A very basic Kubernetes StatefulSet running a FoundationDB cluster.
You can start a StatefulSet, and scale it up and down ( keep fault-tolerance of your cluster in mind ).
Let me know about your experience, please.
FDB_DATACENTER_ID : set datacenter_id ( optional )
FDB_MACHINE_ID : set machine_id ( optional, defaults to spec.nodeName ).
Hint: If you want to test redundancy/coordinator changes on a single-node-environment ( e.g. Minikube ), then you need to disable the FDB_MACHINE_ID environment variable in statefulset.yaml.
- this setup has no Persistent Volume (Claim) configured (yet) !
- only one coordinator can be configured for startup
This setup is tested on Minikube v0.25.0, Kubernetes client 1.9.3, Kubernetes server 1.9.0