- Two independent speech-emotion prediction models are used.
- They act as independent classifiers.
- Then, by ensemble method, we combine the predictions and output the final prediction.
- Ensemble.ipynb:
- code for executing ensemble function
- receives prediction csv files from each model (each row = probs for each emotion for that audio file)
- computes ensemble by selecting from different ensemble functions.
- outputs csv file to submit to Eval AI. (but need to manually add column names: fileID, Emotion afterwards)
- speech_emotion_recognition_XJHe:
- this code is implemented based on https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8421023 this paper.
- to execute, run train.ipynb and execute test.ipynb (be careful about the path of train and val data in extract_mel.py)
- Dependencies
- tensorflow == 1.5.0
- sklearn
- matplotlib
- python_speech_features
- wave