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Releases: CGamesPlay/dfm


15 Sep 11:07
Choose a tag to compare

This release fixes a bug whereby if you deleted a file from your target directory and from the dfm repository at the same time, the auto clean procedure would never properly record that the file had been removed.


14 Dec 06:35
Choose a tag to compare

This release fixes a bug with dfm add when multiple repositories are present. Previously, the documentation said that it would select a repository automatically, but the program would fail instead. Now, the error messages are improved and the documentation about guessing has been removed.


08 Dec 19:55
Choose a tag to compare

This release introduces a few new features and updates the documentation.

  • link, copy, and remove commands now accept paths to operate on. If provided, they will only affect those paths.
  • dfm eject is provided, which is almost an inverse to dfm add. See dfm help eject for more info.


30 Oct 05:28
Choose a tag to compare

This release adds a license and author information to the output of the help command.


29 Oct 14:04
Choose a tag to compare

There was a bug where dfm would not create intermediate directories when running dfm link / dfm copy.


29 Oct 13:47
Choose a tag to compare

This is pretty good to be considered a 1.0. It adds some documentation to the help commands, has been tested on Linux and Mac OS, and includes a few bug fixes and niceities.


28 Oct 22:49
Choose a tag to compare

Initial release. It's not 1.0 because there are a few things that I want to improve before calling it that:

  • dfm add on directories
  • auto clean should remove empty directories
  • dfm copy shouldn't fail if the files are identical