A repository containing simple scripts I have used in the past, I sweat so that you don't have to ;)
- 2D Raycasting Folder: JavaScript visualization of 2D ray casting
- Attraction-Repulsion Forces Folder: JavaScript visualization of attraction-repulsion forces
- Bubblesort Folder: JavaScript visualization of the bubblesort algorithm
- Cube Wave Folder: JavaScript animation of a cube wave
- Mouse Following Animation Folder: JavaScript mouse following animation
- Quicksort Folder: JavaScript visualization of the quicksort algorithm
- Rubik's Cube Visualization Folder: JavaScript Visualization of a Rubik's cube
- RubikCubeSolver Folder: Java (Proessing) Rubik's cube solver
- SnowAnimation Folder: Pyhton & C++ implementation of a snow animation
- Text Bubble Animation Folder: JavaScript simple text animation
- Youtube Scraper Folder: Python Youtube's live videos comments scraper
- Zyngapoker Bot Folder: Python interface for Zynga poker
- Average.f95: Compute the average using dynamic memory allocation
- BTree.m: Create a searchable binary tree
- BinomialCoefficient.m: Compute the binomial coefficient
- Donut.cpp: Donut shaped code that produces a 3D rotating donut
- Factorial.m: Takes a number and calculates its factorial value
- FadingColors.py: Fading colors animation
- MonteCarlo.m: Compute the value of pi using Monte Carlo trials
- NoSleep.vbs: Prevent your screen from sleeping
- Pendulum.m: Compare the Symplectic and Forward Euler methods on the simple pendulum problem
- PlottingAnimation.m: Plotting animation template for MATLAB
- Quine.py: Example of a self replicating program (Quine)
- RainbowText.py: Change the colors of the displayed letters everytime you click the screen
- RotatingSquare.py: Animation of a rotating square using pyGame
- SimpleBouncing.py: Animation of a square bouncing off a wall using pyGame
- Streamlines.m: Streamline plot template for MATLAB
- TwoWaves.m: Plot of two orthogonal waves
- Vandermonde.m: Compute the Vadermonde matrix
- Wind.m: Wind streamline plot