My name is Kate 😉
Thanks for your course.
Git is new for me but I begin to understand how it works, thanks to you 😃
A lot of new information/ The most intresting is Learning git branching
Link to my repo
- Linux CLI, and HTTP
https://linuxsurvival.com/ is very good tutorial to Linux, everything was clear.
New for me was information about HTTP/HTTPS protocols and client-server architecture.
- Git Collaboration
Progressive using of Git remotes was difficult but i've done it 💪
- Intro to HTML and CSS
What's new for me:
- Node.js and Browser-sync
- Try to track changes with browser-sync
- The history of development of HTML
- 7 content models
- The Universal (*) Selector
- Background-image
- Media queries
- In Web develppment tools there is possibility to check represantation of web-page on different devices
- Viewport met teg to turn off default mobile zooming
I'll use in future everything that i've learnd in course on Coursera because it's fundamentals of HTML/CSS.
- Responsive Web Design
I've repeat how to use Flexbox. There are new things such as: Grid Layout and breakpoints for displaying an ideal layout to the end-user.