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Removing a Data Point

Brikwerk edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 3 revisions


During the operation of a CT machine, improper or malformed scans can be generated and accidentally sent. This can result in CTQA generating a skewed graph, which is undesirable. Such a scenario is illustrated by the image below:

CTQA Skewed Graph

The next few steps detail how to remove the outlier point from Orthanc, CTQA, and the generated report.


Please Note: Before beginning data removal, you need to know the details of the CT machine (name, make, etc) and the date of the offending point.

In the instructions below, we will remove a point recorded on May 15 by ctbay66 at the institution, Test Hospital.

You can skip steps 1-3 if you intend on keeping the outlier scan in your Orthanc instance. Steps 4-7 will simply remove the audit data from CTQA and clear the outlying point(s) from your report(s)

  1. The process of data removal begins by deleting the undesirable results from Orthanc. Please open a web browser of your choice and access the Orthanc web interface. The address for the web interface defaults to the IP of the server with the port 8042 (Eg: "", as seen in the photo below).

    Once the page has loaded in, please click on either the "All Patients" button or the "All Studies" button (whichever is easiest to find the undesirable scan). Typically, the "All Studies" view is the quickest method for finding the undesirable scan.

Orthanc Web Interface Home

  1. Find and click the undesirable scan within the list. Make sure to pay careful attention that the machine details and date match the undesirable scan!

Orthanc Web Interface Scan Selection

  1. On the left side of the Orthanc study information page, click the "Delete this study" button.

Orthanc Web Interface Scan Deletion

  1. Next, navigate to your CTQA installation directory and open the "data" folder (located at CTQA's root).

CTQA Data Folder Open

  1. Open the folder corresponding to the machine with the undesirable point and then open the JSON file within.

CTQA Machine Data Folder Open

CTQA Machine Data Open

  1. Within the JSON file, find the key pertaining to the date of the offending data point. The key will have the date format "YYYYMMDD". Once you have found the date key, delete it and all data within it (example illustrated below).

CTQA Machine Data Open

  1. Finally, open CTQA, click the top menu item "Reports", and click both "Regenerate Daily Reports" and "Regenerate Weekly Reports". This should recreate the relevant reports, removing the offending point.

CTQA Regenerate Reports

CTQA New Report

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