Boyuan Chen,
Carl Vondrick,
Hod Lipson,
Columbia University
Nature Scientific Reports
This repo contains the PyTorch implementation for paper "Visual Behavior Modelling for Robotic Theory of Mind".
The installation has been test on Ubuntu 16.04 with CUDA 9.0. All the experiments are performed on two TITAN X Nvidia GPUs. The training time varies across different computational platform. In our case, the training typically takes a few hours (less than 5 hours).
We suggest to use a virtual environment for using this code base.
cd visual_behavior_modeling
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 env
source env/bin/activate
Please donwload all the dataset from here. To use any downloaded data, please move the downloaded folder under the current directory, unzip it, and rename it as final_data.
Run the following command to train the network:
The pretrained networks can be downloaded here. For training each indiviual policies, we will release more details on how to use it easily. For now, please refer to data_processor, and each individual data file in the data download link.
For the two food policy, please download the dataset from the download link. Rename it to final_data and put the folder under the current directory. Then run the following command:
Run the following comamnd to visualize the testing result. You may need to change the directory based on your local environment setup.
The logged visualizations will be saved in test_results/images. The format is left: input; middle: groundtruth output; right: prediction.
For quantitative evaluations, please refer to the folder evaluation. We provide quantitative evaluation matrix for each individual policy. For details, please refer to our paper. Run the following commands to evaluate the performance for each individual policy. Please remember to copy the test_results folder generated from training step under /evaluation directory.
cd evaluation
title={Visual Behavior Modelling for Robotic Theory of Mind},
author={Chen, Boyuan and Vondrick, Carl and Lipson, Hod},
journal={Scientific reports},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group}
This repository is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.
This project is supported by DARPA MTO grant HR0011-18-2-0020 and NSF NRI 1925157.The authors would like to thank Yinuo Qin, Jonathan Blutinger, Boxi Xia, Philippe Wyder, and Xiaotian Hu for helping with setting up experiments and useful discussions.
The training monitoring module is borrowed from:
Please feel free to reach out Boyuan Chen if you have any questions about our paper or the code usage.