This is the second version of my portfolio site. It is part of something new I started, called The Annual Refresh.
Annual refresh is a yearly event that I started last year. It's main aim is to practice what I've learnt so far throughout the year. Basically, it's more like a portfolio redesign, where I change the structure of my portfolio and implement new features, more technologies and my personal favorite, animations.
- I get tired of one design on my portfolio because after some time, I find more features I should have added.
- I get the chance to implement various ideas I've come across on the web
- Technologies change, and my portfolio has to prove I'm picking these new technologies along the way
We're barely 3 months into 2022, my portfolio isn't 3months old yet, and ideas have already started to invade my head 😅
Now you're also thinking... Your portfolio could use a redesign next year right? I'd love you to join me, so we can brainstorm these ideas together.
Send me a mail: [email protected] with 'The Annual Refresh' as the title.
- for npm
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.