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umock_c is a C mocking library.



  • Clone umock_c by:
git clone --recursive
  • Create a cmake folder under the root of umock-c

  • Switch to the cmake folder and run

cmake ..

If you would like to use installed (by CMake) versions of packages already on your machine:

cmake -Duse_installed=ON ../
  • Build the code for your platform (msbuild for Windows, make for Linux, etc.) by executing in the cmake folder:
cmake --build .

To install umock_c:

cmake -Duse_installed=ON ../

On Linux:

sudo make install

On Windows:

msbuild /m INSTALL.vcxproj

This requires that ctest and testrunnerswitcher are both installed (through CMake) on your machine.

Building tests

In order to build the tests use the run_unittests cmake option:

cmake .. -Drun_unittests:bool=ON


Ever wanted to write something like this in C as a test?

    // arrange

    // act
    int result = function_under_test();

    // assert
    ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(int, 44, result);
    ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(char_ptr, umock_c_get_expected_calls(), umock_c_get_actual_calls());

umock_c has way more features than this simple example!


  • umock_c uses ctest as test runner ( ctest is a C test runner that can be run on many platforms as it does not make use of compiler/platform specific code and thus it is easily portable.
  • umock_c uses cmake ( to generate build files.
  • umock_c uses testrunnerswitcher to allow switching between ctest and CppUnitTest for Windows.


Complete documentation is available here.