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Windows Installation

ochawkeye edited this page Aug 1, 2014 · 12 revisions

Note from ochawkeye: These were the steps I followed to successfully install nflvid to the point of being able to download and view both "coach" video as well as "--broadcast" video.

This list of steps includes steps that were proven to ultimately be unsuccessful or that introduced issues that needed to be worked around. I leave these failed issue steps here as they were my most logical progression through my attempt at installation and therefore may be the natural order for those that follow after. Hopefully these failures will help others avoid some of the same problems.

This initial installation was attempted on a fairly fresh Windows 8 64-bit install. Python 2.7.5 32-bit was already fully functional on the unit at the time of this effort. Notable "already-installed" Python modules included beautifulsoup4-4.3.1, mechanize-0.2.5, nflgame-1.1.13, and pip-1.4.1

Installing nflvid package

Note from ochawkeye: As of version 0.1.4, these are the most likely steps required to install nflvid. For older versions (or if you have issues with these steps, try these older instructions

  1. Attempt to install nflvid the easiest way possible

    C:\Python27\Scripts>pip install nflvid
  2. Attempt to import nflvid in Python

    Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import nflvid

Result: Success

Install additional software for downloading, slicing, and playing back video

  1. Download and install 7zip

  2. Download and unzip ffmpeg

  3. Download and install imagemagick
    Note from ochawkeye: Link in nflvid README links to imagemagick

  4. Download rtmpdump.

  5. Download and install VLC player

  6. Copy the rtmpdump.exe file I downloaded and unzipped from the download folder into my working directory. In my case this was my Python scripts folder (that is where my nflvid-footage script is located)

  7. Try downloading some coaches footage and playing in VLC player

    C:\Python27\Scripts>python nflvid-footage --dry-run --season 2012 --teams
     MIN -- "P:\Projects\Home Computer\Fantasy Football\nflvid\footage\vikes\full"

Result: Successfully download files, files successfully play in VLC player 13. Instead of downloading default "coaches" video, attempt to download "broadcast" video

C:\Python27\Scripts>python nflvid-footage --dry-run --broadcast --season 2013 --teams
 MIN -- "P:\Projects\Home Computer\Fantasy Football\nflvid\footage\vikes\broadcast"

Result: Files successfully download and play in VLC player 14. Since --dry-run worked, deleted 30 second clip and try the full thing

C:\Python27\Scripts>python nflvid-footage --broadcast --season 2013 --teams MIN -- 
  "P:\Projects\Home Computer\Fantasy Football\nflvid\footage\vikes\broadcast"

Slice working video files into play-by-play files

  1. Continuing through the nflvid README suggests trying to slice the video into plays

    C:\Python27\Scripts>python nflvid-slice --dry-run "P:\Projects\Home Computer\Fan
    tasy Football\nflvid\footage\vikes\pbp" "P:\Projects\Home Computer\Fantasy Footb

Result: Failed - "EID ".mp4" from game file ".mp4" is not valid. Please make sure all game files start with their EID." 22. Try naming the file specifically

C:\Python27\Scripts>python nflvid-slice --dry-run "P:\Projects\Home Computer\Fan
tasy Football\nflvid\footage\vikes\pbp" "P:\Projects\Home Computer\Fantasy Footb

Result: Success

Note from ochawkeye: This ends this portion of the installation instructions for nflvid in a Windows environment. The full power of nflvid is unlocked by nfldb. Hopefully installation instructions for nfldb in Windows to follow soon.