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a port of the compilergenerator coco/r to typescript


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a port of the compilergenerator coco/r to typescript

the following text is from my bachelor thesis on this project


General Differences

Since Node.js file handling in the synchronous mode is based on C - like syntax there have to be multiple considerations taken when porting from Java. There is no readable or writable stream used, instead there is a file pointer to the previously opened file. Some of the classes and attributes also had to be renamed, as these names are already used in the the standard environment. Notable examples for this are the Node_ class or the obj_ attributes, as Javascript uses “Node” and “obj” in its own system.



This file is the entry point for the program. Since Javascript is a scripting language this entry point just consists of the pure logic to handle program arguments (e.g., the .atg file to be processed) and to start the parsing of the .atg file. The main file doesn’t have to look like this in every program utilizing Coco/R, in fact some programs don’t even need such an entry point, as the generated scanner and parser can be executed from within other code. This might be interesting for programs utilizing Coco/R as a subcomponent for data parsing, as the language-specific implementations allow for usage in other programs.


In this file the saving of the tracing information is handled. Before the file gets written the program has to check whether it is openable, and if so it opens the file in “overwrite” mode, to create a new file if it doesn’t exist, and if it exists it clears the contents of the file when opening. The tracing of programs is an important task for programmers as it helps with debugging and understanding the inner workings of a program. Coco/R has extensive tracing capabilities for a fine grained insight into the data and how it is structured. While these capabilities stem from a time where live debugging of programs wasn’t easily or commonly done, it still offers a better view at the data than current tools can give. The tracing of Coco/R is triggered by various options that can be enabled by using program arguments or by specifying these options (e.g., $AB3) in the attributed grammar file. Every letter or digit triggers one of the options. The Typescript implementation can use the same symbols as other implementations, as the Java implementation uses the letters described in the manual, but the C# implementation referenced by the provided test files was using numbers. This project was written to accommodate both versions without any issues, and thus the user could technically even mix numbers and letters. For more information on what options the symbols trigger please consult the user manual. [4]


The Tab.ts file contains multiple classes for storing internally used information. There is the Position class, which is used for storing information on source file sections which have to be accessed later. There is also the small SymInfo class that stores name and symbol kind. The Symbol class is a bigger storage class that contains information about the tokens read by the scanner. The Node_ class is used to build EBNF syntax graphs from the grammar in the atg file. These graphs denote terminal and nonterminal symbols to be matched by the resulting compiler as well as alternatives, optional parts and repetitive parts in the grammar. Nodes also point to the corresponding positions in the atg file. Tab.ts also contains a Sets class that implements BitSet operations such as set intersection or set difference. By far the most important class in this file is the Tab class. It represents the symbol table and features multiple functions to print elements or the complete table. There is also a lot of functionality to manage the syntax graphs.


This file is special as it is one of the two files generated from a .frame file. The generated scanner scans a program to produce parsable tokens. The Scanner.ts file, like many others, has a multitude of classes which provide functionality mainly to the Scanner class. The Buffer class is used to abstract the underlying data source, whether it is a file, a stream or another buffer. Because characters are handled as strings the processing of integer value character arrays into strings is quite complicated in Javascript. One has to iterate through the integer array, map the integer values to the corresponding characters and finally concatenate those characters. let stringValue = function (value){return String.fromCharCode(value)}).join(""); In this example buf is the integer array and value is the value currently being looked at during iteration. Array .map takes a function as an argument and transforms the contents of the array according to this function, and Array .join concatenates an array with the given separator, in our case none. The Scanner class is generated by the class DFA (described later). It has to recognize the different tokens described in the .atg file. The Scanner class starts with possible import statements. The only standard import needed is from the fs library, as it is used for every filesystem-related operation. The next part in the Scanner class is the “declarations” section, where tokens are declared. The Scanner class also contains static initializations, which are normally not a feature of Typescript, so the implementation is a bit sketchy. The initialisation is done in an anonymous function that is executed with the initialisation of a static variable. private static _static_initialize = function() {/code/}(); The variable _static_initialize has no use outside of this initialisation and does not contain any value. The next three parts of the Scanner class are used for case sensitivity, as the user can specify whether they want the processed file (such as case-insensitive programming languages) to be case sensitive. In between those parts there is also a way to insert code for comments, as the possibility of commenting out code is usually interesting.


DFA stands for deterministic finite automaton, the core part of the scanner. With DFA.ts the new Scanner.ts file is getting constructed. It generates the Scanner by opening the Scanner.frame file, writing most parts directly into the Scanner.ts file, with certain parts (denoted by -->) getting replaced with code generated by the DFA class. The scanner reads and returns the tokens one by one and as there is no dependence on other tokens ahead of the current one to properly read the token, the functionality of the generated scanner is fully deterministic.


This file is generated from the Parser.frame file. It handles the scanned tokens and parses them according to the specification. Parser.frame starts with a possible declaration of imports. Next, there is the possibility of declaring constants and variables. There is also the possibility to include pragmas, as it is useful to include certain features independent from the grammar.


This file generates the parser. Just like what the DFA class does for the scanner, ParserGen does for the parser. Unlike the scanner the parser needs a push-down automaton (PDA), as the parser in the case of Coco/R needs at least one look-ahead token to be able to determine the possible paths the parser can take. The usage of a PDA allows for the inclusion of such a look-ahead-token without sacrificing on complexity. In practical terms this feature is seen for example in many typed programming languages (eg. C) where a variable is for example defined as int foo = 42; but a function might look like int foo(){return 42;} In such cases the parser doesn’t know whether after the int foo if “foo” should be considered a variable or a function. Only if it looks a token ahead it is able to accurately go down the right path. There would be another possibility, following ALL possible paths and deciding during the further parsing whether a correct path is still available. This method results in an extremely inflated code, a slowdown of execution speed and additional complexity, as the code for each possibility has to be computed every time, and especially for nonterminals that branch more this approach can be really slow.


Coco.atg is a specification of the language for which Coco/R should generate a scanner and a parser. The Typescript version of this file differs from other implementations in two ways. The obvious difference is in the semantic actions, as those are written in the target language (i.e., Typescript). They are functionally equal in the different versions, and language specific functionality should be kept to a minimum. The .atg files for Coco/R are written in the description language Cocol/R. They are split into different sections that handle different tasks each. For Coco/R to generate a very simple compiler it only needs a production and the compiler keyword, as can be seen in the "Test" section, where exactly such a simple grammar was used for the initial tests. Without any semantic actions a generated scanner and parser only check an input file for its correctness without further actions. This might be interesting for tasks that require properly structured files, such as a quick upload filter on students' coding homework. It can’t detect errors that would require proper compilation, but it would be able to detect any syntactical errors, which might be an interesting tradeoff, considering the fact that Coco/R can be ported to basically every language pretty quickly and the “active parts” in such an application would just be the scanner and the parser, nothing else would be needed from Coco/R.

Structure of Coco.atg

The first section of the file can contain a preamble for tracing, a "$" followed by certain letters or numbers, which sets the corresponding options in the compiler. The real compiler starts with the keyword "COMPILER" followed by the name the compiler should have. The next section is for global declarations, which are copied straight into the parser. This requires them to be written in the language of the resulting parser. Following that section is the one for the construction of the scanner. The "CHARACTERS" section describes character sets that are used in the declaration of tokens.. Possible ways of representing them are: listing them all in a string ("abcdefg"), using ".." to represent spans ('a' .. 'g') and using “+” or “-“ to add or subtract from a larger group (ANY - 'h' - 'i'). As seen here one can also use the keyword "ANY" as a catch-all symbol. The "TOKENS" are constructed from characters or from previously declared character sets to describe tokens, such as identifiers, strings or numbers. “PRAGMAS” are the next group of tokens, which can occur at arbitrary positions in the input program; they can be processed by semantic actions but are not considered by the parser. After that are the “COMMENTS”, which can be nested. Nested comments have to be specified by the “NESTED” keyword. To get single-line comments, the comment has to be specified to go from a starting token to the line end. The final description for the scanner is what characters besides spaces should be skipped. After this description for the scanner follows the description for the parser, which starts with the “PRODUCTIONS” keyword, followed by the productions of the language to be processed. There has to be at least a production with the same name as given after the “COMPILER” keyword in the beginning, as this NTS is used as an entry point. In theory one could then collect all of the further productions into this one, but this only results in duplicated code and would not allow for recursion. At the end of the compiler there needs to be an “END” tag with the compiler name to symbolize that the file has been read and processed completely.


Differences to existing Coco/R implementations

Even though the author tried to make all of the features completely compatible from Java to Typescript, there has been an issue with the input attributes of productions that made a clean implementation impossible. Typescript has a feature that is a nightmare to implement: Class types can be described completely with all of their attributes, which in turn can also be complex types. This behavior causes a need for complex parsing of the argument, or to skip this step altogether. To keep it simple and uniform with other implementations the author decided after consulting the original author of Coco/R that the Typescript version would copy the input attributes directly to the Parser.ts, without processing them, thus breaking the complete compatibility.


The simplest way to test Coco/R is a grammar that checks if a file has a single “0”. COMPILER Test0 PRODUCTIONS Test0 = "0". END Test0. This example does not make use of most features Coco/R has to offer. This has only been a simple grammar to allow for runnability checks. In larger test examples the grammar file gets gradually extended to test more and more features. The next step in the testing extends the grammar by adding more productions and the sections for the specification of characters and tokens. The third test file doesn’t seem too different from the second one, but it contains something that can break during development: joint productions, productions containing multiple tokens. If those tests run without problems the next bigger grammar can be taken from the test suite, finally followed by Coco.atg.

Test Suite

The testsuite, initially developed for the C# version of Coco/R tests basically all of the grammar features. It consists of batch scripts executing Coco/R with various attributed grammar files and the intended outputs that should be generated. The original testsuite also contained the scanner and parser files to compare the generated ones with, but since the provided files are generated for C# they would only match after carefully porting every one by hand.

Sample Compiler “Taste”

The sample compiler “Taste” is an example program utilizing Coco/R. It was available as C# version and thus had to be ported to Typescript before working with it. Taste represents a simple programming language that can read from a file, has simple logical branching, can do simple mathematics and finally write to the console. Before compiling source files (in this case .TAS files) Coco/R first has to generate a scanner and a parser for the language. The grammar for these two files is described in the Taste.atg file. They can then be used to scan and parse the taste language files and are functionally completely independent from Coco/R, which automatically removes some clutter from the project. Scanning and parsing is done with every execution of the “Taste.ts” main program, as the semantic actions in the parser generate a list of instructions that is then evaluated by a little runtime. This program was initially written in C#, but it was ported to Typescript to make this sample program actually functional.


Performance monitoring is an important task in modern programs. It can help with analyzing current issues and it aids the developer with necessary information to improve performance. In managed languages some sort of runtime is running while a program is being executed, which also can be used to track certain performance metrics. Those runtimes sadly have their own issues, with lower overall performance being mostly associated with managed languages, when they are compared to their unmanaged counterparts. Node.js is an especially big offender when it comes to overhead, as for every execution the whole Javascript engine from the Chromium browser gets executed. This performance hit is mostly felt during the initial execution, and this is the reason why Node.js is mostly used for longer running apps, as they can neglect the startup time in favor of flexibility for developers. In our implementation of Coco/R the reading and writing from and to files is also neither optimized nor buffered, and so the program performance isn’t at the level it could be.


a port of the compilergenerator coco/r to typescript







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