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Caleb Mackey edited this page May 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the restapi wiki! This API is designed for external use to query ArcGIS REST Services. Many portions of this code are implicit by design, as object properties are at the at the mercy of changes to the REST API made by Esri.

Full documentation can be found here.

Sample Usage:

`# restapi_samples`
`import sys`
`import restapi`
`import os`

`# connect USGS ArcGIS Server Instance`
`usgs_rest_url = ''`

`# no authentication is required, so no username and password are supplied`
`ags = restapi.ArcServer(usgs_rest_url)`

`### get folder and service properties`
`print ags.folders`

`# access "Structures" service`
`structures = ags.get_MapService('structures')`
`print structures.url #print MapService url`

`# print layer names`
`print structures.list_layers()`

`# access "College/University" layer`
`col = structures.layer('college/university')`

`# list fields from col layer`
`print col.list_fields()`

`### run search cursor for colleges in Nebraska (maximimum limit may be 1000 records)`
`query = "STATE = 'NE'"`
`for row in col.cursor(where=query).rows():`
    `print row`

`# Note: can also do this from the MapService level like this:`
`# cursor = structures.cursor('college/university', where=query)`

`# export Nebraska "College/University" layer to feature class`
`# make scratch folder first`
`folder = os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE'], r'Desktop\restapi_test_data')`
`if not os.path.exists(folder):`

`# export layer to shapefile`
`output = os.path.join(folder, 'Nebraska_Universities.shp')`
`col.layer_to_fc(output, where=query)`

`# export to KMZ`

`# clip col layer by polygon (Sacramento area)`
`esri_json = {"rings":[[[-121.5,38.6],[-121.4,38.6],`

`# clip by polygon (can use polygon shapefile or feature class as well)`
`cali = os.path.join(folder, 'Sacramento_Universities.shp')`
`col.clip(esri_json, cali)`
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