A server that is used to migrate a user from the old kin blockchain to the new one
- Docker
- docker-compose
- (optional) datadog-agent to report metrics to
The server can be configured from the docker-compose.yml file
Variable | Description |
MAIN_SEED | The seed of the account that will fund/create new accounts |
CHANNEL_COUNT | Number of channels that will be used |
KIN_ISSUER | Issuer of the kin asset on the old blockchain |
OLD_HORIZON | URL of horizon for the old blockchain |
NEW_HORIZON | URL of horizon for the new blockchain |
NEW_PASSPHRASE | The network passphrase for the new blockchain |
APP_ID | The app id (used to identify transactions) |
STATSD_HOST | Host of the datadog-agent |
STATSD_PORT | The datadog-agent statsd port |
DEBUG | Should be 'FALSE' |
If you wish to run the server in debug, you can just run the 'app.py' file (without the docker) |
$ docker-compose up -d
Logs can be accessed with
$ docker-compose logs
When running with 'DEBUG'='FALSE', the server is excpecting to run on an amazon ec2 instance
GET '/status'
"app_id": "mgsr",
"balance": 9754,
"channels": {
"free_channels": 7,
"non_free_channels": 3,
"total_channels": 10
POST '/migrate?address=<>'
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"balance: <balance sent to migrated account>"
HTTP 400 Account not burned:
"code": 4001,
Account already migrated:
"code": 4002,
"message": "Account GC46XF47MU4NUBBSQJ4KZWLZLN37UECP2TI2IQRYLRUBNGMADHKZBFGL was already migrated"
Invalid public address:
"code": 4003,
"message": "Address: blablabla is not a valid address"
HTTP 404 Account not found:
"code": 4041,
"message": "Account GB4AG5DILURF4O3NFCH5BF4M7PZ2ZF5WOAL6M7CQZX2DSRQ5OJ4224UQ was not found"