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The DBox Extension Manager




npm install -g dbem


dbem is a fork of vsce with important refactory to support common cloud storage backends, such as AWS S3. Also, it removed some unnecessory commands and functions for private extension repositories, such as api.ts.


The architecture of dbem is composed of:

  • cli: an user interface layer to operate private extension repositories.
  • command: a command implementation layer.
  • provider: a interface for cloud storage backends.
  • backend: a specific implementation of a provider, such as aliyun oss.


To use dbem, a config file which saved authentication informations for connecting backend service is needed.

It is a JSON file, the keys used in this file:

  • backends: definitions of backends used by dbem, its value is a JSON:
    • each key is a type of backend, each value are options for that backend type. The key must be one of:
      • oss: Aliyun OSS
      • s3: AWS S3
      • dropbox: DropBox

A typical config file:

  "backends": {
    "s3": {
      "accessKeyId": "...",
      "secretAccessKey": "...",
      "region": "...",
      "bucket": "..."
    "dropbox": {
      "accessToken": "..."
    "oss": {
      "accessKeyId": "...",
      "accessKeySecret": "...",
      "region": "...",
      "bucket": "..."

When using dbem, user can point backend used with --backend option. Default, dbem will find "config.json" in current working directory. However, you can use another config file with -c option.


dbem provides following subcommands for extention developers:

  • ls, list all files which will be published.
  • ls-remote, list names of remote extensions.
  • show, show details about an remote extension.
  • package, packaging an extension.
  • publish, upload an extension to a remote repository.
  • unpublish, delete an extension in remote repository.
  • version, show version of dbem.
  • help, show help of dbem.

For each subcommand (except ls, version, help), user can run it like below:

dbem <command> [-c config] [--backend backend] arguments


  • config, a config file which default value is "config.json" in current working directory.
  • backend, a backend in the config file, its default value is the first backend defined in config. In example above, it is s3.

Backend Provider Interface

Provider interface abstracts away the interaction with backend service, then command handlers do not need to know those details. For interface definition, please check provider.ts.

Spec of extensions organization in a repository

To organize extensions effectively, the rules used by a backend service:

  • A metadata file recording extensions tree is saved in root, its content is a json array. For each json item in it:
    • extId: extension id, format is "", eg: dteam.another-ext
    • currentVersion, extension current version.
    • icon, extension logo, optional. Note, it a Data URI scheme, just like: "data:image/png;base64,……".
    • describe, extension description.
    • dateCreated, the first date when an extension is published.
    • lastUpdate, the last date when an extension is published.
  • Each child directory includes all public versions of an extension, and the name of this child directory is the name of this extension.
  • Each version (which following SemVer spec, such as 0.0.1) in an extension directory is also a directory, it including:
    • Extension package: .vsix file
    •, optional
    •, optional

A metadata example:

    "extId": "",
    "currentVersion": "0.0.1",
    "icon": "",
    "describe": "my-ext",
    "dateCreated": "2020-02-28",
    "lastUpdate": "2020-02-29"
    "extId": "dteam.another-ext",
    "currentVersion": "0.0.2",
    "icon": "",
    "describe": "another-ext",
    "dateCreated": "2020-02-28",
    "lastUpdate": "2020-02-29"

A typical extension directory tree:

|- my-extension
    |-  0.0.1
          |- my-extension-0.0.1.vsix
    |-  0.0.2

test-data in dbox-repo project shows an example about data organization of an extensions repository, please find more details in it.

When publishing an extension:

  • A version directory will be created for every publishing.
  • Overriding action will be happened if same version directory existing: re-created after deleting.


The whole workflow of dbem:

  • Create an extension project, please check this guide.
  • Develop, debug and test the extension, please check Extension Development Guide.
  • Pack extension: dbem package.
  • Config authentication information of backend service, please check the document of the backend service used.
  • publish extension: dbem publish.

Local Development

  • npm run compile
  • npm link
  • npm unlink, used when clearing local enviroment.

Backend Configuration

Currently, dbem supports three kinds of backends: aliyun oss, aws s3 and dropbox.

Aliyun OSS

Note: dbem will not create bucket automatically, please create a bucket in a region first.

Using Aliyun OSS as a backend, the access credential (AccessKeyID/AccessKeySecret) must be created. For the sake of safety, in production enviroment, please grant this credential to a child account with limit permissions. Please check this guide for more details.

Common parameters:

Parameters Type Description Example
accessKeyId string AccessKeyID qhxxXxXxXxxxxXXX
accessKeySecret string AccessKeySecret RkLjrXXXXxxxxxXXXXXxxx
region string OSS Region oss-cn-hangzhou
bucket string OSS Bucket dbox-repo

Please check Document of ali-oss sdk for more details.


Note: dbem will not create bucket automatically, please create a bucket in a region first.

To create a S3 authentication credential, please check "Getting Your Credentials" in "Developer Guide for SDK v2". For the sake of safety, in production enviroment, please select IAM user credential with limit permission. For more details please read "Permissions Required to Access IAM Resources".

Common parameters:

Parameters Type Description Example
accessKeyId string AccessKeyID AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
secretAccessKey string SecretAccessKey wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
region string S3 Region us-west-2
bucket string s3 Bucket dbox-repo

Please check S3 SDK for more details.


Using Dropbox as a backend, a Dropbox API access credential must be created.

Please check Document:

  1. Create a Dropbox App: Choose the type of access you need -> App folder.
  2. In App Setting: OAuth 2 -> Generated access token -> Generate -> access token.

Common parameters:

Parameters Type Description Example
accessToken string OAuth2 access token 8zXXXXXxxxx-XXXX-

Please check Dropbox SDK for more details.