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What Is This?

Classrooms Without Borders was looking for an original and unique web application to engage high school students with the historical events leading up to and during the Holocaust. Students would be able to research activities in this web app occurring during any particular day during World War 2 and submit to a portal with a write up, resources, photos, etc. This "Day in History" web application would be a database for research but also an anthology of the submissions provided by students. It aims to be a growing resource throughout time as students use it. The interface displays a timeline and map of relevant information, built by the student developers.

This was completed as a project led by:

  • Elizabeth Song (Claremont McKenna College): Product Manager
  • Karina Zhang (New York University): Back-end Developer
  • Anna Xing (University of Waterloo): Full-stack Developer, Designer
  • Marcelo Morales (John Hopkins University): Full-stack Developer
  • Namrata Rajaraman (North Carolina State University): Back-end Developer
  • Megan Lin: Front-end Developer, Designer
  • Special thanks to anyone who has helped us thus far, from our mentors to the Classrooms without Borders team for giving us this opportunity!

How to Use

TODO - explain product use cases for users

Dev Setup

  • Clone this git repository.
  • Run npm install to install all package dependencies.
  • Run npm run start to start your local development server and view the React app.

Dev Workflow

  • Commit changes in your own working branch.
  • Once a feature is completed, merge your branch to master and resolve merge conflicts. Ensure that the resulting code builds properly on your local dev server.
  • Run git push heroku master to deploy changes to the live site here:

Directory Structure/Documentation

All code goes in the src directory. Each subdirectory (except src/styling) contains an index.js file which exports all components used by other modules outside of that subdirectory. When adding a new file to a subdirectory, ensure that you export it from the appropriate index.js file as well.


Exports all backend-related functionality. This includes any functions which read or write from Firestore. In theory, only the code in this directory should have to import Firebase.


Exports modular components used to create the UI.

  • Files in this directory should used named exports rather than default exports. This allows multiple closely-related components to be exported together from one file without creating inconsistencies in export syntax.


Exports full pages of the app created by combining various components and utility functions.

  • Files in this directory should used default exports rather than named exports, since we only export one page component per file.


Contains resources for styling pages and components. There is no index.js file for this directory.

  • Constants.js has a default export constants. This is a JavaScript object which contains common colours, fonts, sizes, etc. for the site to ensure consistency in styling. This object should be imported and used to style components/pages whenever possible. Try to avoid hard-coding these values which may change over time.
  • The CSS files are imported into individual components/pages to provide further styling whenever the CSS-in-JS styling is inadequate. However, try to stick with CSS-in-JS whenever possible, as this makes the styling more consistent and flexible.


Contains pictures/logos to be used on the site.

Coding Style

A general React style guide to follow: