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  1. secrets secrets Public

    Terraform module for getting list of environment variable names associated with encrypted secrets in SSM Param Store. The output of this module is in a format that is ready to be injected directly …

    HCL 1

  2. fargate-deployment fargate-deployment Public

    Terraform module for creating an ECS Fargate deployment, attaching a listener and target group to an ALB, with ability to point Cloudflare DNS records at the ALB.

    HCL 3

  3. networking networking Public

    Terraform module to create a VPC with private and public subnets.


  4. service-dependencies service-dependencies Public

    Terraform module for creating service dependencies such as IAM role and ECR repo.


  5. web-buckets web-buckets Public

    Terraform module for creating s3 buckets that host web content, or re-direct to web content, with corresponding DNS records in Cloudflare.



Showing 5 of 5 repositories
  • fargate-deployment Public

    Terraform module for creating an ECS Fargate deployment, attaching a listener and target group to an ALB, with ability to point Cloudflare DNS records at the ALB.

    Chia-Explorer/fargate-deployment’s past year of commit activity
    HCL 0 AGPL-3.0 3 0 0 Updated Apr 12, 2022
  • web-buckets Public

    Terraform module for creating s3 buckets that host web content, or re-direct to web content, with corresponding DNS records in Cloudflare.

    Chia-Explorer/web-buckets’s past year of commit activity
    HCL 0 AGPL-3.0 0 0 0 Updated Jan 7, 2022
  • service-dependencies Public

    Terraform module for creating service dependencies such as IAM role and ECR repo.

    Chia-Explorer/service-dependencies’s past year of commit activity
    HCL 0 AGPL-3.0 0 0 0 Updated Dec 28, 2021
  • networking Public

    Terraform module to create a VPC with private and public subnets.

    Chia-Explorer/networking’s past year of commit activity
    HCL 0 AGPL-3.0 0 0 0 Updated Dec 28, 2021
  • secrets Public

    Terraform module for getting list of environment variable names associated with encrypted secrets in SSM Param Store. The output of this module is in a format that is ready to be injected directly into a container definition on ECS Fargate.

    Chia-Explorer/secrets’s past year of commit activity
    HCL 1 AGPL-3.0 0 0 0 Updated Dec 27, 2021

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