Plese refer to the BetterDiscord documentation if you need help: BetterDiscord Documentation.
How to install:
- 1. Make sure BetterDiscord is installed.
- 2. Go to settings -> BetterDiscord -> Themes
- 3. Click on Open folder and put your theme into the opened folder.
- 4. Reload Discord by pressing Ctrl + R in Discord.
- 5. Go back to Settings -> BetterDiscord -> Themes
- 6. Check the box in your Theme
Description: A theme to keep away clutter while staying in Discord's style and color.
Status: In development. I am very much a perfectionist, and would love any suggestions at MoreThanTom#0828, I will try to keep it updated to work with latest Discord/BetterDiscord updates.
What it does:
So far, this theme shrinks the guilds, channels, members and search results off the screen when not in use, adds transparency layers to a few panels including Mentions, and the search Bar. There are also a couple more QoL tweaks here and there. I have been careful to make sure all the hitboxes are exact, and I havent left any graphical glitches, However, if you do find anything, please tell me so that I can fix it.