This is a base image using nginx + php fpm monitored by supervisord.
- Bash
- PHP 8.0 with extensions :
- opcache
- mysqli
- pgsql
- pdo
- pdo_mysql
- pdo_pgsql
- sockets
- intl
- gd
- xml
- bz2
- pcntl
- bcmath
- mbstring
- exif
- zip
- PostgreSQL driver
- MySQL driver
- PostgreSQL Client with pg_dump
- Imagick extension
- supervisor
- Composer
- Nodejs 16.13 + npm 8.1.2
Configuration :
- PHP memory_limit = -1
- PHP post_max_size = 2G
- PHP upload_max_filesize = 1G
- PHP max_file_uploads = 300
It must be launched using tty option. It uses the user 'www-data' (id 82).