Bitimulate is compound word of Bitcoin and Simulate. This service provides a simulated cryptocurrency trading system. Data used in this service rely on realtime information at Poloniex.
Everything in this project is in JavaScript.
- react
- react-router
- redux
- CSS Module + Sass
- Atomic React Component (ARc)
- EChart
- Node.js
- Koa
- MongoDB (mongoose)
- Redis
- Websocket
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development or testing purposes.
- Node.js v8^
- yarn
- MongoDB
- Redis
Clone this project from the github repository.
$ git clone
Install packages in both backend and frontend directory using following command:
$ yarn
You have to rename .env.bak
file to .env
in bitimulate-backend directory. This file contains environment variable for the server.
await registerInitialExchangeRate();
This function crawls exchangerate data from poloniex and creates document for each currency.
To run the development server, execute following command inside bitimulate-backend directory:
$ yarn dev
Then, make sure you comment the await registerInitialExchangeRate();
again. I know this procedure is bit inefficient. I will come up with better solution later on :)
To run the webpack-dev-server for frontend, execute following command inside bitimulate-frontend directory:
$ yarn start
Feel free to submit new issue when you have questions or find some bugs.