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Releases: DanielKote/Foreman2

Foreman V2.0 - dev.13-current fix

28 Mar 18:33
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This is the currently most-updated version. Any extra bug-fixes will be added here until such a time as an official dev.14 version is released, at which time this release will be removed.

Current updates:

  • entity speeds now limited to 0.001 to prevent Div by 0 issues for speeds of 0
  • WASD keys will no longer impact searches
  • possible NaN issue in energy consumption

Foreman V2.0 - dev.13

07 Mar 23:38
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Added Features

  • Using right-click on a module selection in recipe editor will either fill the remaining module slots with the selected module or remove any modules of this type from the currently selected list (should help with those 40+ module slots in SE style beacons & Py)
  • Added information in image export pertaining to the resultant file (in pixels)
  • Added tooltip for when dragging a selection (showing the power consumption, number of recipe nodes, and number of buildings/beacons)
  • Disconnected graphs in the same file will be solved separately (so if you have many disconnected graphs and change a recipe in one of them, only that graph will update, leading to much faster solver times)
  • Help button added to the app that links to the git repository (and its readme file)
  • Feature #17 : WASD keys can now be used to traverse the graph (holding down shift will move faster)


  • Error handling added to preset loading (corrupt presets will no longer crash the application)
  • Enabling all will now correctly enable all recipes
  • Paste of key node status on non-selected node now copies key node status correctly
  • Application title (preset name + graph file) now updates properly when changing preset
  • Exporting an image no longer colors in selected nodes
  • Preset comparator now sorts the items/recipes correctly in situations where the item/recipe is disabled in one of the presets but not in the other
  • Preset comparator tooltip for same name recipes will now have correct height
  • Pasting assembler options to nodes will now cause a graph update
  • Passthrough nodes with no inputs will no longer act as free input nodes
  • Auto-connect input/output should now behave properly and cause a re-calculation of the solution after connections are established
  • Enabling everything will no longer enable unavailable items
  • Enabling entities based on science packs should now work properly for sci-packs with multiple recipes (where most were disabled/unavailable)
  • Issue #33 : Speed & pollution capped at 20% (same as efficiency) and productivity bonus capped at 0%
  • Issue #39, #40, #50 : Import errors due to mineable resources with nil products has been fixed - import should now work as intended
  • Issue #43 : UI interaction will now work properly with extra-large recipes as (for example) those in Py
  • Issue #31 : Old data cache will now be deleted properly when switching presets, thus preventing memory issues
  • Issue #23 : Import mod will now be properly removed from factorio at the conclusion of import (even in situations where the import fails) - this should prevent any adverse reactions to factorio & YAFC from the import mod
  • Issue #22 : Dynamic links will now have their width shown properly based on the actual throughput instead of using the total input of consumer


  • Removed graphics call for text height; previously resulted in over 500ms of delays in larger graphs
  • Added a custom file to preset (now .dat includes the icons, .pjson includes the preset, and .json includes the custom additions) to be able to add extra items/recipes. Example use case: adding a recipe to consume all science bottles in order to design for specific SPM without having to set each bottle output individually.
  • Scaling options for image export changed from 1,2,3 to a range from 1/20 to 3 to allow for export of mega sized graphs.
  • Supply node visualization updated to be in-line with other nodes (over-supply now marked with golden border + 2 numbers shown representing actual use + total supplied)

Foreman v2.0 - dev.12

21 Nov 02:33
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Added Features

  • Total building count and total beacon count added to graph summary form.
  • Exporting image can now clip the exported image to the currently visible portion of the graph instead of always exporting the full graph (should be helpful for extremely large graphs that cant exactly be exported all at once).
  • Copy-paste of key node status (enabled/disabled + title).
  • Auto-connect feature to help with connecting (mostly for large bus based graphs, but not only them). Use by selecting the nodes you wish to auto-connect (the nodes with disconnected inputs/outputs plus the nodes you wish to connect them to), right click and select auto connect (input or output). Will try to connect any disconnected input/output to the closest node with the matching item that has no missing input/output connections.
  • Further features for save files - will now keep track which save file you have loaded, and will ask if you wish to save / continue if you try to load another save or exit the application while there are unsaved changes. Also added a save + save-as distinction to quickly save the current graph.
  • Ctrl+S will auto-save the graph as well.


  • Sorting by column should now work as expected for key nodes in graph summary (was always sorting by 1st column).
  • Catalysts werent handled properly (productivity was granting too much bonus). Should now be aligned with how Factorio handles them.


  • Sorting of objects in graph summary now guarantees order (better for the CSV export comparisons).
  • Sorting of key nodes in graph summary by user-given title will now follow natural order (ex: 2a will go before 10a).
  • Due to the update to catalysts the presets will need to be re-imported (application will crash otherwise). So if changing from previous version, dont copy-paste the old presets in and instead either re-import them or use the pre-compiled presets below.

Foreman v2.0 - dev.11

15 Nov 02:30
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Added Features:

  • Solver options added (advanced).
  • Solver options: Can now enable output pulling, which will attempt to maximize the automatic consumption nodes. Warning: this can often lead to no solution if you havent manually set enough inputs! After all, if there is a way to set the output to infinity while abiding by your manually set nodes, then that becomes the optimal path! In most cases this option should not be used, but in complex chains with multiple overflow void nodes it is quite likely that the 'optimal' route to minimizing the number of factories for a given input is to void everything as fast as possible. In this situation enabling output pulling can help.
  • Solver options: For output pulling, a multiplier number is available to be modified to set exactly how much of a weight you want your outputs to have. Too high can lead to unbound solutions, while too low will not pull enough to give a non-zero answer. Default 1 should work for most cases, but sometimes need to be increased (Full chart of seablock to make T3 modules required pull of 2.9)
  • Solver options: Each recipe node can now be set to 'low priority' and a low priority multiplier can be set in options. What this means is that the 'weight' of the low priority factories will be increased by the multiplier, so as to de-incentivize the node's use. This can help guide item flow away from voiding nodes for eample. Warning: too high values (or overuse of low priority) can lead to the graph trying to find 'alternative' ways of getting rid of items, and can lead to 'overproduction' of 'waste' as a way of minimizing factory count (ex: seablock chart deciding to void chemicals by creating a ton of T2 modules and just not outputting them anywhere as an alternative to void recipe nodes).
  • Graph summary now available! Will list the total power consumption, production, buildings, item throughputs, and much more!
  • Graph summary can also export CSV files for the given data.
  • Key nodes added - these are specific nodes that you can flag and give a title to that will appear in their own dedicated section of the graph summary. Should be quite helpful for giant graphs to select key flows you are interested in, run a few tests (exporting CSVs for each) and finally compare the outputs in excel or something.


  • Fixed ordering of items/recipes that wasnt happening according to Factorio standards in rare cases
  • Maximum flow and factory count will now work properly (were just straight up broken previously). Can now set 10million/sec throughput as maximum manual flow, and 1 million buildings for a given recipe node. Should be enough even for the most crazy ultra-mega-bases.


  • Solver updated to new standard (plus updated to current version of Google OR Tools). Solution is based off of minimizing number of buildings instead of 'min flow'. This shouldnt be noticeable in most cases, though this means that between 2 recipe nodes the solver will always pick the one with less buildings (modules included) if it can. Ex: for basic oil vs advanced oil, it might pick basic over advanced if basic requires less buildings (note: miners also count as buildings!), like if you beaconed that part of the graph.
  • Default node direction and solver options are now saved to the save-file (as with other defaults).
  • Solver options will be set to defaults on foreman startup.
  • Removed auto-low-priority for void recipes. It was doing more harm than good, plus the feature was migrated to 'low-priority' node settings (manually set)
  • Versioning added to the exe file along with the top right corner of the application (Issue #12)

Foreman v2.0 - dev.10

11 Nov 21:35
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Added Features:

  • Option to set the arrows for links to either be on the lines or as a shaded arrow inside the item boxes
  • Passthrough nodes now have an option to be 'simply drawn' or 'regular' -> simply drawn passthrough nodes will just be drawn as a line, virtually indistinguishable from a regular flow line. They can therefore fit their primary use of tidying up the graph without taking attention from the actually important nodes (ex: recipe nodes). If the passthrough node has a set flow, is oversupplied, or has an error/warning, it will be fully drawn (same as if the fully drawn option is selected).
  • (Bus laying A) Dragging from an item box and letting go while holding down Ctrl will automatically place down a throughput node
  • (Bus laying B) Dragging from a selection of throughput nodes while holding down Ctrl will drag all throughput nodes, letting go will place down a new set of throughput nodes linking to the old ones (bus).
  • Smart direction option added (should be on by default); when enabled will set the new node direction based on where you are placing it (ex: placing a new node below an old one will set the new node to the 'down' orientation, while placing it above the old node will set it to the 'up' orientation)
  • Bugfix / Feature: recipes with catalyst products are now supported. Catalysts are those products of a recipe which are not affected by productivity modules, for example Uranium 235 in Kovarex recipe.


  • Item tabs will now appear in zoomed out view (was broken in dev.9)
  • Importing a preset with a mod whose folder/zip has leading zeros in the version numbers will no longer fail
  • Item names when hovering over item tabs will be drawn in the correct orientation (was broken in dev.9 with addition of node direction)
  • Graph options in settings window will now scroll the entire way
  • N shape links should no longer disappear (visually) at the edge of the screen
  • Adding a new node in a large (1000+ node) graph will no longer cause a 0.5-1 sec lag


  • Weight added to 'void' recipes (ex: B&A flare stacks) to try to ensure that other recipes have priority. Previously the flare stacks were almost always taking the incoming ingredients over other recipe nodes. This is a bit temporary - solver optimizations should be done at some point.

Due to the addition of catalysts it is recommended to re-import all your presets. The old presets will work, but they will assume there are no catalysts and as such will show incorrect values when used with productivity modules (ex: the aforementioned kovarex enrichment will result in too much Uranium 235 being produced).

Foreman v2.0 - dev.9

08 Nov 22:37
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Added Features:

  • Icon only view: When used will display nodes as just the icons representing them (item or recipe), with lines connecting them. Should help navigating large/huge graphs, though is not meant for use during graph creation.
  • Simple view for passthrough nodes: When used will change the rendering of passthrough nodes to be just a simple line as long as it isnt a disconnected node, has a set throughput, or is oversupplied. Should be useful for cleaning up the graph and will no longer cause attention to be drawn towards non-recipe nodes. When drawn in such a way there are 2 circles that are used as input/output for the node, and will not appear in the final drawing when exported as an image, further cleaning up the final result.


  • Should fix the import fails associated with Factorio caching during the data stages (Issue#4, finally)


  • New nodes created by dragging an item will have the same node direction as the node it was dragged from. Should decrease the amount of node flipping required. New disconnected nodes will still be created based on the set default node direction.
  • Import preset 'compatibility mode' was removed due to it being unnecessary.

Foreman v2.0 - dev.8

07 Nov 20:41
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Added Features:

  • Can now set the node direction (up/down, with up being the default). Should allow for cleaner cyclic recipe loops, plus the ability to design your graph upside down if you are so inclined.
  • Option to flag any under/over supplied nodes for higher visibility, along with an option to draw arrows to any such nodes outside the visible view.


  • Fixed crash when adding a new recipe node through a fuel line (ex: adding a steel smelting node through a coal line)


  • Background of passthrough nodes changed to gray to differentiate them from recipe nodes

Foreman v2.0 - dev.7

06 Nov 23:12
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Added Features:

  • Support for old foreman (1.0) saves. Please ensure that you open them with the correct preset!
  • Added compatibility mode for imports (shouldnt be necessary in most cases, and still a work-in-progress)
  • Support for rocket launch products (ex: space science)
  • Helper arrows to simplify locating of any nodes with disconnected inputs/outputs (enabled in settings)


  • acceptable error dialed down to 1% for low flows (0.001 to 1)
  • item frame reordering should now operate properly when moving groups of nodes (or moving nodes with arrow keys)
  • import will no longer fail on duplicate names (usually when a fluid and item both share the same internal name)
  • fixed issue in import if factorio disables newly added mods (instead of auto-enabling them)
  • fixed issue with extraction (mining) recipes causing crashes if they dont have any inputs/outputs (not being deleted properly)
  • fixed settings issue: 'dynamic link width' and 'show recipe tool tip' options werent saving properly between foreman app restarts.

NOTE: preset file format changed - will need to use new presets

Foreman v2.0 - dev.6

05 Nov 21:35
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Foreman v2.0 - dev.6 Pre-release

Pre-release test for compatibility mode import.

Foreman v2.0 - dev.4

04 Nov 19:54
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Added features:

  • extra productivity for miners (and non-miners under advanced options)


  • no longer crashes when using cut (ctrl+x)
  • fixed rare case import error where import mod was disabled in mod settings
  • consumer, supplier, and passthrough nodes now display error/warning coloration correctly
  • view dragging with right mouse button from an existing node no longer jitters screen
  • fixed crashing due to missing recipes (ex: when switching to a different preset which doesnt have all recipes)
  • import can now support 'inf' temperatures (Ex: editor extensions mod)

As previously, pre-built presets are available in the Foreman v2.0-dev.1 release (500mb file), or you can just quickly make your own.