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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

area: blacklists
area: blacklists
area: chat system
area: chat system
area: CI testing
area: CI testing
area: commands
area: commands
area: DeletionWatcher
area: DeletionWatcher
area: documentation
area: documentation
area: EditWatcher
area: EditWatcher
area: privileges
area: privileges
area: scanning/BodyFetcher
area: scanning/BodyFetcher
From SE WebSocket interaction to sending posts to be spam checked
area: SE API
area: SE API
area: spamchecks
area: spamchecks
Detections or the process of testing posts. (No space in the label, is because of Hacktoberfest)
area: thread safety
area: thread safety
compat: windows
compat: windows
PRs count towards Hacktoberfest if they are any of: merged, or have this label, or are approved.
integration: helios
integration: helios
Talk to the sun titan.
integration: metasmoke
integration: metasmoke
Invalid PR for Hacktoberfest
status: agreed
status: agreed
We've made a decision but nobody could be bothered to implement it/doesn't need to be implemented.
status: by design
status: by design
Not a bug, but meant to be.
status: completed
status: completed
That probably took longer than we said it would.
status: confirmed
status: confirmed
Confirmed as something that needs working on.
status: declined
status: declined
6-8 nevers.
status: deferred
status: deferred
6-8 longer weeks.
status: norepro
status: norepro
Sure you're not seeing things?
status: pd-review
status: pd-review
Needs review/executive decision from Undo/Art.
status: pending
status: pending
Just a few more things before it's live!
status: planned
status: planned
6-8 weeks.