The localised tsunami response can be captured using two independent methods: transfer functions and mlp. Each approach has its own folder.
Python code with C bindings which calculates the tsunami amplification factor (beta or alpha) for various sites. Currently set up to deal with the alpha (Lalli) formulation only. The formulations of the extended Green's Law were introduced in [1] and [2] respectively.
The gradient descent approach which optimises for the beta/alpha values is written in C. In order for these to work with the python code, one must first compile the C code into a shared library. Please run the following command in the src folder:
cc -fPIC -shared -o gradient_descent.c
A file is located in the main folder. The various parameters associated with the optimisation are specified in the file.
- : Takes the maximum wave heights from the coarse forecasts and uses Green's Law to forecast to a specified highlim.
- : Interpolates the maximum wave height on the coarse grid to the deepest point in a fine grid.
- (contained in Optimises for the alpha parameter and forecasts for the maximum wave heights in a fine grid.
- : Calculates the wave heights at the gauge locations in the fine grids, calculates the relevant errors and then plots for each site.
The code will output the optimised alpha values for each site along with the forecasted maximum wave heights.
A neural network approach, which utilises keras to capture the localised response is contained in ./mlp/
[1] Reymond, D., Okal, E. A., Hébert, H., & Bourdet, M. (2012). Rapid forecast of tsunami wave heights from a database of pre-computed simulations, and application during the 2011 Tohoku tsunami in French Polynesia. Geophysical Research Letters, 39 (11), 1-6. doi: 10.1029/2012GL051640
[2] Lalli, F., Postacchini, M., & Brocchini, M. (2019). Long waves approaching the coast: Green's law generalization. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy. doi: 10.1007/s40722-019-00152-9