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Range Society

A Turing School group project created with Rails.

RangeSociety homepage


  • Bradley Niedt
  • Lance Taylor
  • Mary Goodhart
  • Ricardo Ledesma

About RangeSociety

Around 98% of all single-trip journeys in the US are 50 miles or less in length. Despite the fact that almost all available EV’s have a range that exceeds 50 miles, many people don’t buy, consider, or use EV’s. We’re here to help change that, and to help current EV owners. Our app will help you find things to do within your EV’s range, and to top it off, we’ll help you find an EV charger near the place you’re going so you can charge up while you’re there. Once you’ve arrived to your destination or back home, you can log your trip on your dashboard, and see how much tailpipe carbon emissions you saved.

trip log

Current Known Issues

  • Current Location button works sporadically
  • Nav bar disappears after moving/clicking on map
  • Map pins need to be anchored more precisely

Learning Goals

  • Understanding how to build a full Rails app from idea to delivery
  • Revisiting previous concepts such as APIs and OAuth
  • Finding the strengths and gaps in knowledge of Ruby, Rails, and organizing a project.
  • Using an agile process as features are developed
  • Configure a continuous integration server (We used Travis CI)


Getting Started && Prerequisites

Implementing OAuth

  • Google OAuth requirements: Sign up for Google OAuth, receive a client id and secret defined within as ENV['CLIENT_ID'] & ENV['CLIENT_SECRET']
API Keys Required:
  • Yelp defined within as ENV['YELP_API_KEY']
  • Mapbox defined within as ENV['MAPBOX_KEY']
  • Nrel defined within as ENV['NREL_API_KEY']

You will need Rails v 5.2.2.

gem install rails -v 5.2.2

Clone down this repo!

git clone


From your terminal, navigate into the Range_society directory:

cd Range_society

Make sure your gemfile is up to date:

bundle update

Establish a database:

rake db:{drop,create,migrate}

Start your server:

rails s

Open your browser (best functionality in Chrome).


Welcome to our dev environment!



Your location should be the root directory of the project (Range_society).

From the command line run rspec (This can take a moment)

Green is passing. Red is failing.

We used rspec, capybara, launchy, vcr, shoulda-matchers, and simplecov for testing.


Model, Service, Facade:

user model yelp service facade

Map, JavaScript:

Alt text Alt text

Bootstrap Styling:

Alt text

Decorator, Cache:

Alt text Alt text


Our app is deployed on heroku at: RangeSociety

Created with

  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript


  • faraday
  • figaro
  • omniauth-google-oauth2
  • travis
  • geocoder
  • bootstrap
  • newrelic_rmp
  • draper


No description, website, or topics provided.






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