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Getting started on managing a virtual machine with User Assigned MSI using C#

Azure Compute sample for managing virtual machines -

  • Create a Resource Group and User Assigned MSI with CONTRIBUTOR access to the resource group
  • Create a Linux VM and associate it with User Assigned MSI
    • Install Java8, Maven3 and GIT on the VM using Azure Custom Script Extension
  • Run Java application in the MSI enabled Linux VM which uses MSI credentials to manage Azure resource
  • Retrieve the Virtual machine created from the MSI enabled Linux VM.

Running this Sample

To run this sample:

Set the environment variable CLIENT_ID,CLIENT_SECRET,TENANT_ID,SUBSCRIPTION_ID with the full path for an auth file. See how to create an auth file.

git clone

cd compute-dotnet-manage-user-assigned-msi-enabled-virtual-machine

dotnet build


More information

Azure Management Libraries for C# Azure .Net Developer Center If you don't have a Microsoft Azure subscription you can get a FREE trial account here

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