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STTextView typing completions with TextFormation.

  • ⚠️ There is a bug related to undo. I haven't tracked this down yet.


Add the plugin package as a dependency of your application, then register/add it to the STTextView instance:

import TextFormation
import TextFormationPlugin

let filters = [
    StandardOpenPairFilter(open: "[", close: "]")

let providers = WhitespaceProviders(
    leadingWhitespace: WhitespaceProviders.passthroughProvider,
    trailingWhitespace: WhitespaceProviders.removeAllProvider

    TextFormationPlugin(filters: filters, whitespaceProviders: providers)

Note that both the Filter array and WhitespaceProviders must be specified statically and cannot be changed for the lifetime of the plugin. If you need to change these, when the document type changes for example, the plugin must be re-created.

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