dapps which are handling web3js tx objects:
//   augmint-js Transaction object can be a drop in as an almost direct replacement of webjs transactioObject

Specs: test/Transaction.web3jsStyle.test.js

Construct a transaction with Transaction class

It's likely not needed for ordinary augmint-js use

 const web3TxObject = rates.instance.methods.setRate(CCY, 100)
 // you can set the gaslimit here or later at send() too
 const augmintRatesTx = new Transaction(ethereumConnection, web3TxObject, { gasLimit: 200000 } );
 augmintRatesTx.send(...).onTxHash(...)  // or sign().send() etc.


For local development: launch a docker container with test augmint contracts in ganache

$ yarn augmint-cli  # NB: if you are running from within the augmin-js repo then: ./scripts/

augmint-cli : start / stop augmint contracts. Docker image: augmint/contracts:vx.x.x

    Usage: /usr/local/bin/augmint-cli ganache {start | stop | run}
      start: tries to start container named ganache . If fails then runs (downloads, creates and starts) the container from augmint/contracts:vx.x.x
      stop: plain docker stop augmint/contracts:vx.x.x (doesn't check if exists)
      run: stops and removes the ganache container if exists. then runs it

Also recreates the container if it exists but image is not as expected (ie. there was a version upgrade)

Publish NPM package

bump the version property in the package.json release a new version as usual

  • merge staging into master
  • create a release in github with the vX.X.X tag on master

before npm publish, you need to build the library:

  • checkout the master(!) branch
  • yarn clean
  • yarn build npm publish from master branch. test it with --dry-run


Augmint is an open and transparent project.

We are looking for great minds to extend our core team. Contributions in any area is much appreciated: development, testing, UX&UI design, legal, marketing, spreading the word etc.

Code of Conduct

Get in touch


See team on

Decentlabs The project was born at DECENT Labs

Concept, initial version


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.