Please read the following before you run the game:
The game right now is set to auto mode. So once you start, it will make random gusses and play automatically against the computer, but you can change that in the code.
- Play against the computer.
- Support more than two players.
- Different winning strategies (Annihilation, Score, TimeLimit).
- Change the board to be a matrix instead of a hash_table.
- Add automated Testing
- Allow players to choose a Placement strategy(Manual, Auto).
- Implement the Manual Placement Strategy
- Dockerize the game
- Change the way the winning strategy works to use observable pattern, to get notified when a player is hit or destroyed.
- Need to add a game_config class to pass to the game class. It should contain, row_count, col_count, player_count, etc...
- Different types of boards (square, rectangle, circle, etc...).
- Get rid of all the ToDo comments.
🚀 🚀 🚀 FYI: I am working on an API and a UI for the project as well. You can find them in the following repositories:
- API: (Built using .Net (C#) )
- UI: (Built using Angular (TypeScript and Javascript))