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Move Scripting Systems Documentation

Nathan edited this page May 30, 2024 · 32 revisions

Move Scripting Systems Documentation

Moves in Heart Gold have 2 of their own bytecode scripting languages that correspond with certain pieces of code that would have to be repeated constantly across moves. This is similar in function to the various scripting systems from Gen 3 as well.

Like Gen 3, there are move battle scripts and move animation scripts. Also like Gen 3, the battle scripting language is also used for various other things--handling ability stat raises, handling leftovers' HP increase, setting the weather from the overworld, etc. Most of these are in combination with assembly code that is spread throughout the battle system--the code checks for the Drizzle ability, then queues up a battle script that sets rain. The code checks for the Frisk ability, then queues up a battle script that handles the message being displayed. The code checks for Mold Breaker on switch in, then queues a battle script to actually display the message that the Pokémon is breaking the mold.

Within these battle scripts, there are 3 separate narc files that each are different in function, in order they will be covered:

  • battle_move_seq
  • battle_eff_seq
  • battle_sub_seq

Move animation scripts are often called within battle scripts to show something happening, be it the Pokémon sliding around or small particles coming up to show that the Pokémon is honing its claws. In addition to this, every single move has its own animation that is played when the move is used. There are two classes of these, and admittedly I'm not too sure when the latter is used, but they are dumped in this repo for completeness and future-proofing:

  • move_anim
  • move_sub_anim

A lot of what this documentation will deal with is the initial output of the script dumper from well over a year ago. Many script command names are in progress. Many fields hadn't (still haven't!) been identified properly as vars/battlers/etc. and are thus dumped as raw numbers. printmessage in particular is all of common, fully known, and dumped such that all of its parameters are initially raw numbers. It is not all that high a priority to revamp the initial dump such that it's perfectly readable, instead preferring to add new entries/revamp old ones as they become relevant. The initial dump will be shown, then the "prettyified" version will be commented next to it--just a better-readable version that corresponds to the same thing/interpretation of the value.

battle_move_seq - a000

Every single move has a script in this narc. Very few moves actually have substance in their script in here, instead jumping to the current battle_eff_seq script corresponding to the move that was selected. Adding new moves requires that a new script be added to this narc, else no script will be dumped when the game looks for a move to run and the game crashes. The battle_eff_seq file index that is chosen is the same as the battleeffect field in the moves structure.

battle_eff_seq - a030

The first two bytes of the file with the move's index in the move data narc correspond with the script that is run from the battle_eff_seq narc. These often primarily just do setup and queue up a battle_sub_seq, interestingly enough. A notable exception is Judgment's battle_eff_seq script, which determines the type that Judgment is going to be when used. Similarly,

battle_sub_seq - a001

These scripts are largely where the code that actually does effects are run. So a move will run through its battle_move_seq, which queues up a corresponding battle_eff_seq, most of which finally queue up a battle_sub_seq that executes the effect.

move_anim - a010

Every move has its own animation in this file, and they are performed by these scripts using the .SPA particle files from a029. There is no simple editor for the .SPA files as of yet despite documentation existing, so we currently just steal them from the Gen 5 games and see if they work in Heart Gold well enough. Most move_anim scripts just load a particle file (the .SPA handles most of the movement of said particle), place particles from the file, and play a sound.

move_sub_anim - a061

I believe this is used intermittently for when an animation needs to happen and there isn't a move slot that has the animation already defined. I haven't looked too much into this as of yet, but things like Thief's animation for stealing an item (as opposed to the attack animation) and Pokémon using an item to heal are probably in this narc.

Battle Script Examples

I personally learn primarily by example. A lot of what the beginning stages of battle script editing were in Gens 2 and 3 was mashing hexadecimal together and seeing what all worked--before there were any competent editors (and even for a while after there were, as people preferred pasting assembled hex into the rom directly for some reason). A similar approach can be taken for this, identifying certain blocks that look like, when isolated, can be ported and placed wherever.

Example 1 - Tackle

To start out, we can look at Tackle and how it works. Tackle, with move index 33, uses armips/move/battle_move_seq/033.s as the script that it immediately executes:


This is the script that is present for almost all moves. Because of this, I will omit looking at battle_move_seq in future examples to save space--what you can take away is basically that the battle_eff_seq is what is the main script and that a battle_move_seq script needs to be present for the mvoe lest the game crashes. Most moves just jump to the current move effect script. Looking at the battleeffect field from its move data entry (see armips/data/moves.s):

movedata MOVE_TACKLE
    battleeffect 0
    basepower 40

With a battleeffect field of 0, the script jumps to battle_eff_seq script 0 (armips/move/battle_eff_seq/000.s).

This script is then the basic damage-dealing script with no bells or whistles:


No battle_sub_seq is run in this case because the effect completely handles it by itself.

calculates the critical multiplier (set to 1 in the case that there isn't one)

the basic damage calculator.  called for all damaging moves, but will disable itself if a separate damage calc is detected

ends the script and hands exection back to the overall battle engine if nothing else is queued

From there, we can look at other simple cases: moves that lower the target's stats. We can look at two examples of this to determine the differences, and this also introduces another core concept in move scripts with the connection between battle_eff_seq and battle_sub_seq.

Example 2 - Tail Whip/Growl

Let's take a look at the battle scripts of Growl and Tail Whip:

    battleeffect 19
    basepower 0

movedata MOVE_GROWL
    battleeffect 18
    basepower 0

armips/move/battle_eff_seq/019.s (Tail Whip):

    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, 0x80000017

armips/move/battle_eff_seq/018.s (Growl):

    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, 0x80000016

These battle_eff_seq scripts are queuing up a battle_sub_seq script that is executed after the endscript command seen here.

This script also introduces the concept of battle variables. Unlike overworld scripting variables, battle variables all have a specific purpose (as they are a way for the script commands to directly access and manipulate fields from the massive battle structure that is used in the code). These variables are mostly manipulated through the changevar script command, which has 3 parameters:

changevar operator, var, value
perform math operations on "var" using "value"
- operator is the math operation done on the variable
- var is the variable to change
- value is the argument for the operator

A list of operators for use with changevar are in the Battle Script Command Reference at the end.

The variable VAR_ADD_STATUS1 tells the engine code that there is still something to be done to a Pokémon on the field when it is nonzero. The engine code then moves to interpret VAR_ADD_STATUS1 to map it to another battle script with the move's effect described.

There are two parts to the value that it sets: the first part in the most significant bits (the 0x80000000). More on those later. The rest of it is a way that the game grabs the desired subscript.

We can break down Tail Whip's script as such:

    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, 0x80000000 | 23 // 0x17 = 23, hexadecimal to decimal

The most significant bits are dedicated to determining which Pokémon on the field the effect should apply to. 0x80000000 signals to the code that the target is the Pokémon that the effect applies to, and 0x40000000 signals that the effect applies to the attacker. There are a few more values as well, but those are the more important ones at the moment. These have convenient defines in armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s that allow us to break this down further:

    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, ADD_STATUS_DEFENDER | 23 // 0x17 = 23, hexadecimal to decimal

Now we know that this battle script tells the game to apply a certain effect to the defender.

The 23 correlates to a battle_sub_seq script through the table move_effect_to_subscripts in src/moves.c:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
// ...
    [ 22] =  12, // attack -1
    [ 23] =  12, // defense -1
    [ 24] =  12, // speed -1
// ...

Now battle_sub_seq script 12 (armips/move/battle_sub_seq/012.s) is responsible for every single stat adjustment in battles, just fed slightly different parameters. The modularity makes it difficult to understand, and we may cover it more comprehensively later. Just know off the bat that it is responsible for stat changes--it will come up later.

The big takeaway currently is that Growl, when treated similarly to Tail Whip:

    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, ADD_STATUS_DEFENDER | 22 // 0x16 = 22 decimal

That 22 gives the attack -1 entry from move_effect_to_subscripts, right above Tail Whip's defense -1.

Example 3 - Rain Dance

A sort of complicated battle_eff_seq script that goes into a simple battle_sub_seq script, Rain Dance:

    battleeffect 136
    basepower 0


    if IF_MASK, VAR_FIELD_EFFECT, 0x3, _0094
    preparemessage 0x31F, 0x0, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN"
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_WEATHER_TURNS, 0x5
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS2, 0x2000005D
    checkitemeffect 0x1, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x71, _0090
    getitempower BATTLER_ATTACKER, VAR_09
    changevar2 VAR_OP_ADD, VAR_WEATHER_TURNS, VAR_09
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

Here we are introduced to some control flow things that the script system supports as well as some new commands:

if operator, var, value, address
conditional flow command
- operator is the math operation done on the variable, see Battle Script Command Reference
- var is the variable with the value to test
- value is the argument for the operator, always a constant for if
- address is the destination that the script will jump to if the if operator returns true

preparemessage id, tag, battlers 1-6
prepares a message to be used by printpreparedmessage
- id is the message index in the narc a027 file 197
- tag determines the strings that are buffered in which order from the Pokémon on the field
- the battlers determine which battlers on the field to grab information to buffer strings from
  - the tag detemines how many battlers are specified--"NaN" signifies that no battler will be built from that parameter

prints the message prepared by "preparemessage"

checkitemeffect checker, battler, effect, address
conditional flow command that is based on item effect
- when "checker" is true, checkitemeffect jumps to "address" if battler doesn't have the item with effect "effect"
  - if false, checkitemeffect jumps to "address" if the battler does have the item with effect "effect"
- battler is the battler to check against
- effect is the held item effect to compare to
- address is the address to jump to

getitempower battler, variable
grabs the item power field from the item data narc and puts it in variable
- battler is the battler that has the item to grab the item power from
- variable is the variable to store the item power in

changevar2 operator, destvar, srcvar
changevar except the constant is now a variable
- operator is the same as changevar
- destvar is a variable that may or may not hold a value already that will be changed
- srcvar is a variable that operator uses to complete its operation

DSPRE introduces a separation between what it calls "scripts" and "functions." Those do not exist here at all, at least not how DSPRE handles what the game is actually doing. Conditional execution is handled much similarly as in raw assembly: there are a number of conditional branches that go to other areas, and identicality to the original script files was a goal of this system to prevent complications.

Now to break down what exactly is happening in the script.

The if at the beginning checks to make sure that the field effect variable doesn't already have the rain bits set. If the rain bits are already set, then the script jumps to _0094 where VAR_10, which stores move results among other things, has its "move failed" bit set. If the move does not fail, the script continues at the preparemessage immediately following. The preparemessage takes its id as 0x31F (799), which according to data/text/197.txt is the line It started to rain! As there are no string buffers in this, there is nothing to buffer, so it takes a tag of 0x0 and just prepares that message to print. The changevar that clears the mask 0x80FF from the field effect variable is ensuring that all other weathers that are active at the time of using Rain Dance are dissipated. The script then sets the rain bit, sets the turns to 5, and queues up a battle_sub_seq script. The Damp Rock's item effect is checked for, and if the attacker doesn't have a Damp Rock (as the checker is 0x1), then the script ends and jumps to _0090. Otherwise, the VAR_WEATHER_TURNS has the item power field from the getitempower script command added to it. VAR_09 is typically used as a (very) temporary variable--random number calculations are stored there on top of other calculation interim steps that are necessary, both in battle script usage as well as the battle engine.

The script queues up the 0x5D (93) status effect in the var and says that the target is the temporary work battler (0x200000000). Looking at move_effect_to_subscripts again...

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
// ...
    [ 92] = 101,
    [ 93] = 103, // subscript 103 is the queued battle_sub_seq script
    [ 94] = 105,
// ...

This takes us down a rabbit trail (armips/move/battle_sub_seq/103.s):

    gotosubscript 57

New command, but the name is pretty explanatory:

gotosubscript num
calls battle_sub_seq script "num".  returns to the caller after an endscript is reached
- num is the index of the ``battle_sub_seq`` script to jump to

Which ends at (armips/move/battle_sub_seq/057.s):

    wait 0x1E

Two new script commands:

wait time
pause script execution for "time" frames
- time is the amount of frames to pause for

pause script execution until current message is done printing.  not just done for messages, also used for various states that take up time that script execution needs to pause for (although not animations).

This script just prints the prepared message from the preparemessage command back in armips/move/battle_eff_seq/136.s, waits for 30 frames, and ends the script.

The queued battle_sub_seq script, despite taking us through another battle_sub_seq script, is solely responsible for printing the message prepared in the battle_eff_seq script!

There are a number of "optimizations" like this that are done for whatever reason. In dissecting how even simple attacks like Rain Dance work, sometimes you end up down massive trails of redundancy that make things challenging to dissect sometimes. It is alright to be confused! But it is especially important that the control flow commands (if, goto, gotosubscript, etc.) are well understood.

Example 4 - Metal Claw/Charge Beam

What about moves that raise a stat when attacking (or have a chance to)? For that we can look to Metal Claw and Charge Beam:

    battleeffect 139
    basepower 50

    battleeffect 276
    basepower 50


    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS2, 0x4000000F // ADD_STATUS_ATTACKER | 15


    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS2, 0x40000012 // ADD_STATUS_ATTACKER | 18

Making a damaging move that also raises a stat is almost exactly like mashing the two effect scripts together! A damaging attack, with the 3 basic critcalc/damagecalc/endscript commands! Note that since the changevar queues up a script, it makes sense that the damage still occurs before the stat raise despite it queuing before the other script commands that one would expect to do the damaging--the script it queues actually occurs after the endscript of this script.

Both this and Rain Dance used VAR_ADD_STATUS2 instead of just VAR_ADD_STATUS1. While I am not 100% sure why, I believe it is because VAR_ADD_STATUS1 queues up a script to do a primary effect, whereas VAR_ADD_STATUS2 queues up a secondary effect script. Regardless, we can look again to move_effect_to_subscripts to see which subscript is queued up:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [ 14] =  63,
    [ 15] =  12, // attack +1
    [ 16] =  12, // defense +1
    [ 17] =  12, // speed +1
    [ 18] =  12, // spatk +1
    [ 19] =  12, // spdef +1

As we can see, Metal Claw queues up an attack +1 while Charge Beam queues up a spatk +1.

Example 5 - Curse/Ancient Power/Superpower

So how do moves that manipulate multiple stats work? We can look at moves like Curse and then AncientPower for that case:

movedata MOVE_CURSE
    battleeffect 109
    basepower 0

    battleeffect 140
    basepower 60


    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, 0x40000058 // ADD_STATUS_ATTACKER | 88
    if2 IF_NOTEQUAL, VAR_ATTACKER, 0x10, _0060
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, 0x20000059 // ADD_STATUS_WORK | 89
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_EFFECT, 0x1


    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS2, 0x40000022 // ADD_STATUS_ATTACKER | 34

First off, new script commands from the Curse battle script:

ifmonstat operator, battler, field, value, address
jump to "address" if the "battler"'s stat designated by "field" is related to "value" as determined by "operator"
- operator is the math operation done on the variable, enumerated in "if"
- battler is the pokémon to get data from
- field is the data to grab from.  see field enumerations in the ifmonstat documentation
- value is the value to check against, used in the operator calculations as they appear in "if"
- address is the location to jump to when the if is true

if2 operator, var1, var2, address
jump to "address" if "var1" is related to "var2" as determined by "operator"
- operator is the same as the "if" operators
- var1 is a var to compare
- var2 is another var to compare against
- address is the location to jump to when the if is true

cmd_D4 battler
not sure what this command does.
- battler is the battler to affect

As can be seen, Curse has a number of extra things that come into play because of the Ghost type check! We will look at AncientPower first.

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [ 33] =  93,
    [ 34] = 119, // ancient power battle_sub_seq script
    [ 35] = 115,


    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_60, 0x80
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0xF // 15
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x10 // 16
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x11 // 17
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x12 // 18
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x13 // 19
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x2
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x80

AncientPower raises all of the main 6 stats that can be raised when successful. This is clear here: it jumps to battle_sub_seq script 12 a total of 5 times each with a different value in VAR_34. These values hopefully by now look a bit familiar:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [ 14] =  63,
    [ 15] =  12, // attack +1
    [ 16] =  12, // defense +1
    [ 17] =  12, // speed +1
    [ 18] =  12, // spatk +1
    [ 19] =  12, // spdef +1
    [ 20] =  12, // accuracy +1

So in order to manipulate multiple stats in a move, one just needs to call subscript 12 over and over with different values in VAR_34. This is further confirmed by Superpower:

    battleeffect 182
    basepower 120



move_effect_to_subscripts in src/moves.c:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [ 36] = 130,
    [ 37] = 138, // superpower's battle_sub_seq script
    [ 38] = 147,


    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_60, 0x80
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x16 // 22
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x17 // 23
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x2
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x80

move_effect_to_subscripts in src/moves.c:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [ 21] =  12, // evasion +1
    [ 22] =  12, // attack -1
    [ 23] =  12, // defense -1
    [ 24] =  12, // speed -1

I am honestly not sure of what the masks that it sets are, but pretty sure one toggles animations (the 0x80) instead of having them replay for every stat gain. The last one probably signals that everything is over and the stat gains are done with.

Curse as a stat-changing move

Finally, we can look at the rest of Curse (battle script repasted here for convenience, armips/move/battle_eff_seq/109.s):

a030_109 - Curse effect script (click to dropdown!)
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_ATTACKER, MON_DATA_TYPE_1, TYPE_GHOST, _0044 // if the pokémon is of type ghost, go to _0044
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, 0x40000058 // ADD_STATUS_ATTACKER | 88
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, 0x20000059 // ADD_STATUS_WORK | 89
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_EFFECT, 0x1
I am not sure what setting the ``VAR_MOVE_EFFECT`` to ``0x1`` does here. Perhaps it is done when showing that the move effect is changing somehow? I suspect that it has something to do with Curse explicitly, as I can't seem to nail it down.


    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS2, 0x40000022 // ADD_STATUS_ATTACKER | 34

Checking the battle_sub_seq scripts that Curse queues up from its battle_eff_seq script:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [ 87] =  95,
    [ 88] =  96, // curse not ghost - what we are currently interested in
    [ 89] =  97, // curse ghost
    [ 90] = 126,


    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x18 // 24
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_06, 0x4001
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_60, 0x80
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0xF // 15
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x10 // 16
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x2
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x80

Looking back at those familiar numbers:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [ 15] =  12, // attack +1
    [ 16] =  12, // defense +1
    [ 17] =  12, // speed +1
    [ 23] =  12, // defense -1
    [ 24] =  12, // speed -1

We can see that the speed -1 is queued first, followed by the attack +1 and the speed +1. We can further see that when switching from the negative stat boosts to the positive stat boosts, VAR_06 is masked with 0x4001. Furthermore, the animation plays twice--once for the decrease, and once again for the increase--we can tell because the VAR_60 mask with 0x80 thus doesn't happen until after the speed decrease happens.

Curse as a Ghost type

Now let's look at Curse as a Ghost type (armips/battle_sub_seq/097.s):

    if IF_MASK, VAR_10, 0x10000, _00D0
    checksubstitute BATTLER_DEFENDER, _00D0
    ifmonstat IF_MASK, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_STATUS_2, 0x10000000, _00D0
    gotosubscript 76
    changemondatabyvalue VAR_OP_SETMASK, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_STATUS_2, 0x10000000
    changevar VAR_OP_MUL, VAR_HP_TEMP, -1
    damagediv VAR_HP_TEMP, 2
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_06, 0x40
    gotosubscript 2
    printmessage 0x1A1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x2, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN"
    wait 0x1E
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

A few new script commands here:

changemondatabyvalue operator, battler, field, value
changes mon data "field" by "value" as specified by "operator"
- operator is the same as the "changevar" operators
- battler is the battler to grab the data from
- field is the data to grab/set from the battler
- value is the argument for the operator

changemondatabyvar operator, battler, field, var
changes mon data "field" by "var"'s value as specified by "operator"
- operator is the same as the "changevar" operators.  if looking to set the var to the mon data field, use VAR_OP_GET_RESULT
- battler is the battler to grab the data from
- field is the data to grab/set from the battler
- var is the variable the engine grabs from to manipulate the mon data field

damagediv var, value
sets damage to be "var" / "value"
- var is the numerator in the division
- value is the denominator in the division

If VAR_10 has 0x10000 set, the script sets the move failed bit in VAR_10 and ends the script. Similar for the checksubstitute command, where if the BATTLER_DEFENDER has some status then the move fails and the script ends. Finally, if the curse bit is set in the Pokémon's MON_DATA_STATUS_2 field, then the move fails as well. The move then calls battle_sub_seq script 76 (armips/move/battle_sub_seq/076.s):

    playanimation BATTLER_ATTACKER

Two new very simple commands from this one:

prints the current attack message from a027 file 003 (data/text/003.txt).

playanimation battler
plays the current attack's animation based on "battler"
- battler is the primary battler to base the animation on

This is a simple battle script that generically prints the attack message and plays the move animation before ending.

So at gotosubscript 76 from the Curse subscript above, the attack name is printed and the animation played. Repasting the Curse script:

    gotosubscript 76
    changemondatabyvalue VAR_OP_SETMASK, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_STATUS_2, 0x10000000
    changevar VAR_OP_MUL, VAR_HP_TEMP, -1
    damagediv VAR_HP_TEMP, 2
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_06, 0x40
    gotosubscript 2
    printmessage 0x1A1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x2, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN"
    wait 0x1E
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

The Curse bit is then set (you can think of this as the BATTLER_DEFENDER is inflicted with Curse by the changemondatabyvalue command there), and the BATTLER_ATTACKER's max HP is placed into VAR_HP_TEMP. VAR_HP_TEMP is made to be negative (by multiplying by -1), and the damage to be dealt is set to VAR_HP_TEMP / 2--half of the max HP. The bit in VAR_06 is set to signal to subscript 2 that is coming up that the move sound effect should not be played, that the HP should just be manipulated (as we will see in a moment). Finally, the VAR_BATTLER_SOMETHING is set to be VAR_ATTACKER--the temporary work battler is set to be the attacker so that subscript 2, which is written to be generic, will know what to do. We go to subscript 2 (armips/move/battle_sub_seq/002.s):

    if IF_MASK, VAR_06, 0x40, _0044
    playmovesoundeffect BATTLER_xFF
    monflicker 0xFF
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_69, 0x0, _0044
    gotosubscript 264
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_06, 0x40
    healthbarupdate BATTLER_xFF
    datahpupdate BATTLER_xFF
    tryfaintmon BATTLER_xFF
    if IF_GREATER, VAR_HP_TEMP, 0x0, _0094

Documenting more new script commands:

playmovesoundeffect battler
plays the move's damaging sound effect with pan based on "battler"
- battler is the basis of the sound pan

monflicker battler
makes "battler" flicker as if hit
- battler is the Pokémon to flicker

healthbarupdate battler
updates "battler"'s hp bar
- battler is the battler that has the hp bar to update

datahpupdate battler
updates the information on the "battler"'s hp bar, specifically the hp data
- battler is the owner of the hp data to update

tryfaintmon battler
tries to faint "battler".  nothing happens if fails, the mon will slide down otherwise
- battler is the mon to faint

So we can see that this is another generic subscript made to be used under many circumstances. It deals damage and then does all the updating of the HP bars as necessary. I will let you check out subscript 264 if you want, but it is not relevant to the current case, as VAR_06 has its 0x40 bit set and the script jumps to _0044 instead of executing all of that. It is the script responsible for the super-effective weakening berries, and we may be looking at it as a specific use-case later where we want to add something like, say, the Roseli Berry.

Finally, back to the printmessage command from the Curse script:

    gotosubscript 2
    printmessage 0x1A1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x2, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN"
    wait 0x1E
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

This printmessage finally gets to a different tag (that isn't 0)! Here, we can grab the tag value from the documentation at the bottom:

#define TAG_TRNAME                      (8)     //trainername

#define TAG_NICK_NICK                   (9)     //nickname      nickname
#define TAG_NICK_MOVE                   (10)    //nickname      move

Here we see that there are two fields that it grabs, so it requires 2 of the 6 battler parameters. The rest are left as "NaN" as before. To understand what is going on, we check out line 0x1A1 (417) from data/text/197.txt (with brackets added for ease of reference):

[417] {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} cut its own HP\nand laid a curse on {STRVAR_1 1, 1, 0}!
[418] {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} cut its own HP\nand laid a curse on the wild\f{STRVAR_1 1, 1, 0}!
[419] {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} cut its own HP\nand laid a curse on the foe’s\f{STRVAR_1 1, 1, 0}!
[420] The wild {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} cut its own HP\nand laid a curse on {STRVAR_1 1, 1, 0}!
[421] The wild {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} cut its own HP\nand laid a curse on the wild\f{STRVAR_1 1, 1, 0}!
[422] The foe’s {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} cut its own HP\nand laid a curse on {STRVAR_1 1, 1, 0}!
[423] The foe’s {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} cut its own HP\nand laid a curse on the foe’s\f{STRVAR_1 1, 1, 0}!

Here we are introduced to a way of doing things that is rather interesting and is very much a massive waste of space: The only string variables used are for the nicknames directly. Otherwise, the printmessage command will just add on for the correct circumstance to achieve a new message that correctly reflects the battle at hand. Generally speaking, most moves that only buffer 1 battler from the field will have 3 messages, one for the player, the wild mon, and the foe's mon--this is even the case for the printattackmessage text archive, (data/text/003.txt). In Curse's case, because one battler is using the move on another battler and both are buffered, there are 7 cases, all automatically adjusted for like the above. It then takes two battlers, and the command looks somewhat better like this:


Meaning that the first {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} will be replaced with the nickname of the attacker, and the second {STRVAR_1 1, 1, 0} will be replaced with the nickname of the defender. The script then ends after waiting for the message to print.

Synthesizing new move effects

In adding a new move that doesn't have an effect that already exists, we need to add a new battle_eff_seq script. In this repo, it's simply a matter of creating a new .s file in the folder. As an example, I will be looking to implement Simple Beam--an effect that isn't currently done in the repo--as move effect 292 that will queue up subscript 330 to do its effect.

Adding Simple Beam's Effect

Simple Beam sets the defender's ability to Simple unless if the ability it would overwrite is any of Truant, Multitype, Stance Change, Schooling, Comatose, Shields Down, Disguise, RKS System, Battle Bond, Power Construct, Ice Face, Gulp Missile, or As One. All of these checks can be done directly from the battle scripts themselves using ifmonstat and changemondatabyvalue.

To start out, we can finally discuss the headers of each script file, which you'd see if you opened any of the files directly from the repo. These will largely be the same for each scripts, with exceptions depending on if more constants are needed:


.include "armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s"
.include "armips/include/abilities.s"
.include "armips/include/itemnums.s"
.include "armips/include/monnums.s"
.include "armips/include/movenums.s"

These are all directives that tell armips to either set things up differently or read separate files for defines and other asm if included. The .nds directive configures the output to be little-endian and sets the assembler to output ARM 9 code in ARM mode. The .thumb directive fixes the ARM mode output to be in thumb mode, which for ARM assembly code is a cut-down space-conserving instruction set. The .include directive opens up the file specified by the filepath in the string, assembling said file similar to the #include directive from C.

.create "build/move/battle_eff_seq/0_001", 0

The .create directive tells armips to create the file at the filepath in the string and will start writing to it from the base offset 0.

Finally, each file ends with the .close directive to tell armips to close out of the file and make no further changes.

So we create a new file in armips/move/battle_eff_seq called 292.s with the contents at the moment solely:


.include "armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s"
.include "armips/include/abilities.s"
.include "armips/include/itemnums.s"
.include "armips/include/monnums.s"
.include "armips/include/movenums.s"

.create "build/move/battle_eff_seq/0_292", 0

simpleBeamScript: // a030_292

There is nothing that we can actually do from the battle_eff_seq that needs to be done for Simple Beam, which just gives the defender the Simple ability (instead of changing move damage or something like that that isn't battler-specific). As a result, we just go straight to queuing up a battle_sub_seq and ending the script right away:

simpleBeamScript: // a030_292

So now we know that we queue up a script that affects the defender. What do we put in for xx, the index of move_effect_to_subscripts? In this repo, you can actually just add on to the end of move_effect_to_subscripts in src/moves.c. So we add on a new entry to the end:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [152] = 318, // shell smash
    [153] = 319, // v create
    [154] = 320, // autotomize
    [155] = 330, // simple beam - new entry

Which makes the battle_eff_seq script:

simpleBeamScript: // a030_292
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, ADD_STATUS_DEFENDER | 155 // queue up simple beam subscript

Now we look to make the Simple Beam subscript, adding a battle_sub_seq script to the end of the folder as 330.s:


.include "armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s"
.include "armips/include/abilities.s"
.include "armips/include/itemnums.s"
.include "armips/include/monnums.s"
.include "armips/include/movenums.s"

.create "build/move/battle_sub_seq/1_330", 0

simpleBeamSubScript: // a001_330

Now to build the script. We need to change the defender's ability to Simple. We've covered a command to do so, changemondatabyvalue (which should be changemondatabyvalue):

simpleBeamSubScript: // a001_330
    changemondatabyvalue VAR_OP_SET, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SIMPLE // set the defender's ability to simple

But now the animation just plays and the move ends with no indication of what happened. From there, we need to print a message, for which we need to add a new message as well:

simpleBeamSubScript: // a001_330
    changemondatabyvalue VAR_OP_SET, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SIMPLE // set the defender's ability to simple

Adding the message to the 197.txt, just have to add as line 1348 (when the first line is zero, brackets added as reference and not actually inserted):

[1348] {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0}’s ability\nchanged to {STRVAR_1 5, 1, 0}!
[1349] The wild {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0}’s\nability changed to {STRVAR_1 5, 1, 0}!
[1350] The foe’s {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0}’s\nability changed to {STRVAR_1 5, 1, 0}!

This text entry (specifically the string variables used) is based on Flash Fire's, at entry 656:

[656] {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0}’s {STRVAR_1 5, 1, 0} raised\nthe power of its Fire-type moves!
[657] The wild {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0}’s\n{STRVAR_1 5, 1, 0} raised the power\fof its Fire-type moves!
[658] The foe’s {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0}’s\n{STRVAR_1 5, 1, 0} raised the power\fof its Fire-type moves!

Now we have Simple Beam, which replaces the defender's ability with Simple, printing a message that will look something like:

The foe's Elgyem's
ability changed to Simple!

Finally, we have to add that the move fails when the defender's ability is any number of abilities. A move fails when VAR_10 has its 0x40 bit set, as discussed previously:

    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

So now we add a check for the ability Truant that will jump to moveFails if the defender has the ability using ifmonstat.


Combining it all together:

simpleBeamSubScript: // a001_330
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_TRUANT, moveFails // move fails if the defender has truant

    changemondatabyvalue VAR_OP_SET, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SIMPLE // set the defender's ability to simple

    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

Now Simple Beam fails when it's used on a defender with Truant. Adding the rest of the abilities:

simpleBeamSubScript: // a001_330
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_TRUANT, moveFails           // move fails if the defender has truant
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_MULTITYPE, moveFails        // move fails if the defender has multitype
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_STANCE_CHANGE, moveFails    // move fails if the defender has stance change
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SCHOOLING, moveFails        // move fails if the defender has schooling
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_COMATOSE, moveFails         // move fails if the defender has comatose
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SHIELDS_DOWN, moveFails     // move fails if the defender has shields down
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_DISGUISE, moveFails         // move fails if the defender has disguise
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_RKS_SYSTEM, moveFails       // move fails if the defender has rks system
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_BATTLE_BOND, moveFails      // move fails if the defender has battle bond
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_POWER_CONSTRUCT, moveFails  // move fails if the defender has power construct
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_ICE_FACE, moveFails         // move fails if the defender has ice face
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_GULP_MISSILE, moveFails     // move fails if the defender has gulp missile
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_AS_ONE, moveFails           // move fails if the defender has as one

    changemondatabyvalue VAR_OP_SET, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SIMPLE // set the defender's ability to simple

    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

That should be all needed to do the effect for Simple Beam! For future examples, I will be skipping the header creation for simplicity--just know that it will be there.

To recap: Add a new battle_eff_seq script that queues up a battle_sub_seq script, add a new entry to move_effect_to_subscripts in src/moves.c that corresponds to the one you queued up in the battle_eff_seq script, and then add a new battle_sub_seq that corresponds to the entry you just added to move_effect_to_subscripts that then performs all of the effects.

Simple Beam created scripts (click to dropdown!)

Battle effect script:


.include "armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s"
.include "armips/include/abilities.s"
.include "armips/include/itemnums.s"
.include "armips/include/monnums.s"
.include "armips/include/movenums.s"

.create "build/move/battle_eff_seq/0_292", 0

simpleBeamScript: // a030_292
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_ADD_STATUS1, ADD_STATUS_DEFENDER | 155 // queue up simple beam subscript

Battle sub script:


.include "armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s"
.include "armips/include/abilities.s"
.include "armips/include/itemnums.s"
.include "armips/include/monnums.s"
.include "armips/include/movenums.s"

.create "build/move/battle_sub_seq/1_330", 0

simpleBeamSubScript: // a001_330
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_TRUANT, moveFails           // move fails if the defender has truant
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_MULTITYPE, moveFails        // move fails if the defender has multitype
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_STANCE_CHANGE, moveFails    // move fails if the defender has stance change
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SCHOOLING, moveFails        // move fails if the defender has schooling
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_COMATOSE, moveFails         // move fails if the defender has comatose
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SHIELDS_DOWN, moveFails     // move fails if the defender has shields down
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_DISGUISE, moveFails         // move fails if the defender has disguise
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_RKS_SYSTEM, moveFails       // move fails if the defender has rks system
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_BATTLE_BOND, moveFails      // move fails if the defender has battle bond
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_POWER_CONSTRUCT, moveFails  // move fails if the defender has power construct
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_ICE_FACE, moveFails         // move fails if the defender has ice face
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_GULP_MISSILE, moveFails     // move fails if the defender has gulp missile
    ifmonstat IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_AS_ONE, moveFails           // move fails if the defender has as one
    changemondatabyvalue VAR_OP_SET, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_ABILITY, ABILITY_SIMPLE // set the defender's ability to simple
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

Adding Fairy Type Handling to Judgment

Old moves are also updatable in hg-engine--a few that have been are Rapid Spin and Judgment. Let's look at what Judgment does to see how we can add Fairy type handling to it, quick look back at armips/data/moves.s:

    battleeffect 268
    basepower 100

So we look at battle_eff_seq script 268 (armips/move/battle_eff_seq/268.s) (the old version here):

a030_268 - Judgment effect script unlabeled (click to dropdown!)
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x83, _0148
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x86, _0160
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x84, _0178
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x85, _0190
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x89, _01A8
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x88, _01C0
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8A, _01D8
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8D, _01F0
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x7E, _0208
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x7F, _0220
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x81, _0238
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x80, _0250
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x87, _0268
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x82, _0280
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8B, _0298
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8C, _02B0
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x1
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x2
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x3
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x4
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x5
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x6
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x7
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x8
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0xA
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0xB
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0xC
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0xD
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0xE
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0xF
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x10
    goto _02C0
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x11
While long, it should be clear what it is doing: with the ``checker`` of ``checkitemeffect`` being ``0x0`` for each command, the commands are all checking to see if the ``BATTLER_ATTACKER`` has an item with that item effect. A quick detour into the item data shows that each of these move effects belong directly to a plate--you can see another breakdown [here](, where I modify one of the many ASM places that dictate how Arceus gets its type to include the Fairy type.

We can label this a bit better to show what is happening:

a030_268 - Judgment effect script better labeled (click to dropdown!)
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x83, _setFighting   // TYPE_FIGHTING
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x86, _setFlying     // TYPE_FLYING
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x84, _setPoison     // TYPE_POISON
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x85, _setGround     // TYPE_GROUND
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x89, _setRock       // TYPE_ROCK
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x88, _setBug        // TYPE_BUG
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8A, _setGhost      // TYPE_GHOST
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8D, _setSteel      // TYPE_STEEL
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x7E, _setFire       // TYPE_FIRE
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x7F, _setWater      // TYPE_WATER
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x81, _setGrass      // TYPE_GRASS   
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x80, _setElectric   // TYPE_ELECTRIC
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x87, _setPsychic    // TYPE_PSYCHIC 
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x82, _setIce        // TYPE_ICE     
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8B, _setDragon     // TYPE_DRAGON  
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8C, _setDark       // TYPE_DARK    
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
With all of the type values labeled and the labels themselves having the names, this script looks even clearer. Adding a new held item effect that turns Judgment into a Fairy type move should just be following the pattern, adding something like this:
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, XXXX, _setFairy      // TYPE_FAIRY
    goto _return

And if you're not replacing an old item for the Pixie Plate, then the XXXX becomes a brand new item effect slot. The game ends at 0x92, so we use 0x93:

    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x93, _setFairy      // TYPE_FAIRY
    goto _return

This is actually the method used directly in hg-engine for updating Judgment:

Fully-Updated Fairy Judgment (click to drop down!)

Fairy handling has spaces around it for emphasis:


.include "armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s"
.include "armips/include/abilities.s"
.include "armips/include/config.s"
.include "armips/include/constants.s"
.include "armips/include/itemnums.s"
.include "armips/include/monnums.s"
.include "armips/include/movenums.s"

.create "build/move/battle_eff_seq/0_268", 0

    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x83, _setFighting   // TYPE_FIGHTING
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x86, _setFlying     // TYPE_FLYING  
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x84, _setPoison     // TYPE_POISON  
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x85, _setGround     // TYPE_GROUND  
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x89, _setRock       // TYPE_ROCK    
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x88, _setBug        // TYPE_BUG     
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8A, _setGhost      // TYPE_GHOST   
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8D, _setSteel      // TYPE_STEEL  

    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x93, _setFairy      // TYPE_FAIRY

    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x7E, _setFire       // TYPE_FIRE    
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x7F, _setWater      // TYPE_WATER   
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x81, _setGrass      // TYPE_GRASS   
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x80, _setElectric   // TYPE_ELECTRIC
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x87, _setPsychic    // TYPE_PSYCHIC 
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x82, _setIce        // TYPE_ICE     
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8B, _setDragon     // TYPE_DRAGON  
    checkitemeffect 0x0, BATTLER_ATTACKER, 0x8C, _setDark       // TYPE_DARK    
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return

    goto _return

    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return
    goto _return


Adding Fairy Type Reduction Berry

Gen 4 introduced all of the berries that activate when a super-effective move is used against the holder. The damage they take is then halved as a result, making them very frequent in competitive play as a result, with every turn being important in the overall scheme of battles. As mentioned previously when covering Curse as a Ghost type, the type-halving berries are covered in battle_sub_seq script 264, a generic script that actually has that as its primary purpose--check if the damage being done should be halved by the berries or not.

The script dump as it originally appears is as follows, taken from here:

a001_264 - Type Reduction Berries
    if IF_MASK, VAR_06, 0x8800, _041C
    if IF_MASK, VAR_10, 0x20, _041C
    abilitycheck 0x1, BATTLER_ATTACKER, ABILITY_NORMALIZE, _0054
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_09, 0x0
    goto _0088
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x0, _0080
    goto _0088
    getmoveparameter 0x3
    getitemeffect BATTLER_xFF, 0x2B
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x23, _0204
    if IF_NOTMASK, VAR_10, 0x2, _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x13, _0220
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x14, _023C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x15, _0258
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x16, _0274
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x17, _0290
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x18, _02AC
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x19, _02C8
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1A, _02E4
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1B, _0300
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1C, _031C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1D, _0338
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1E, _0354
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1F, _0370
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x20, _038C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x21, _03A8
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x22, _03C4
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x0, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0xA, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0xB, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0xD, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0xC, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0xF, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x1, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x3, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x4, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x2, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0xE, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x6, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x5, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x7, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x10, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, 0x11, _03D8
    goto _041C
    if IF_NOTEQUAL, VAR_09, 0x8, _041C
    setstatus2effect BATTLER_xFF, 0xA
    damagediv 32, 2
    printmessage 0x46B, 0x18, 0x15, 0x1, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN"
    wait 0x1E
    removeitem BATTLER_xFF

A few new commands from this:

abilitycheck checker, battler, ability, destination
jump to "destination" if "battler" has or doesn't have "ability" based on "checker"--if "checker" is 0, jumps if the "battler" has the "ability", otherwise jump if doesn't have "ability"
- checker determines to check if "battler" has or doesn't have "ability"--if "checker" is 0, jumps if the "battler" has the "ability", otherwise jump if doesn't have "ability"
- battler is the battler whose ability to check
- ability is the ability to check for
- destination is where to jump if the check succeeds

setstatus2effect battler, value
sets status2 "value" bits for "battler" (condition2 in the BattlePokemon structure)
- battler is the battler to grab status2 from
- value comprises the bits to set in status2

getmoveparameter field
grabs parameter "field" from the move data structure and stores in VAR_09
- "field" is the data to grab from the move, enumerations in the documentation

getitemeffect battler, var
grabs the item held effect from "battler" and puts it in "var"
- battler is the battler to grab the item held effect from
- var is the var to store the item held effect in

removeitem battler
removes the item from battler
- battler is the battler whose item to remove

Making it easier to read with various defines and label names:

a001_264 - Type Reduction Berries (Nicer)
    if IF_MASK, VAR_06, 0x8800, _endScript
    if IF_MASK, VAR_10, 0x20, _endScript
    abilitycheck 0x1, BATTLER_ATTACKER, ABILITY_NORMALIZE, _skipNormalize
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_09, TYPE_NORMAL
    goto _checkBerries
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x0, _grabDefaultType
    goto _checkBerries
    getmoveparameter MOVE_DATA_TYPE // stores the move type from the move data table in VAR_09

    getitemeffect BATTLER_xFF, VAR_43
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x23, _checkNormal
    if IF_NOTMASK, VAR_10, 0x2, _endScript // if the move used was not supereffective, end the script
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x13, _checkFire
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x14, _checkWater
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x15, _checkElectric
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x16, _checkGrass
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x17, _checkIce
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x18, _checkFighting
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x19, _checkPoison
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1A, _checkGround
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1B, _checkFlying
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1C, _checkPsychic
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1D, _checkBug
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1E, _checkRock
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1F, _checkGhost
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x20, _checkDragon
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x21, _checkDark
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x22, _checkSteel
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_NORMAL, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FIRE, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_WATER, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_ELECTRIC, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_GRASS, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_ICE, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FIGHTING, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_POISON, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_GROUND, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FLYING, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_PSYCHIC, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_BUG, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_ROCK, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_GHOST, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_DRAGON, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_DARK, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_NOTEQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_STEEL, _endScript

    setstatus2effect BATTLER_xFF, 0xA
    damagediv VAR_HP_TEMP, 2
    printmessage 1131, TAG_ITEM_MOVE, BATTLER_x15, BATTLER_ATTACKER, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN"
    wait 0x1E
    removeitem BATTLER_xFF


So a few things that we can gather from this is the difference between how this is programmed and how the Judgment plates are programmed. Instead of using many different checkitemeffect commands for each individual berry, this script stores the item effect in a variable and performs many comparisons on that variable. This demonstrates a sort of flexibility present in the scripting system: you can do any of multiple things to accomplish the same goal. You can even rewrite this to be the same as the other one (or vice versa!). The important part is testing everything out before leaving it be and tracking issues as they pop up.

Looking at the script again, the pattern for each type becomes clear again, and thus a way to expand it to include Fairy type with the snippet:

    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, XXXX, _checkFairy
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FAIRY, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript

Once again, we need to replace XXXX with a held item effect. The Pixie Plate (as added last section) had held effect 0x93, so if we aren't replacing another item to implement the Roseli Berry's effect, then we just add onto that by using 0x94. Otherwise can just use the held item effect of the item that you are replacing.

    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x94, _checkFairy
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FAIRY, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript

And finally, the script in which Fairy is spaced out to make clear that it was added there:

a001_264 - Fairy Type Reduction Berry Added
    if IF_MASK, VAR_06, 0x8800, _endScript
    if IF_MASK, VAR_10, 0x20, _endScript
    abilitycheck 0x1, BATTLER_ATTACKER, ABILITY_NORMALIZE, _skipNormalize
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_09, TYPE_NORMAL
    goto _checkBerries
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_MOVE_TYPE, 0x0, _grabDefaultType
    goto _checkBerries
    getmoveparameter MOVE_DATA_TYPE // stores the move type from the move data table in VAR_09

    getitemeffect BATTLER_xFF, VAR_43
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x23, _checkNormal
    if IF_NOTMASK, VAR_10, 0x2, _endScript // if the move used was not supereffective, end the script
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x13, _checkFire
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x14, _checkWater
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x15, _checkElectric
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x16, _checkGrass
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x17, _checkIce
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x18, _checkFighting
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x19, _checkPoison
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1A, _checkGround
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1B, _checkFlying
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1C, _checkPsychic
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1D, _checkBug
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1E, _checkRock
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x1F, _checkGhost
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x20, _checkDragon
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x21, _checkDark

    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x94, _checkFairy

    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_43, 0x22, _checkSteel
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_NORMAL, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FIRE, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_WATER, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_ELECTRIC, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_GRASS, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_ICE, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FIGHTING, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_POISON, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_GROUND, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FLYING, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_PSYCHIC, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_BUG, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_ROCK, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_GHOST, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_DRAGON, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_DARK, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript

    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_FAIRY, _halveDamage
    goto _endScript

    if IF_NOTEQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_STEEL, _endScript

    setstatus2effect BATTLER_xFF, 0xA
    damagediv VAR_HP_TEMP, 2
    printmessage 1131, TAG_ITEM_MOVE, BATTLER_x15, BATTLER_ATTACKER, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN"
    wait 0x1E
    removeitem BATTLER_xFF


Making a New Stat-Raising Move

Various new moves have stat-raising capabilities that have yet to exist in Gen 4. Quiver Dance and Hone Claws both come to mind as moves that have unimplemented combos of stats to change, with Hone Claws raising Attack and Accuracy and Quiver Dance raising all of Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.

This section will go about implementing those moves using new battle_eff_seq and battle_sub_seq scripts while adding a few new entries to move_effect_to_subscripts. Everything that is needed to do this has been covered above--now it is a matter of implementing it. Specifically, hg-engine has already done Quiver Dance, but rehashing how it was done will be important.

We start with a new battle_eff_seq that queues up a battle_sub_seq once again. In hg-engine, Quiver Dance's effect is 283, so we add it as that:


Here, we see that a battle_sub_seq script queued up through VAR_ADD_STATUS1 that supposedly is ADD_STATUS_QUIVER_DANCE--we define new ADD_STATUS constants as they appear at the top of armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s. This even further clarifies the purpose of the script, so that when we're looking back at what we did and see an ADD_STATUS_QUIVER_DANCE instead of 148 we know better what to do. Ideally, new scripts don't have to use any sort of numbers at all! We can define whatever constants whenever we need them.

Adding the new entry to move_effect_to_subscripts:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [146] = 312, // guard split
    [147] = 313, // power split
    [148] = 314, // quiver dance - new entry

Seeing that the last battle_sub_seq used was 313, we can move to map ADD_STATUS_QUIVER_DANCE to battle_sub_seq script 314, a new one.

Finally, we can move to make the battle_sub_seq script, looking at Curse as a non-ghost type as reference:

a001_096: // script for Curse as a non-ghost type
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x18 // 24
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_06, 0x4001
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_60, 0x80
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0xF // 15
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 0x10 // 16
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x2
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x80

As we did before, we can look at move_effect_to_subscripts and remember what is going on here:

u32 move_effect_to_subscripts[] =
    [ 15] =  12, // attack +1 // curse queues this up
    [ 16] =  12, // defense +1 // curse queues this up
    [ 17] =  12, // speed +1
    [ 18] =  12, // spatk +1
    [ 19] =  12, // spdef +1
    [ 20] =  12, // accuracy +1
    [ 21] =  12, // evasion +1
    [ 22] =  12, // attack -1
    [ 23] =  12, // defense -1
    [ 24] =  12, // speed -1 // curse queues this up
    [ 25] =  12, // spatk -1
    [ 26] =  12, // spdef -1
    [ 27] =  12, // accuracy -1
    [ 28] =  12, // evasion -1

We can see that Curse queues up speed -1, attack +1 and defense +1 between the bitmasks that it does the VAR_60 with gotosubscript 12 commands, showing that the Pokémon is having its Speed lowered and Attack and Defense increased when Curse occurs.

So we look to make one that raises Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed:

    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_60, 0x80
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 18 // spatk +1 (see move_effect_to_subscripts)
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 19 // spdef +1
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 17 // speed +1
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x2
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x80

And thus the Quiver Dance script is done. The statbuffchange command from battle_sub_seq script 12 handles ensuring that all the stats raised don't overflow or anything, failing if they do.

Making a Move that Sets Attacker to Random Typing

Here we are looking to add some randomness to our battle script to determine the effect that happens. For this, we can use the random battle script command:

random range, start
chooses a random number between "start" and "start"+"range" inclusive, storing it in VAR_09
- range is the range of numbers above "start" to choose from
- start is the beginning of the random numbers to choose from

The goal is to set the attacker's typing to a random type that isn't the one it already has. We make a new battle_eff_seq that queues up a new battle_sub_seq script applying to the attacker (with ADD_STATUS_ATTACKER) to set the player's type to something in and of itself. We skip the battle_eff_seq script and move to the battle_sub_seq, as this battle_eff_seq is similar to the rest of them.


This script sets the Pokémon's type to be monotype water. There is no indication that it happens--it just happens, and the animation of the move plays. We add a message to print as well as a jump to subscript 76 so that the animation and all plays in order:

    gotosubscript 76
    printmessage 178, TAG_NICK_TYPE, BATTLER_ATTACKER, BATTLER_WORK, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN" // {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} transformed\ninto the {STRVAR_1 15, 1, 0} type!
    wait 0x1E

We can directly change the type to Water this way and even use the Conversion battle message for it (from armips/move/battle_sub_seq/045.s). When the type changes in-game, however, the new type fails to buffer correctly. For this, we turn to a new variable: VAR_22. VAR_22 is the temporary message buffer variable, and it determines many indices that the script system uses to buffer words into string variables. When using TAG_NICK_TYPE, the printmessage command first buffers the nickname of the Pokémon that is specified by the first battler parameter. Then the type name is buffered using the value in VAR_22 directly.

Changing the script to buffer the Water type properly:

    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_22, TYPE_WATER
    gotosubscript 76
    printmessage 178, TAG_NICK_TYPE, BATTLER_ATTACKER, BATTLER_WORK, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN" // {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} transformed\ninto the {STRVAR_1 15, 1, 0} type!
    wait 0x1E

Now we need to make sure that the move just fails if the user is already Water-type (but only if both types are water--the move will work on Water/Poison mons, for example):


    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_22, TYPE_WATER
    gotosubscript 76
    printmessage 178, TAG_NICK_TYPE, BATTLER_ATTACKER, BATTLER_WORK, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN" // {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} transformed\ninto the {STRVAR_1 15, 1, 0} type!
    wait 0x1E

    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

Here, we add 2 ifmonstat checks to see if the types are both Water or not. Note that the second one only ever runs if the first one is successful--i.e. if the script execution falls through to moveWorks (without the jump from the first ifmonstat) then the first Pokémon's type is Water, but the second is different--which still qualifies for what we want to do with it.

Now we need to generate a random type and adjust all of these checks to be against another variable instead of against a constant. ifmonstat becomes ifmonstat2, changemondatabyvalue becomes changemondatabyvar, changevar becomes changevar2. A quick documentation addition:

ifmonstat2 operator, battler, field, variable, address
ifmonstat except variable-based
jump to "address" if the "battler"'s stat designated by "field" is related to "variable" as determined by "operator"
- operator is the same as the "if" operators
- battler is the pokémon to get data from
- field is the data to grab from.  enumerations below
- variable is the variable to check against, used in the operator calculations as they appear in "if"
- address is the location to jump to when the if is true
    random NUM_OF_TYPES-1, 0 // generate random number from 0 - (NUM_OF_TYPES - 1) inclusive, store it in VAR_09
    if IF_EQUAL, VAR_09, TYPE_MYSTERY, setRandomType // if fairy type hasn't been introduced as type 9, need to check for it here and regenerate a type if necessary

    ifmonstat2 IF_NOT_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_TYPE_1, VAR_09, moveWorks
    ifmonstat2 IF_EQUAL, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_TYPE_2, VAR_09, moveFails

    changemondatabyvar VAR_OP_SET, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_TYPE_1, VAR_09
    changemondatabyvar VAR_OP_SET, BATTLER_DEFENDER, MON_DATA_TYPE_2, VAR_09
    changevar2 VAR_OP_SET, VAR_22, VAR_09
    gotosubscript 76
    printmessage 178, TAG_NICK_TYPE, BATTLER_ATTACKER, BATTLER_WORK, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN" // {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0} transformed\ninto the {STRVAR_1 15, 1, 0} type!
    wait 0x1E

    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x40

Adding Completely New Script Commands

Warning! C code ahead. If you are not comfortable with reading/generating code, this will be inaccessible for you.

Once in a while you need access to some functionality that absolutely can not be done via battle scripts. Main examples of this will be new battle effects like Wide Guard blocking only certain moves, the Pledge moves interacting, and Autotomize reducing the weight of the Pokémon.

This section will cover specifically adding new script commands with a few examples. hg-engine has made this relatively easy compared to the base game, with the only need being expanding a table with a new entry & new code that details that entry.

Old script commands end at 0xE0 with endscript. To maintain compatibility with vanilla scripts, we just add on to those, starting with 0xE1 and counting up from there. Instead of repointing the whole table, there is an expanded table and the vanilla table. The vanilla table is still in overlay 12 and left untouched, but when new command is parsed the handler hands it off to the new table instead. Examining the code in src/battle/battle_script_commands.c, we can see:

BOOL BattleScriptCommandHandler(void *bw, struct BattleStruct *sp)
    BOOL ret;
    u32 command;

    do {
        command = sp->SkillSeqWork[sp->skill_seq_no];

        if (command < START_OF_NEW_BTL_SCR_CMDS) // command is < E1
            ret = BattleScriptCmdTable[command](bw, sp);
            ret = NewBattleScriptCmdTable[command - START_OF_NEW_BTL_SCR_CMDS](bw, sp);

    } while ((sp->battle_progress_flag == 0) && ((BattleTypeGet(bw) & BATTLE_TYPE_WIRELESS) == 0));

    sp->battle_progress_flag = 0;

    return ret;

This then leaves a brand new NewBattleScriptCmdTable[] for us to populate:

const btl_scr_cmd_func NewBattleScriptCmdTable[] =

First, we need to write our new code. New script commands as C functions must have the declaration:

BOOL function (void *, struct BattleStruct *);

While the first void * parameter is actually a structure that we rarely have to enumerate in the code that we edit (hence its void typing), the BattleStruct structure gives just about all the information that we want in the battle at any given time.

First New Command - 0xE1 reduceweight

Our battle script command will be called reduceweight and will take one parameter--the amount by which to reduce the weight. We add the function elsewhere in the battle_script_commands.c file:

BOOL btl_scr_cmd_E1_reduceweight(void *bw, struct BattleStruct *sp)
    IncrementBattleScriptPtr(sp, 1);

    return FALSE;

All battle script commands call IncrementBattleScriptPtr, passing the BattleStruct and 1 to increment the inustruction and return FALSE. This would be the equivalent of a nop or dummy battle script command--one that does nothing and just advances the script.

As previously mentioned, the BattleStruct keeps track of just about everything to do with battles. Much of it is still labeled as it appears in the leaked source in include/battle.h with many modifications as the fields are documented and used in this repo.

In looking to reduce the weight, we can see that weight is tracked per-Pokémon directly in the BattlePokemon structure nested in the overall BattleStruct structure.

So we add something to read the weight delta to the function and subtract it from the Pokémon:

BOOL btl_scr_cmd_E1_reduceweight(void *bw, struct BattleStruct *sp)
    s32 delta;
    IncrementBattleScriptPtr(sp, 1);
    delta = read_battle_script_param(sp); // read the parameter in from the battle script, incrementing the battle script ptr again

    sp->battlemon[sp->attack_client].weight -= delta; // reduce the attacker's weight by the read parameter

    return FALSE;

Finally, we need to add error checking to make sure the weight doesn't decrease below 1:

BOOL btl_scr_cmd_E1_reduceweight(void *bw, struct BattleStruct *sp)
    s32 delta;
    IncrementBattleScriptPtr(sp, 1);
    delta = read_battle_script_param(sp);

    if (delta >= sp->battlemon[sp->attack_client].weight) // if the weight would decrease below 1
        sp->battlemon[sp->attack_client].weight = 1; // minimum weight is 0.1 kg
        sp->battlemon[sp->attack_client].weight -= delta;

    return FALSE;

Finally, to make the new script usable, add it to the NewBattleScriptCmdTable:

const btl_scr_cmd_func NewBattleScriptCmdTable[] =
    [0xE1 - START_OF_NEW_BTL_SCR_CMDS] = btl_scr_cmd_E1_reduceweight,

Finally, we need to add a script macro to armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s at the end of the file with a blurb as to what it does:

// reduce attacker weight in hectograms (increments of 0.1 kg) (num can be positive or negative, negative actually increases the weight)
.macro reduceweight,num
    .word 0xE1
    .word num

We can finally make a battle_sub_seq for Autotomize, having already gone through the whole process of making a battle_eff_seq as well and such:

// autotomize move effect


    gotosubscript 76
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_06, 0x200000
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_06, 0x4001
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_60, 0x80
    changevar VAR_OP_SET, VAR_34, 41 // speed +2
    gotosubscript 12
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x2
    changevar VAR_OP_CLEARMASK, VAR_60, 0x80
    reduceweight 1000 // weight reduced by 100.0 kg
    wait 0x1E
    printmessage 0x300, 0x2, 0x7, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", "NaN" // {STRVAR_1 1, 0, 0}’s stats won’t\ngo any higher!
    wait 0x1E
    changevar VAR_OP_SETMASK, VAR_10, 0x80000000

Script Command 0xE2 - heavyslamdamagecalc

Here we make a damage calculator for the move Heavy Slam specifically. It compares the ratio of the user's weight to the target's weight and writes the base power based on that. The lower the target's weight compared to the attacker's weight, the more damage the move does.

The code, showing exactly that happen, at the end of src/battle/battle_script_commands.c (as well as a declaration at the beginning):

BOOL btl_scr_cmd_E2_heavyslamdamagecalc(void *bw, struct BattleStruct *sp)
    u32 ratio;

    IncrementBattleScriptPtr(sp, 1);

    // grab the ratio of defense weight/attack weight as a % to 2 decimal places
    ratio = (sp->battlemon[sp->defence_client].weight * 10000) / sp->battlemon[sp->attack_client].weight;

    if (ratio <= 2000)      // < 20.00%
        sp->damage_power = 120;
    else if (ratio <= 2500) // 20.01% - 25.00%
        sp->damage_power = 100;
    else if (ratio <= 3334) // 25.01% - 33.34%
        sp->damage_power = 80;
    else if (ratio <= 5000) // 33.35% - 50.00%
        sp->damage_power = 60;
    else                    // > 50.01%
        sp->damage_power = 40;

    return FALSE;

Now we need to add the new command to the new battle script instructions table:

const btl_scr_cmd_func NewBattleScriptCmdTable[] =
    [0xE1 - START_OF_NEW_BTL_SCR_CMDS] = btl_scr_cmd_E1_reduceweight,
    [0xE2 - START_OF_NEW_BTL_SCR_CMDS] = btl_scr_cmd_E2_heavyslamdamagecalc,

Finally, add a battle script macro for the command to armips/include/battlescriptcmd.s:

.macro heavyslamdamagecalc
    .word 0xE2

The command in action from usage in a battle script, specifically just the battle_eff_seq script. This doesn't even require a subscript! Based on the one for Gyro Ball (armips/move/battle_eff_seq/219.s):


Battle Script Command Reference

Battle Script Command Reference Dropdown
templateCmd - 0x[command index] (suggested name: suggestedName (if applicable))

[suggestedName is present if the currently labeled name disagrees with what the command does or does not adequately describe the command, but the scripts haven't been updated to reflect it]

commandName param1, ..., paramN
description of what commandName does with "param1", "param2"", etc. in quotations when referring directly to a parameter
- description of what param1 does/is
- description of what param2 does/is
- ...
- description of what paramN does/is

address: 0x[command's code's address]

relevant defines, if applicable, primarily C style
startencounter - 0x00
initializes battle information.  not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative

address: 0x0223CFB8
pokemonencounter - 0x01
pokemonencounter battler
initalizes wild information.  not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the pokémon that is being initialized, i.e. is called twice for doubles

address: 0x0223CFD0
pokemonslidein - 0x02
pokemonslidein battler
queues up the animation for the pokémon sliding in as in a wild battle.
- battler is the pokémon sliding in

address: 0x0223D04C
pokemonappear - 0x03
pokemonappear battler
sends out the pokémon from the poké ball it is in, solely initializing the sprite.  not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the pokémon being sent out

address: 0x0223D20C
returnpokemon - 0x04
returnpokemon battler
returns the pokémon to the trainer in its ball.  not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the pokémon returning

address: 0x0223D3E8
deletepokemon - 0x05
deletepokemon battler
deletes the sprite of battler.  not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the pokémon whose sprite is being deleted

address: 0x0223D4A8
starttrainerencounter - 0x06
starttrainerencounter battler
initalizes the trainer party.  not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the trainer being initialized

address: 0x0223D4D4
throwpokeball - 0x07
throwpokeball battler, type
throws a poké ball at the enemy.
- battler is always "BATTLER_PLAYER" or "BATTLER_OPPONENT" depending on where the ball is being thrown from
- type is the animation to be played

address: 0x0223D5F0

type enumerations:
preparetrainerslide - 0x08
preparetrainerslide battler
load in the gfx for the trainer.  not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the trainer position about to slide in

address: 0x0223D700
trainerslidein - 0x09
trainerslidein battler, pos
not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the trainer sliding in
- pos is where the trainer is sliding to

address: 0x0223D8B0
backgroundslidein - 0x0A
not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative

address: 0x0223DA48
hpgaugeslidein - 0x0B
hpgaugeslidein battler
slides in the hp gauge, printing all of the new information for the mon on the gauge as well
- battler is the hp gauge sliding in

address: 0x0223DA74
hpgaugeslidewait - 0x0C
hpgaugeslidewait battler
not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the hp gauge sliding in to wait for

address: 0x0223DB2C
preparehpgaugeslide - 0x0D
not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- battler is the hp gauge to initialize to slide in

address: 0x0223DBF4
waitmessage - 0x0E
pause script execution until current message is done printing.  not just done for messages, also used for various states that take up time that script execution needs to pause for (although not animations).

address: 0x0223DCAC
damagecalc - 0x0F
the basic damage calculator.  called for all damaging moves, but will disable itself if a separate damage calc is detected

address: 0x0223DE4C
damagecalc2 - 0x10
not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative

address: 0x0223DE84
printattackmessage - 0x11
prints the current attack message from a027 file 003 (data/text/003.txt).

address: 0x0223DEB0
printmessage - 0x12
printmessage id, tag, (varargs) battlers 1-6
prints a message
- id is the message index in the narc a027 file 197 (data/text/197.txt)
- tag determines the strings that are buffered in which order from the Pokémon on the field
- the battlers determine which battlers on the field to grab information to buffer strings from
  - the tag detemines how many battlers are specified--"NaN" signifies that no battler will be built from that parameter
    - this is because of a limitation with armips where i can't overload a macro name to have different types

address: 0x0223DEF0

message tags:
#define TAG_NONE                        (0)     //nothing

#define TAG_NONE_DIR                    (1)     //nothing (but judgment type?)
#define TAG_NICK                        (2)     //nickname
#define TAG_MOVE                        (3)     //move
#define TAG_STAT                        (4)     //stat
#define TAG_ITEM                        (5)     //helditem
#define TAG_NUM                         (6)     //number
#define TAG_NUMS                        (7)     //number(right aligned)
#define TAG_TRNAME                      (8)     //trainername

#define TAG_NICK_NICK                   (9)     //nickname      nickname
#define TAG_NICK_MOVE                   (10)    //nickname      move
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY                (11)    //nickname      ability
#define TAG_NICK_STAT                   (12)    //nickname      stat
#define TAG_NICK_TYPE                   (13)    //nickname      type
#define TAG_NICK_POKE                   (14)    //nickname      pokemon
#define TAG_NICK_ITEM                   (15)    //nickname      helditem
#define TAG_NICK_UNK                    (16)    //nickname      ?
#define TAG_NICK_NUM                    (17)    //nickname      number
#define TAG_NICK_TRNAME                 (18)    //nickname      trainername
#define TAG_NICK_BOX                    (19)    //nickname      boxname
#define TAG_MOVE_DIR                    (20)    //move          (but judgment type?)
#define TAG_MOVE_NICK                   (21)    //move          nickname
#define TAG_MOVE_MOVE                   (22)    //move          move
#define TAG_ABILITY_NICK                (23)    //ability       nickname
#define TAG_ITEM_MOVE                   (24)    //helditem      move
#define TAG_NUM_NUM                     (25)    //number        number
#define TAG_TRNAME_TRNAME               (26)    //trainername   trainername
#define TAG_TRNAME_NICK                 (27)    //trainername   nickname
#define TAG_TRNAME_ITEM                 (28)    //trainername   helditem
#define TAG_TRNAME_NUM                  (29)    //trainername   number
#define TAG_TRTITLE_TRNAME              (30)    //trainertitle  trainername

#define TAG_NICK_NICK_MOVE              (31)    //nickname      nickname        move
#define TAG_NICK_NICK_ABILITY           (32)    //nickname      nickname        ability
#define TAG_NICK_NICK_ITEM              (33)    //nickname      nickname        helditem
#define TAG_NICK_MOVE_MOVE              (34)    //nickname      move            move
#define TAG_NICK_MOVE_NUM               (35)    //nickname      move            number
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_NICK           (36)    //nickname      ability         nickname
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_MOVE           (37)    //nickname      ability         move
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_ITEM           (38)    //nickname      ability         helditem
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_STAT           (39)    //nickname      ability         stat
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_TYPE           (40)    //nickname      ability         type
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_COND           (41)    //nickname      ability         condition
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_NUM            (42)    //nickname      ability         number
#define TAG_NICK_ITEM_NICK              (43)    //nickname      helditem        nickname
#define TAG_NICK_ITEM_MOVE              (44)    //nickname      helditem        move
#define TAG_NICK_ITEM_STAT              (45)    //nickname      helditem        stat
#define TAG_NICK_ITEM_COND              (46)    //nickname      helditem        condition
#define TAG_NICK_BOX_BOX                (47)    //nickname      box             box
#define TAG_ITEM_NICK_TASTE             (48)    //helditem      nickname        taste
#define TAG_TRNAME_NICK_NICK            (49)    //trainername   nickname        nickname
#define TAG_TRTYPE_TRNAME_NICK          (50)    //trainertitle  trainername     nickname
#define TAG_TRTYPE_TRNAME_ITEM          (51)    //trainertitle  trainername     helditem

#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_NICK_MOVE      (52)    //nickname      ability         nickname        move
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_NICK_ABILITY   (53)    //nickname      ability         nickname        ability
#define TAG_NICK_ABILITY_NICK_STAT      (54)    //nickname      ability         nickname        stat
#define TAG_NICK_ITEM_NICK_ITEM         (55)    //nickname      helditem        nickname        helditem
#define TAG_TRNAME_NICK_TRNAME_NICK     (56)    //trainername   nickname        trainername     nickname
#define TAG_TRTYPE_TRNAME_NICK_NICK     (57)    //trainertitle  trainername     nickname        nickname
#define TAG_TRTYPE_TRNAME_NICK_TRNAME   (58)    //trainertitle  trainername     nickname        trainername
#define TAG_TRTYPE_TRNAME_TRTYPE_TRNAME (59)    //trainertitle  trainername     trainertitle    trainername

#define TAG_TRTYPE_TRNAME_NICK_TRTYPE_TRNAME_NICK (60)    //trainertitle  trainername     nickname        trainertitle  trainername     nickname

printmessage2 - 0x13
printmessage2 id, tag, (varargs) battlers 1-6
prints a message, can't seem to tell the difference between this and printmessage
- id is the message index in the narc a027 file 197 (data/text/197.txt)
- tag determines the strings that are buffered in which order from the Pokémon on the field.  tags are enumerated in "printmessage"
- the battlers determine which battlers on the field to grab information to buffer strings from
  - the tag detemines how many battlers are specified--"NaN" signifies that no battler will be built from that parameter
    - this is because of a limitation with armips where i can't overload a macro name to have different types

address: 0x0223DF24
printpreparedmessage - 0x14
prints the message prepared by "preparemessage"

address: 0x0223DF64
preparemessage - 0x15
preparemessage id, tag, (varargs) battlers 1-6
prepares a message to be used by printpreparedmessage
- id is the message index in the narc a027 file 197
- tag determines the strings that are buffered in which order from the Pokémon on the field.  tags are enumerated in "printmessage"
- the battlers determine which battlers on the field to grab information to buffer strings from
  - the tag detemines how many battlers are specified--"NaN" signifies that no battler will be built from that parameter

address: 0x0223DF84

see printmessage for tag id documentation
printmessagepassbattler - 0x16
printmessagepassbattler battler, id, tag, (varargs) battlers 1-6
this is currently used just once (armips/move/battle_sub_seq/050.s).  name is speculative, is used to swap between side statuses?
prints "Your team’s {STRVAR_1 6, 0, 0}\nwore off!" or "The foe’s {STRVAR_1 6, 0, 0}\nwore off!" under "TAG_MOVE"
- battler appears to be the battler that belongs to the side that switches the message id.  if on the opponent's side, will add one to the message id.
- id is the message index in the narc a027 file 197
- tag determines the strings that are buffered in which order from the Pokémon on the field.  tags are enumerated in "printmessage"
- the battlers determine which battlers on the field to grab information to buffer strings from
  - the tag detemines how many battlers are specified--"NaN" signifies that no battler will be built from that parameter

address: 0x0223DFB0
playanimation - 0x17
playanimation battler
plays the current attack's animation based on "battler"
- battler is the primary battler to base the animation on

address: 0x0223E004
playanimation2 - 0x18
playanimation2 battler, attacker, defender
plays the current attack's animation based on "battler".  notably, transform only works under this for some reason.
- battler is the primary battler to base the animation on
- attacker is the battler used as the attacker
- defender is the battler used as the defender

address: 0x0223E080
monflicker - 0x19
monflicker battler
makes "battler" flicker as if hit
- battler is the Pokémon to flicker

address: 0x0223E12C
datahpupdate - 0x1A
datahpupdate battler
updates the information on the "battler"'s hp bar, specifically the hp data
- battler is the owner of the hp data to update

address: 0x0223E160
healthbarupdate - 0x1B
healthbarupdate battler
updates "battler"'s hp bar
- battler is the battler that has the hp bar to update

address: 0x0223E200
tryfaintmon - 0x1C
tryfaintmon battler
tries to faint "battler".  nothing happens if fails, the mon will slide down otherwise
- battler is the mon to faint

address: 0x0223E22C
dofaintanimation - 0x1D
i believe it plays the animation that drags down BATTLER_FAINTED as written to by "tryfaintmon"

address: 0x0223E290
wait - 0x1E
wait time
pause script execution for "time" frames
- time is the amount of frames to pause for

address: 0x0223E2F0
playse - 0x1F
playse battler, id
play sound effect "id" with pan based on "battler"
- battler is the battler that the sound effect will be biased towards depending on which side of the field it is on
- id is the sound effect id to play

address: 0x0223E38C
if - 0x20
if operator, var, value, address
conditional flow command
- operator is the math operation done on the variable, enumerated below
- var is the variable with the value to test
- value is the argument for the operator, always a constant for if
- address is the destination that the script will jump to if the if operator returns true

address: 0x0223E3C4

if conditional operators:
#define IF_EQUAL    0 // var == value
#define IF_NOTEQUAL 1 // var != value
#define IF_GREATER  2 // var > value
#define IF_LESSTHAN 3 // var <= value
#define IF_MASK     4 // var & value
#define IF_NOTMASK  5 // !(var & value)
#define IF_AND      6 // (var & value) == value
ifmonstat - 0x21
ifmonstat operator, battler, field, value, address
jump to "address" if the "battler"'s stat designated by "field" is related to "value" as determined by "operator"
- operator is the math operation done on the variable, enumerated in "if"
- battler is the pokémon to get data from
- field is the data to grab from.  enumerations below
- value is the value to check against, used in the operator calculations as they appear in "if"
- address is the location to jump to when the if is true

address: 0x0223E474

ifmonstat fields:
#define MON_DATA_SPECIES (0)
#define MON_DATA_ATTACK (1)
#define MON_DATA_DEFENSE (2)
#define MON_DATA_SPEED (3)
#define MON_DATA_SPATK (4)
#define MON_DATA_SPDEF (5)
#define MON_DATA_MOVE_1 (6)
#define MON_DATA_MOVE_2 (7)
#define MON_DATA_MOVE_3 (8)
#define MON_DATA_MOVE_4 (9)
#define MON_DATA_10 (10)
#define MON_DATA_11 (11)
#define MON_DATA_12 (12)
#define MON_DATA_13 (13)
#define MON_DATA_14 (14)
#define MON_DATA_15 (15)
#define MON_DATA_EGG_FLAG (16)
#define MON_DATA_18 (18)
#define MON_DATA_ABILITY (26)
#define MON_DATA_TYPE_1 (27)
#define MON_DATA_TYPE_2 (28)
#define MON_DATA_GENDER (29)
#define MON_DATA_30 (30)
#define MON_DATA_PP_1 (31)
#define MON_DATA_PP_2 (32)
#define MON_DATA_PP_3 (33)
#define MON_DATA_PP_4 (34)
#define MON_DATA_PP_BONUS_1 (35)
#define MON_DATA_PP_BONUS_2 (36)
#define MON_DATA_PP_BONUS_3 (37)
#define MON_DATA_PP_BONUS_4 (38)
#define MON_DATA_PP_MAX_1 (39)
#define MON_DATA_PP_MAX_2 (40)
#define MON_DATA_PP_MAX_3 (41)
#define MON_DATA_PP_MAX_4 (42)
#define MON_DATA_LEVEL (43)
#define MON_DATA_NICKNAME (45)
#define MON_DATA_46 (46)
#define MON_DATA_HP (47)
#define MON_DATA_MAX_HP (48)
#define MON_DATA_49 (49)
#define MON_DATA_EXP (50)
#define MON_DATA_PID (51)
#define MON_DATA_STATUS_1 (52)
#define MON_DATA_STATUS_2 (53)
#define MON_DATA_54 (54)
#define MON_DATA_ITEM (55)
#define MON_DATA_56 (56)
#define MON_DATA_57 (57)
#define MON_DATA_58 (58)
#define MON_DATA_MOVE_STATE (59)
#define MON_DATA_MOVE_STATE_2 (60)
#define MON_DATA_65 (65)
#define MON_DATA_72 (72)
#define MON_DATA_73 (73)
#define MON_DATA_MIMIC_BIT (75)
#define MON_DATA_79 (79)
#define MON_DATA_81 (81)
#define MON_DATA_82 (82)
#define MON_DATA_84 (84)
#define MON_DATA_85 (85)
#define MON_DATA_86 (86)
#define MON_DATA_87 (87)
#define MON_DATA_91 (91)
#define MON_DATA_94 (94)
#define MON_DATA_FORM (98)
#define MON_DATA_VARIABLE (100)
fadeout - 0x22
fades the battle in preparation for the battle ending and whatever else to take over

address: 0x0223E52C
jumptosubseq - 0x23
jumptosubseq id
jumps to the battle_sub_seq script "id" without return (whereas gotosubscript and gotosubscript2 will return upon completion)
- id is the battle_sub_seq script to jump to

address: 0x0223E548
jumptocurmoveeffectscript - 0x24
jumps to the current move's battle_eff_seq script.  most of the battle_move_seq scripts are just this command.

address: 0x0223E568
jumptoeffectscript - 0x25
jumptoeffectscript id
jumps to battle_eff_seq "id"
- id is the battle_eff_seq script to jump to

address: 0x0223E594
critcalc - 0x26
calculates the critical multiplier (set to 1 in the case that there isn't one)

address: 0x0223E63C
shouldgetexp - 0x27
shouldgetexp address
used in battle_sub_seq script 276 to determine if any pokemon should get experience, jumps to "address" otherwise.  this is also the command that calculates experience for some reason.
- address is the address to jump to if nobody gets experience

address: 0x0223E6A0
initexpget - 0x28
initializes the experience distribution loop

address: 0x0223E81C
getexp - 0x29
grabs the experience value and places it in a string variable

address: 0x0223E85C
getexploop - 0x2A
getexploop address
loops back to "address" if there is still exp to distribute
- address is the address to jump to if there is still exp. to distribute

address: 0x0223E888
showmonlist - 0x2B
shows the player's party, typically for switching

address: 0x0223E8A0
waitformonselection - 0x2C
pauses the script execution for the player's selection in their party

address: 0x0223E978
switchindataupdate - 0x2D
switchindataupdate battler
updates the battlemon data for pokemon that switch in in the "battler" position
- battler is the battler that is switching in

address: 0x0223EAA0
jumpifcantswitch - 0x2E
jumpifcantswitch addres
jumps to "address" if the pokemon can't switch for whatever reason
- "address" is the destination to jump to if the pokemon can't switch

address: 0x0223EB40
initcapture - 0x2F
initcapture num
not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative
- "num" is unknown

address: 0x0223EB88
capturemon - 0x30
not much is known on this command, and the name is speculative

address: 0x0223EBE4
setmultihit - 0x31
setmultihit mode, num
sets the amount of times that a multi-hit move hits based on "mode".  "num" is either 0xFD or 0xDD--the command isn't used all that much to figure out what it is.
- "mode" determines the amount of hits.  possible values:
  - 0 is anywhere from 2 to 5
  - nonzero amount guarantees that amount of hits.  i.e. double hit, with battle_eff_seq 44, has "setmultihit 0x2, 0xFD" which guarantees 2 hits.
- num is either 0xFD normally or 0xDD in triple kick's case

address: 0x0223EC10
changevar - 0x32
changevar operator, var, value
perform math operations on "var" using a constant "value"
- operator is the math operation done on the variable
- var is the variable to change
- value is the argument for the operator

address: 0x0223EC84

changevar operators:
#define VAR_OP_SET         ( 7) // var = value;
#define VAR_OP_ADD         ( 8) // var += value;
#define VAR_OP_SUB         ( 9) // var -= value;
#define VAR_OP_SETMASK     (10) // var |= value;
#define VAR_OP_CLEARMASK   (11) // var &= ~(value);
#define VAR_OP_MUL         (12) // var *= value;
#define VAR_OP_DIV         (13) // var /= value;
#define VAR_OP_LSH         (14) // var <<= value;
#define VAR_OP_RSH         (15) // var >>= value;
#define VAR_OP_TO_BIT      (16) // var = 1 << value;
#define VAR_OP_GET_RESULT  (17) // var = result of script command?  used with changemondatabyvar to put mondata in var // needs research
#define VAR_OP_SUB_TO_ZERO (18) // while (var > value) { var -= value; }
#define VAR_OP_XOR         (19) // var ^= value;
#define VAR_OP_AND         (20) // var &= value;
statbuffchange - 0x33
statbuffchange address1, address2, address3
buffers the messages for a stat being changed, either lowered or increased
- address1 is the failure address for if the stat won't change and a message needs to be printed
- address2 is the failure address for if the stat won't change and a message doesn't need to be printed (like an ability canceling out)
- address3 is the failure address for a specific circumstance that i am not sure of as of yet

address: 0x0223ED78
changemondatabyvalue - 0x34
changemondatabyvalue operator, battler, field, value
changes mon data "field" by "value" as specified by "operator"
- operator is the same as the "changevar" operators
- battler is the battler to grab the data from
- field is the data to grab/set from the battler, same as "ifmonstat"
- value is the argument for the operator

address: 0x0223F38C
clearstatus2 - 0x35
clearstatus2 battler, value
unused command

address: 0x0223F4B0
togglevanish - 0x36
togglevanish battler, bool
toggles the visibility of the sprite belonging to "battler" based on "bool", invisible if "bool" is 1, visible if "bool" is 0
- battler is the battler whose sprite to manipulate
- bool determines whether or not the sprite is made invisible (1) or visible (0)

address: 0x0223F4EC
abilitycheck - 0x37
abilitycheck checker, battler, ability, destination
jump to "destination" if "battler" has or doesn't have "ability" based on "checker"--if "checker" is 0, jumps if the "battler" has the "ability", otherwise jump if doesn't have "ability"
- checker determines to check if "battler" has or doesn't have "ability"--if "checker" is 0, jumps if the "battler" has the "ability", otherwise jump if doesn't have "ability"
- battler is the battler whose ability to check
- ability is the ability to check for
- destination is where to jump if the check succeeds

address: 0x0223F524
random - 0x38
random range, start
chooses a random number between "start" and "start"+"range" inclusive, storing it in VAR_09
- range is the range of numbers above "start" to choose from
- start is the beginning of the random numbers to choose from

address: 0x0223F5E4
changevar2 - 0x39
changevar2 operator, destvar, srcvar
changevar except the constant is now a battle variable
- operator is the same as changevar
- destvar is a variable that may or may not hold a value already that will be changed
- srcvar is a variable that operator uses to complete its operation

address: 0x0223F61C

see changevar for operator enumerations
changemondatabyvar - 0x3A
changemondatabyvar operator, battler, field, var
changes mon data "field" by "var"'s value as specified by "operator"
- operator is the same as the "changevar" operators.  if looking to set the var to the mon data field, use VAR_OP_GET_RESULT
- battler is the battler to grab the data from
- field is the data to grab/set from the battler
- var is the variable the engine grabs from to manipulate the mon data field

address: 0x0223F734
goto - 0x3B
goto address
moves script execution to "address" without return
- address is the location to jump to

address: 0x0223F894
gotosubscript - 0x3C
gotosubscript num
calls battle_sub_seq script "num".  returns to the caller after an endscript is reached
- num is the index of the battle_sub_seq script to jump to

address: 0x0223F8B4
gotosubscript2 - 0x3D
gotosubscript2 var
calls battle_sub_seq script that is the value of "var".  returns to the caller after an endscript is reached
- var is the variable holding the index of the battle_sub_seq script to jump to

address: 0x0223F8D4
setmovetomirrormove - 0x3E
sets current move to one that mirror move has copied and immediately jumps to its effect script.  if the command fails, the script continues, otherwise the new move is run

address: 0x0223F904
sethaze - 0x3F
sets all stat changes of all pokemon to neutral 6 (+0)

address: 0x0223FA1C
setsomeflag - 0x40
setsomeflag battler
not sure what this command does
- battler is the battler whose flag to set (?)

address: 0x0223FA6C
clearsomeflag - 0x41
clearsomeflag battler
undoes the effects of "setsomeflag".  not sure what this command does
- battler is the battler whose flag to clear (?)

address: 0x0223FA98
setstatusicon - 0x42
setstatusicon battler, icon
appears to set the icon in the hp gauge
- battler is the battler whose gauge to manipulate
- icon is the status to set

address: 0x0223FAC4
trainermessage - 0x43
trainermessage battler, type
i believe this command prints the trainer message after it slides in and such
- battler is the trainer to print a message from
- type determines if the message is a slide-in message, a battle ending message, etc.

address: 0x0223FAFC
calcmoney - 0x44
calculates the amount of money that the player gets for winning the battle

address: 0x0223FC4C
setstatus2effect - 0x45
setstatus2effect battler, value
sets status2 "value" bits for "battler" (condition2 in the BattlePokemon structure)
- battler is the battler to grab status2 from
- value comprises the bits to set in status2

address: 0x0223FCDC
setstatus2effect2 - 0x46
setstatus2effect2 battler1, battler2, value
sets status2 "value" bits for "battler2" (condition2 in the BattlePokemon structure) based on "battler1"
- battler1 is the attacker
- battler2 is the battler to grab status2 from
- value comprises the bits to set in status2

address: 0x0223FD40
setstatus2effect3 - 0x47
setstatus2effect3 battler, var
sets status2 "var" bits for "battler" (condition2 in the BattlePokemon structure)
- battler is the battler to grab status2 from
- var has a value of the bits to set in status2

address: 0x0223FDCC
returnmessage - 0x48
returnmessage battler
plays the message that returns "battler" to its poke ball
- battler is the battler returning to its poke ball

address: 0x0223FE3C
sentoutmessage - 0x49
sentoutmessage battler
plays the message that sends out "battler" from its poke ball
- battler is the battler being sent out of its poke ball

address: 0x0223FE74
encountermessage - 0x4A
encountermessage battler
plays the message that prints when the trainers have slid in
- battler is the battler being sent out of its poke ball

address: 0x0223FEAC
encountermessage2 - 0x4B
encountermessage2 battler
not sure what this command does.  seems to be similar to "encountermessage"
- battler is the battler being sent out of its poke ball

address: 0x0223FED8
trainermessage2 - 0x4C
trainermessage2 var
i believe this command prints the trainer message after it slides in and such.  like "trainermessage", but var-based
- var contains the value of the trainer to print a message from

address: 0x0223FF04
tryconversion - 0x4D
tryconversion address
attempts to do conversion's effect, jumping to "address" if it fails
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x0223FF34
if2 - 0x4E
if2 operator, var1, var2, address
jump to "address" if "var1" is related to "var2" as determined by "operator"
- operator is the same as the "if" operators
- var1 is a var to compare
- var2 is another var to compare against (i.e. IF_LESSTHAN is true if var1 < var2)
- address is the location to jump to when the if is true

address: 0x022400B0
ifmonstat2 - 0x4F
ifmonstat2 operator, battler, field, variable, address
ifmonstat except variable-based
jump to "address" if the "battler"'s stat designated by "field" is related to "variable" as determined by "operator"
- operator is the same as the "if" operators
- battler is the pokémon to get data from
- field is the data to grab from.  enumerations below
- variable is the variable to check against, used in the operator calculations as they appear in "if"
- address is the location to jump to when the if is true

address: 0x0224017C
dopayday - 0x50
stores payday money dropped in VAR_22

address: 0x02240250
setlightscreen - 0x51
setlightscreen address
try and set light screen, jump to "address" if the command fails
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022402A0
setreflect - 0x52
setreflect address
try and set reflect, jump to "address" if the command fails
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02240380
setmist - 0x53
try and set mist, jump to "address" if the command fails
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02240460
tryonehitko - 0x54
the accuracy calculator for one-hit KO moves

address: 0x022404E0
damagediv - 0x55
damagediv var, value
sets damage to be "var" / "value"
often used for setting the damage to 1/8 the max hp or similar
- var is the numerator in the division
- value is the denominator in the division

address: 0x022406D4
damagediv2 - 0x56
damagediv2 var1, var2
sets damage to be "var1" / "var2"
- var1 is the denominator in the division
- var2 is the numerator in the division

address: 0x0224070C
trymimic - 0x57
trymimic address
tries to execute mimic's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02240764
metronome - 0x58
sets work move to random move, checks to see if it's valid, then jumps to its effect script

address: 0x0224089C
trydisable - 0x59
trydisable address
tries to execute disable's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022408FC
counter - 0x5A
executes counter's effect, including the failure mode

address: 0x022409B8
mirrorcoat - 0x5B
executes mirror coat's effect, including the failure mode

address: 0x02240AB4
tryencore - 0x5C
tryencore address
tries to execute encore's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02240BB0
tryconversion2 - 0x5D
tryconversion2 address
tries to execute conversion2's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02240C98
trysketch - 0x5E
trysketch address
tries to execute sketch's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02240E58
trysleeptalk - 0x5F
trysleeptalk address
tries to execute sleep talk's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02240F7C
flaildamagecalc - 0x60
alternate damage calculator for flail

address: 0x02241048
tryspite - 0x61
tryspite address
tries to execute spite's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x0224109C
healbell - 0x62
executes heal bell's effect.  turns VAR_09 into a bitfield depending on if the attacker and attacker's partner need to be healed

address: 0x02241140
trythief - 0x63
trythief address
tries to execute thief's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02241290
tryprotect - 0x64
tryprotect address
tries to execute protect's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022413B4
trysubstitute - 0x65
trysubstitute address
tries to execute substitute's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022414F0
trywhirlwind - 0x66
trywhirlwind address
tries to execute whirlwind's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x0224156C
transform - 0x67
executes transform's effect

address: 0x02241708
tryspikes - 0x68
tryspikes address
tries to execute spikes' effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022418FC
checkspikes - 0x69
checkspikes battler, address
checks if spikes is present on the battlefield for "battler".  jumps to "address" if there is not spikes present
- battler is the battler to check for spikes
- address is the address to jump to if spikes is not present

address: 0x02241980
tryperishsong - 0x6A
tryperishsong address
tries to execute perish song's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02241A04
orderbattlersbyspeed - 0x6B
orderbattlersbyspeed value
recalculate the turn order of the pokemon?  "value" always seems to be 0x14 except for one case where it is 0x11
- value i am not sure what it is

address: 0x02241AB4
jumpifvarisvalidbattler - 0x6C
jumpifvarisvalidbattler var, address
jumps to "address" if "var" contains a valid battler index.  used to jump through all the battlers
- var is the variable that is the loop index with the battler index
- address is the location to jump to if "var" has a valid battler index

address: 0x02241AEC
weatherdamagecalc - 0x6D
weatherdamagecalc battler
calculates the damage that the weather does to "battler"
- battler is the battler damaged by the weather

address: 0x02241B30
rolloutdamagecalc - 0x6E
calculates the damage done by rollout

address: 0x02241DF4
furycutterdamagecalc - 0x6F
calculates the damage done by fury cutter

address: 0x02241F10
tryattract - 0x70
tryattract address
tries to execute attract's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02241FA0
trysafeguard - 0x71
trysafeguard address
tries to execute safeguard's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02242024
trypresent - 0x72
trypresent address
tries to execute present's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022420B8
magnitudedamagecalc - 0x73
calculates the damage done by magnitude

address: 0x0224212C
tryswitchinmon - 0x74
tryswitchinmon battler, num, address
tries to switch "battler" out, jumps to "address" if "battler" can't switch.  "num" is always 1
- battler is the battler to switch
- num is always 1
- address is the place to jump if the battler can't switch

address: 0x022421D4
rapidspin - 0x75
do all of rapid spin's effects, like getting all of the hazards out of the way

address: 0x02242238
changehprecoverybasedonweather - 0x76
changes the amount of hp recovered based on the weather for morning sun and moonlight

address: 0x02242380
hiddenpowerdamagecalc - 0x77
calculates the damage done by hidden power.  also assigns the move type properly

address: 0x02242424
psychup - 0x78
copies the stat changes of BATTLER_DEFENDER

address: 0x02242510
tryfuturesight - 0x79
tryfuturesight address
tries to execute future sight's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02242570
checkhitrate - 0x7A
checkhitrate attacker, defender, move, address
checks if "attacker" using "move" on "defender" will hit.  jumps to "address" if not.  only used for spit up
- attacker is the hypothetical attacker
- defender is the hypothetical defender
- move is the move to check
- address is the location to jump if the move misses

address: 0x0224265C
tryteleport - 0x7B
tryteleport address
tries to execute teleport's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022426DC
beatupdamagecalc - 0x7C
calculates the damage done by beat up for each hit

address: 0x02242710
followme - 0x7D
executes follow me's effect

address: 0x0224296C
tryhelpinghand - 0x7E
tryhelpinghand address
tries to execute helping hand's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022429AC
trytrick - 0x7F
trytrick address1, address2
tries to execute trick's effect
- address1 is where the script jumps to if the command fails
- address2 is where the script jumps to if "BATTLER_DEFENDER" has the ability sticky hold

address: 0x02242A50
trywish - 0x80
trywish address
tries to execute wish's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02242B58
tryassist - 0x81
tryassist address
tries to execute assist's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02242B9C
trysetmagiccoat - 0x82
trysetmagiccoat address
tries to activate magic coat's flag on the user
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02242C80
magiccoat - 0x83
executes magic coat's effect when it activates

address: 0x02242CDC
revengedamagecalc - 0x84
calculates the damage done by revenge

address: 0x02242D90
trybreakscreens - 0x85
trybreakscreens address
tries to break any screens present on the defender's field
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02242E00
tryyawn - 0x86
tryyawn address
tries to set the yawn counter on the defender
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02242E74
tryknockoff - 0x87
tryknockoff address
tries to remove the item from the defender
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02242EB4
eruptiondamagecalc - 0x88
calculates the damage done by eruption

address: 0x02242FD8
tryimprison - 0x89
tryimprison address
tries to do imprison's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02243030
trygrudge - 0x8A
trygrudge address
tries to execute grudge's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x02243148
trysnatch - 0x8B
trysnatch address
tries to execute snatch's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x022431F0
lowkickdamagecalc - 0x8C
calculates the damage done by low kick

address: 0x0224324C
weatherballdamagecalc - 0x8D
calculates the damage done by weather ball.  additionally sets the type depending on the weather

address: 0x022432AC
trypursuit - 0x8E
trypursuit address
tries to execute pursuit's effect
- address is where the script jumps to if the command fails

address: 0x0224336C
typecheck - 0x8F
appears to manually adjust for type effectiveness.  used in pursuit's script

address: 0x02243510
checkoneturnflag - 0x90
checkoneturnflag battler, flag, value, address
checks the oneturnflag structure on "battler" for "flag" and if it's equal to "value".  if so, jumps to "address"
only used for checking protect and setting it to 0 when subscript 81 is called and not feint is used
- battler is the battler to check for oneturnflags
- flag is the flag value to check.  enumerations below
- value is the value to check the flag for
- address is where to jump to if the value in flag is equal to value

address: 0x02243558

possible flag values:
#define OTF_STRUGGLE 0
#define OTF_PROTECT 2
#define OTF_MAGIC_COAT 4
#define OTF_SNATCH 5
#define OTF_ROOST 6
setoneturnflag - 0x91
setoneturnflag battler, flag, value
sets "flag" in "battler"'s oneturnflag structure to "value"
only used to set protect to 0 and set roost to 1 when it is used
- battler is the battler that has the oneturnflag to set
- flag is the flag value to set
- value is the value to set the flag to

address: 0x0224365C
gyroballdamagecalc - 0x92
calculates the damage done by gyro ball

address: 0x02243754
metalburstdamagecalc - 0x93
metalburstdamagecalc address
calculates the damage done by metal burst.  jumps to "address" if the move would fail due to not being hit last turn
- address is the address to jump to if the move fails

address: 0x02243798
paybackdamagecalc - 0x94
calculates the damage done by payback

address: 0x0224388C
trumpcarddamagecalc - 0x95
calculates the damage done by trump card

address: 0x022438D4
wringoutdamagecalc - 0x96
calculates the damage done by wring out

address: 0x02243918
trymefirst - 0x97
trymefirst address
tries to execute me first's effect
- address is the place to jump to if me first fails

address: 0x02243950
trycopycat - 0x98
trycopycat address
tries to execute copycat's effect
- address is the place to jump to if copycat fails

address: 0x02243A0C
punishmentdamagecalc - 0x99
damage calculator for punishment

address: 0x02243A68
trysuckerpunch - 0x9A
tries to execute sucker punch's effect
- address is the place to jump to if sucker punch fails

address: 0x02243AC0
checksidecondition - 0x9B
checksidecondition battler, mode, status, address
checks side belonging to "battler" for "condition" and jumps to "address" depending on "mode"
- battler is the battler whose side to check
- mode determines how the condition is checked and "address" is jumped to.  if 0, "address" is jumped to when "condition"'s counter is 0.  if 1, "address" is jumped to when "condition"'s counter is nonzero.  if 2, "address" is never jumped to, and the "condition" is cleared
- status is the condition to check/manipulate, enumerations below
- address is the place to jump to if the check passes

possible status values:

address: 0x02243B3C
tryfeint - 0x9C
tryfeint address
if feint won't work, jumps to "address".  doesn't actually do the effect
- address is where the script jumps in case of failure

address: 0x02243D20
trypsychoshift - 0x9D
trypsychoshift address
if psycho shift won't work, jumps to "address".  doesn't actually do the effect
- address is where the script jumps in case of failure

address: 0x02243D50
trylastresort - 0x9E
trylastresort address
if last resort won't work, jumps to "address".  doesn't actually do the effect
- address is where the script jumps in case of failure

address: 0x02243D9C
trytoxicspikes - 0x9F
trytoxicspikes address
tries to execute toxic spikes' effect.  if it fails, jumps to "address"
- address is where the script jumps if the command fails

address: 0x02243DE8
checktoxicspikes - 0xA0
checktoxicspikes battler, address
checks if toxic spikes is present on "battler"'s field, jumping to "address" if it is not present

address: 0x02243E6C
moldbreakerabilitycheck - 0xA1
moldbreakerabilitycheck checker, battler, ability, destination
jump to "destination" if "battler" has or doesn't have "ability" based on "checker"--if "checker" is 0, jumps if the "battler" has the "ability", otherwise jump if doesn't have "ability"
like "abilitycheck"

address: 0x02243F18
checkonsameteam - 0xA2
checkonsameteam battler1, battler2, address
jump to "address" if "battler1" and "battler2" are on the same team
- battler1 is a battler to check for
- battler2 is another battler to check for
- address is the location to jump to if the battlers are on the same team

address: 0x02244040
pickup - 0xA3
execute pickup's effect (including all the random stuff)

address: 0x022440A0
trickroom - 0xA4
execute trick room's effect

address: 0x02244224
checkmovefinished - 0xA5
checkmovefinished battler, address
jump to "address" if the "battler" is finished with its move
- battler is the battler to check
- address is the destination to jump if "battler" is finished with its move

address: 0x0224424C
checkitemeffect - 0xA6
checkitemeffect checker, battler, effect, address
conditional flow command that is based on item effect
- when "checker" is true, checkitemeffect jumps to "address" if battler doesn't have the item with effect "effect"
  - if false, checkitemeffect jumps to "address" if the battler does have the item with effect "effect"
- battler is the battler to check against
- effect is the held item effect to compare to
- address is the address to jump to

address: 0x0224428C
getitemeffect - 0xA7
getitemeffect battler, var
grabs the item held effect from "battler" and puts it in "var"
- battler is the battler to grab the item held effect from
- var is the var to store the item held effect in

address: 0x022442F8
getitempower - 0xA8
getitempower battler, variable
grabs the item power field from the item data narc and puts it in variable
- battler is the battler that has the item to grab the item power from
- variable is the variable to store the item power in

address: 0x02244344
trycamouflage - 0xA9
trycamouflage address
tries to do camouflage's effect and jumps to "address" if it fails
- address is the location to jump to if the command fails

address: 0x02244390
naturepower - 0xAA
reassigns the move to be the one that nature power impersonates

address: 0x02244428
dosecretpower - 0xAB
reassigns the move effect to be the one that secret power impersonates

address: 0x02244458
trynaturalgift - 0xAC
trynaturalgift address
reassigns everything to the natural gift entries in the item data narc.  jumps to "address" if the command fails
- address is the location to jump to if the command fails

address: 0x02244488
trypluck - 0xAD
trypluck address1, address2
tries to do pluck's move effect.  jumps to "address1" if the target has sticky hold, "address2" if the move fails otherwise
- address1 is the location to jump to if the target has sticky hold
- address2 is the location to jump to if the command fails

address: 0x022444D0
tryfling - 0xAE
tryfling address
tries to do fling's move effect.  jumps to "address" if the command fails
- address is the location to jump to if the command fails

address: 0x0224454C
yesnobox - 0xAF
yesnobox type
summons a yes/no selection menu based on "type".  only "type"'s used are 0x3 and 0x4, only time the command is used is for switching in a new mon when one faints
- "type" is the type of selection menu brought up

address: 0x0224457C
yesnowait - 0xB0
yesnowait address1, address2
waits for the yes/no selection menu to have a selection made
- address1 is the location to jump if the player selects yes
- address2 is the location to jump if the player selects no or presses b

address: 0x022445AC
monlist - 0xB1
shows the pokemon party selection screen.  seems to be similar to "showmonlist"

address: 0x0224460C
monlistwait - 0xB2
monlistwait address
waits for the selection from "monlist".  jumps to "address" if the player cancels
- address is the location to jump to if the player cancels

address: 0x0224463C
setbattleresult - 0xB3
sets the battle result if in a wireless battle

address: 0x02244688
checkstealthrock - 0xB4
checkstealthrock battler, address
checks for stealth rock set up on "battler"'s side, jumping to "address" if not present/the "battler" has fainted.  also sets the damage done to the proper value
- battler is the battler to check for stealth rock
- address is the location to jump to if stealth rock doesn't do damage

address: 0x022446AC
checkeffectactivation - 0xB5
checkeffectactivation address
checks to see if the current move's effect will activate.  jumps to "address" if the effect does not activate
- address is the location to jump to if the effect does not activate

address: 0x022447B8
checkchatteractivation - 0xB6
checkchatteractivation address
checks to see if chatter's effect will activate.  jumps to "address" if the effect does not activate
- address is the location to jump to if the effect does not activate

address: 0x02244840
getmoveparameter - 0xB7
getmoveparameter field
grabs parameter "field" from the move data structure and stores in VAR_09
- "field" is the data to grab from the move, enumerations below

address: 0x022448EC

getmoveparameter fields:

#define MOVE_DATA_TYPE 3
#define MOVE_DATA_PP 5
mosaic - 0xB8
mosaic battler, mosaicness, time
does a little transform animation thing to "battler" based on "num".  "time" is always 1 it seems
- battler is the battler to mosaic
- mosaicness is the desired intensity in a sense - 8 is how far it normally goes, where 0 reverts the changes
- time is always 1

address: 0x02244924
changeform - 0xB9
changeform battler
recalculates the stats for "battler" when it changes form(e)

address: 0x02244964
changebackground - 0xBA
used once in subscript 0.  seems to be for assigning the current battle background to what it should be

address: 0x02244990
recoverstatus - 0xBB
recoverstatus battler
recovers any status that "battler" is afflicted with
- battler is the battler inflicted with status to heal

address: 0x022449A8
tryescape - 0xBC
tryescape battler, address
tries to escape with "battler", jumping to "address" if the escape is succsesful
- battler is the battler to use for speed calculation
- address is the location to jump to if the escape is successful

address: 0x022449E8
initstartballgauge - 0xBD
initstartballgauge battler
slides in the ball gauge of "battler"
- battler is the battler whose ball gauge to show

address: 0x02244A2C
deletestartballgauge - 0xBE
deletestartballgauge battler
slides out the ball gauge of "battler"
- battler is the battler whose ball gauge to slide off

address: 0x02244A58
initballgauge - 0xBF
initballgauge battler
name is speculative, but also appears to initialize the ball gauge
- battler is the battler whose ball gauge to initialize

address: 0x02244A84
deleteballgauge - 0xC0
deleteballgauge battler
name is speculative, but also appears to delete the ball gauge
- battler is the battler whose ball gauge to delete

address: 0x02244AB0
loadballgfx - 0xC1
loads the ball gfx

address: 0x02244ADC
deleteballgfx - 0xC2
unloads the ball gfx

address: 0x02244AF4
incrementgamestat - 0xC3
incrementgamestat battler, num, id
i believe this increments game stat "id" of "battler".  somehow incorporates "num"
- battler is the battler that has the player with game stats to increment
- num is something, normally 1 or 0
- id is the stat id to increment

address: 0x02244B0C
cmd_C4 - 0xC4
cmd_C4 battler
not sure what this command does.  seems to prepare "battler"'s sprite to change?
- battler is the sprite to prep to change

address: 0x02244B4C
abilityeffectcheckonhit - 0xC5
abilityeffectcheckonhit address
jump to "address" if the current move does not activate the target's ability
- address is the location to jump to if the current move does not activate the target's ability

address: 0x02244B78
cmd_C6 - 0xC6
cmd_C6 battler
has something to do with sprites

address: 0x02244BAC
cmd_C7 - 0xC7
cmd_C7 battler
has something to do with sprites.  reverts "cmd_C6"

address: 0x02244C3C
checkwipeout - 0xC8
checkwipeout battler, address
checks if "battler"'s team has wiped out by adding the party's hp together, jumping to address if nobody is alive
- battler is the battler whose team to check if anyone is alive
- address is the location to jump to if a wipeout should occur

address: 0x02244CCC
tryacupressure - 0xC9
tryacupressure address
queues up acupressure's effect, jumps to "address" if it fails
- address is the location to jump to if the command fails

address: 0x02244E78
removeitem - 0xCA
removeitem battler
removes "battler"'s item, queuing it as an item for recycle
- battler is the battler whose item to remove

address: 0x02244EF8
tryrecycle - 0xCB
tryrecycle battler
restores "battler"'s item to the one last recyclable
- battler is the battler whose recyclable item to restore

address: 0x02244F44
itemeffectcheckonhit - 0xCC
itemeffectcheckonhit address
jumps to "address" if the current item on the target does not activate
- address is the location to jump to if the current item on the target does not activate

address: 0x02244F88
battleresultmessage - 0xCD
displays the result message of a wireless battle

address: 0x02244FBC
runawaymessage - 0xCE
displays the run away message of a wireless battle

address: 0x02244FD4
giveupmessage - 0xCF
displays the give up message of a wireless battle

address: 0x02244FF0
checkshouldleavewith1hp - 0xD0
checkshouldleavewith1hp battler
check if the current move should leave the battler with 1 hp instead of KO'ing it
- battler is the battler whose hp to check

this has been expanded to check for sturdy properly in hg-engine

address: 0x02245008
trynaturalcure - 0xD1
trynaturalcure battler, address
tries to heal "battler" on switch out, jumping to "address" if it fails
- battler is the battler to try to recover using natural cure
- address is the location to jump to if the command fails

this has been expanded to include regenerator in hg-engine

address: 0x022450B0
checksubstitute - 0xD2
checksubstitute battler, address
checks if "battler" has substitute up, and jumps to "address" if it does
- battler is the battler to check for substitute
- address is the location to jump to if the substitute is up

address: 0x0224514C
checkcloudnine - 0xD3
checkcloudnine address
checks to see if cloud nine/any ability that nullifies weather is present and jumps to "address" if it is present
- address is the location to jump to if weather should be nullified

address: 0x022451A8
cmd_D4 - 0xD4
cmd_D4 battler
assigns BATTLER_DEFENDER to be the same as "battler"
- battler is the battler to be designated as BATTLER_DEFENDER

address: 0x022451F8
checkuturnitemeffect - 0xD5
checkuturnitemeffect address
jump to "address" if u-turn doesn't make an item activate
- address is the location to jump to if u-turn doesn't make an item activate

address: 0x02245228
swaptosubstitutesprite - 0xD6
swaptosubstitutesprite battler
swaps "battler"'s sprite with the substitute doll's sprite
- battler is the battler whose sprite to swap with the substitute doll

address: 0x0224525C
playmovesoundeffect - 0xD7
playmovesoundeffect battler
plays the move's damaging sound effect with pan based on "battler"
- battler is the basis of the sound pan

address: 0x02245288
playsong - 0xD8
playsong battler, id
plays the song "id" with pan based on "battler"
- battler is the basis of the sound pan

address: 0x022452B4
checkifsafariencounterdone - 0xD9
checkifsafariencounterdone address
checks to see if the safari encounter currently at play should end based on how many boxes are filled
- address is the location to jump to if the safari encounter is done

address: 0x022452EC
waitwithoutbuttonpress - 0xDA
waitwithoutbuttonpress time
waits for "time" frames without waiting for a button press at all
- time is the amount of frames to wait for

address: 0x02245324
checkifcurrentmoveistype - 0xDB
checkifcurrentmoveistype type, address
jumps to "address" if the current move is "type"
- type is the type to check for
- address is the location to jump to if the current move's type matches

address: 0x02245390
getdatafrompersonalnarc - 0xDC
getdatafrompersonalnarc monnum, formnum, num
grabs data from the personal narc corresponding to "monnum" and "formnum", where "formnum" is a variable.  "num" is the personal narc field id.  stores result in VAR_09
- monnum is the base species
- formnum is a variable containing the form number
- num is the personal narc id to grab

address: 0x022453D0
refreshmondata - 0xDD
refreshmondata battler
refreshes the mon data "battler", recalculating the stats.  used in forme changes, specifically shaymin and giratina
- battler is the battler whose stats to recalculate

address: 0x02245418
cmd_DE - 0xDE
cmd_DE num1, num2
not sure what this command does.  only used to end battles in subscript 5

address: 0x02245450
cmd_DF - 0xDF
not sure what this command does.  only used to end battles in subscript 5, potentially a sort of blackout screen command

address: 0x022454A0
endscript - 0xE0
ends the script and hands exection back to the overall battle engine if nothing else is queued

address: 0x022454CC

new script commands:

reduceweight - 0xE1
reduceweight delta
reduces the attacker's weight by "delta".  "delta" can be negative to increase the opponent's weight
- delta is the amount to reduce the user's weight by
heavyslamdamagecalc - 0xE2
calculates the base power for the move heavy slam
isuserlowerlevel - 0xE3
isuserlowerlevel address
jumps to "address" if the attacker is a lower level than the defender
- address is the place to jump to if the check succeeds