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Website Builder Completed? Everything's Finished?

funnel-products-table.tsx //@ts-ignore

AgencyId and Subaccount stuffs for the next step.

@/app/layout.tsx import { Toaster } from "@/components/ui/toaster"; toast({ variant: 'destructive', title: 'Oppse!', description: 'Could not send invitation', })

@/app/layout.tsx const inter = Inter({ subsets: ["latin"] });

const font = DM_Sans({subsets:['latin']})

import {useReducer} from "react" React will pass the current state and the action to your reducer function.

so busy with C# old school code So busy now with Fay

Disable Stripejs

You can create sub Account now with context!!!

Add ModelProvider to main layout.tsx import { Toaster as SonnarToaster } from '@/components/ui/sonner' !!! import as !!!

A little busy reading PRINCIPLES

Agency Page! lib constants addOnProducts

sidebar.tsx menuOptions.tsx Infobar.tsx BlurPage.tsx [agencyid]/layout.tsx && page.tsx(next step) Problem:Create Sub Account Button in sidebar won't work The inner code of menuOptions.tsx is totally the same after copy & paste, but the problem still exists, I changed it back to my handwritten one.

InfoBar.tsx Utility function to efficiently merge Tailwind CSS classes in JS without style conflicts.

The resolver option is used to configure the form validation strategy. const form = useForm<z.infer>({ resolver: zodResolver(formSchema), }); menuOptions.tsx

const form = useForm() import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";

!important means veryveryvery important, can change his upper layer

!!subAccounts What does double exclamation mark mean in menuOptions.tsx file? The !! ensures the resulting type is a boolean (true or false).

html element span vs. div span tags are generally used for line-level content, such as short strings or individual words. div tags, on the other hand, are generally used to group larger blocks of code together, such as paragraphs or entire sections.,as%20paragraphs%20or%20entire%20sections.

holly sheet ! I found esc is enable while coding in menuOptions.tsx

THE DESIGN OF menuOptions.tsx is sososososo COOL!!!!! Responsive Burger Menu

add showX={!defaultOpen} mannually to shadcn files under components/ui yeah... components/ui/sheet.tsx

menuOptions.tsx Outline概述、概要、轮廓 const openState = useMemo( () => (defaultOpen ? { open: true } : {}), [defaultOpen] );

Button variant="outline" size={"icon"}> Menu /> /Button>

/providers/modal-provider.tsx ModalContext = useContext(Object)

providers/modal-provider.tsx react functional component const ModalProvider : React.FC see? it's " : " instead of " = " you really should use this FC if you don't want to define types later for e.g. const ModalProvider = ({children}:{children:React.ReactNode}) => {}

providers/modal-provider.tsx remember question mark ? ??you may see the error bellow err msg:modal-provider.tsx(13, 3): 'ticket' is declared here. export type ModalData = sth.

queries.ts What is some? With "some" you may set query conditions for prisma. Permissions: { some: { subAccountId: subaccountId, access: true, }, },

queries.ts await prisma.$transaction(updateTrans); Allows the running of a sequence of read/write operations that are guaranteed to either succeed or fail as a whole.

modal-provider.tsx setOpen: (modal: React.ReactNode, fetchData?: () => Promise) => {};


src/components/sidebar sideBarLogo = user?.Agency.SubAccount.find((subaccount) => === id) ?.subAccountLogo || user.Agency.agencyLogo; delete question mark(?):The object might be undefined delete another option:Type string | undefined is not assignable to the variable.


agency/[agencyId] let allNoti: any = [] const notifications = await getNotificationAndUser(agencyId) if (notifications) allNoti = notifications

UploadDropzone type is different from Props endpoint="imageUploader"

newer version of uploadthing.ts inside /lib/ instead of import { generateComponents } from "@uploadthing/react"; import { generateReactHelpers } from "@uploadthing/react/hooks"; import type { OurFileRouter } from "@/app/api/uploadthing/core"; export const { UploadButton, UploadDropzone, Uploader } = generateComponents(); export const { useUploadThing, uploadFiles } = generateReactHelpers();

npm i --save-dev @types/uuid

prisma.schema model Notification value under @@index() is the same as the one in @relations(fields:[value])

queries.ts The following query uses upsert to update a User record with a specific email address, or create that User record if it does not exist: const upsertUser = await prisma.user.upsert({ where: { email: '[email protected]', }, update: { name: 'Viola the Magnificent', }, create: { email: '[email protected]', name: 'Viola the Magnificent', }, })

queries.ts some at least one post (some)

enum Role {SUBACCOUNT_USER} to create a new DataType role Role @default(SUBACCOUNT_USER)

Don't forget question mark in middleware.ts const pathWithSearchParams = ${url.pathname}${ searchParams.length > 0 ? ?${searchParams} : "" };

Solution:Run npm with nodejs then you may continue using bun NextJS Middleware Server Error: Attempt to export a nullable value for "TextDecoderStream"


This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

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Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.