A Monster Hunter Discord bot
A database containing all monsters informations for MHW and MH: Rise. The base World database JSON is from here. https://docs.mhw-db.com/
Updated database JSONs were used from his project(https://github.com/Neryss/monster_hunter_db)
He put a lot of work into updating the World JSON, and creating the Rise JSON, so a huge shoutout is in order.
I will be updating the databases in future updates, but all of the current information came from here.
Currently I have just been running the bot through my PyCharm IDE. I will be doing a local install onto a Raspberry Pi 0 for me and my buddies to use privately soon.
This guide will help you get a token and download the dependencies for running the file.
To use the bot, create a .env file and use the provided template by inserting your TOKEN and SERVER NAME. After doing this run the .main file.
Read/Edit/Send messages
!help (display commands and descriptions)
!worldsearch (search the world database for monster info)
!risesearch (search the Rise database for monster info)